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Welcome! My store is to help elementary and special educators with resources to help you save time and promote the overall well-being of you and your students.




Welcome! My store is to help elementary and special educators with resources to help you save time and promote the overall well-being of you and your students.
August / September Kindergarten Math and Literacy Printables

August / September Kindergarten Math and Literacy Printables

This resource includes 25 pages of math and 25 pages of literacy printables to supplement the kindergarten curriculum. In the August/September pack are: Letters A - P Beginning Sounds Rhyming words Colors Sight Words - I, see, the Concepts of print Numbers 1-10 Counting Objects Shapes Sorting shapes Patterns Comparing numbers Counting practice These printables are perfect for: Centers Fast finishers Review Homework Reinforcement
Chicken Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook Grades 1 - 3

Chicken Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook Grades 1 - 3

Teach the chicken life cycle with this engaging unit and interactive notebook. Reading passages include real life pictures for the stages and opportunities for turn and talk after each passage. Also includes comparing and contrasting roosters and hens using a Venn Diagram, label the parts of a chicken, KWL, life cycle timeline, coloring page, assessment, and comprehension, in addition to the interactive notebook. Check preview file! This was updated in September 2016 to include 3 additional interactive notebook templates and an observation log. Redownload if you own! Pages of Download: 1 - Cover 2- For the teacher 3-4 - Terms of use and about the author 5 - Chicken observation log 6-Chicken KWL 7-Unit Vocabulary 8- Directions for Unit Vocabulary Interactive Notebook Foldables 9 - Interactive Notebook Vocabulary Foldables 10-11 - Completed interactive notebook example 12 - What are chickens? Reading passage with turn and talk 13 - Where do chickens live? Reading passage with turn and talk 14-16 - Chicken facts interactive notebook sort, directions, and completed example 17 - Parts of a chicken 18 - Students label the parts of a chicken 19 - Label parts answer key 20-22 - Parts of a chicken interactive notebook directions, example, and foldable flap book 23 - Chicken Life Cycle diagram 24 - Egg Stage Reading Passage with turn and talk 25 - Embryo Stage Reading Passage with turn and talk 26 - Hatching Chick Stage Reading Passage with turn and talk 27 - Young Chick Stage Reading Passage with turn and talk 28 - Adult Chick Stage Reading Passage with turn and talk 29 - Life Cycle Comprehension fill in the blanks 30 - Fill in the blanks answer key 31 - Directions for life cycle interactive notebook foldables 32 - Life Cycle Interactive notebook foldable 33-34 - Completed interactive notebook example 35 - Life cycle flap book directions 36 - Life cycle flap book 37 - Hens and Roosters Reading Passage with turn and talk 38 - Hen and Rooster compare and contrast Venn Diagram 39-41 - Venn diagram INB directions, example, and foldable 42 - Color and paste chick, rooster, and hen on farm 43-44 - Chicken life cycle timeline and answer key 45-46 - Cut and glue chicken life cycle stages into diagram 47 - Coloring page 48-50 - Chicken life cycle assessment 51-53 - Chicken life cycle assessment answer key 54 - Credits
Emoji Number Posters using Emoticon 10s frames 1-20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

Emoji Number Posters using Emoticon 10s frames 1-20, 30, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

These fun and engaging emoji number posters are perfect for a primary classroom. They include numbers 1-10 with emoji faces for the number, faces in the tens frame, counting hands, dice, number word and tally marks. For numbers 11-20 they include the double tens frame with emoji/emoticons and number word. Also included are the numbers 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 with 10s emoji frames.
Butterfly Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

Butterfly Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

Suitable for elementary grades, this butterfly life cycle unit includes real life pictures of all life cycle stages and activities. Includes unit vocabulary and life cycle interactive notebook pages, KWL, completed examples, parts of a butterfly, life cycle diagram, reading comprehension, butterfly vs. moth comparison and Venn Diagram, sequencing pictures of a butterfly's life, timeline, coloring page, and assessment. Check Preview File! This file was updated September 2016 to include 3 new interactive notebook templates, a level 1 and level 2 vocabulary for differentiation across grade levels or within the classroom, an updated assessment, and observation log. Redownload if you own! Pages of download: 1- Cover 2- For the teacher 3-4 - Terms of Use and about the author 5- Butterfly KWL 6- butterfly observation log 7- Level 1 Unit Vocabulary 8- Level 2 Unit vocabulary 9 - Interactive Notebook Vocabulary Instructions 10-11- Level 1 and Level 2 Interactive Notebook Vocabulary Foldables 12-13 - Completed Interactive Notebook example pictures 14- What are Butterflies? Reading Passage with turn and talk 15 - Where Do Butterflies Live? Reading Passage with turn and talk 16 - Butterfly Facts INB Directions 17-18 - Butterfly facts interactive notebook foldable and example 19 - Parts of a Butterfly Diagram 20 - Label the Parts of Butterfly 21 - Answer Key 22-23 - Directions for Butterfly parts interactive notebook and example 24 - Butterfly parts flap book 25 - Butterfly Life Cycle Diagram 26 - Egg Reading Passage with turn and talk 27 - Larva Reading Passage with turn and talk 28 - Pupa - Caterpillar Reading Passage with turn and talk 29 - Adult Butterfly Reading Passage with turn and talk 30 - Fill in the blank comprehension 31 - Comprehension Answer Key 32 - Interactive Life Cycle Foldables Instructions 33 - Interactive Notebook Foldables 34-35 - Interactive Notebook completed example 36 - Life cycle staged INB directions 37 - Flapbook Life cycle stages 38 - Butterflies vs. Moths Reading Passage with turn and talk 39 - Butterflies vs. Moths compare and contrast Venn Diagram 40-42 - Venn Diagram INB directions, example and foldable 43 - Butterfly Life Cycle Timeline 44 - Answer Key 45 - Cut and sequence pictures of a butterfly's life cycle 46 - Answer Key 47 - Butterfly coloring page 48 - Color, cut, and paste life cycle stages in forest 49-52 - Butterfly life cycle assessment 53-56 - Butterfly life cycle assessment answer key 57 - credits
Frog Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

Frog Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

This unit includes information about the frog life cycle with real life pictures, interactive notebooks for vocabulary and the life cycle, and worksheets to aid in comprehension and understanding, as well as an end of unit assessment. Engage students with turn and talk opportunities after each reading passage. Includes updates of product for life! This resource was updated in September 2016 to include 4 additional interactive notebook templates, an observation log, and level 1 and 2 vocabulary for differentiation across grade levels or within the classroom. Redownload if you own! Check preview file! Pages of download: 1- Cover 2- For the teacher 3-4 - Terms of use and about the author 5- KWL 6- Frog observation log 7- Level 1 Frog Unit Vocabulary 8- Level 2 Frog Unit Vocabulary 9- Interactive Notebook Foldables Instructions 10-11- Level 1 and 2 Vocabulary Interactive Notebook Foldables 12-13 - Completed interactive notebook example 14 - What are Frogs? Reading passage with turn and talk 15 - Frog Habitat reading passage with turn and talk 16-18 - Frog Facts interactive notebook directions, foldable and completed example 19 - Parts of a frog diagram with turn and talk 20-21 - Label the parts of a frog worksheet and answer key 22-24 - Parts of a frog interactive notebook directions, foldable, and completed example 25 - Frog Life Cycle Diagram (Reading Passages with real life pictures of frogs in all stages) 26 - Spawn reading passage with turn and talk 27 - Tadpole reading passage with turn and talk 28 - Tadpole with back legs reading passage with turn and talk 29 - Tadpole with front and back legs reading passage with turn and talk 30 - tadpole losing its tail reading passage with turn and talk 31 - Adult frog reading passage with turn and talk 32 - Frog life cycle comprehension fill in the blank 33 - Comprehension answer key 34 - Interactive notebook foldable frog life cycle instructions 35 - Interactive notebook frog life cycle foldable 36-37 - completed interactive notebook example 38-39 - life cycle flap book and directions 40 - Frog and toad reading passage 41 - Venn Diagram - compare frogs and toads 42-44 - Venn Diagram INB directions, example, and foldable 45 - Frog life cycle timeline worksheet 46 - Timeline answer key 47 - Paste frog life cycle into habitat 48-49 - Paste frog stages into the life cycle and answer key 50-53- Frog Assessment with differentiated level 1 and 2 vocabulary 54-57 - Frog Assessment Answer key 58 - Credits
Plant Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

Plant Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

Suitable for elementary grades. This resource includes a unit on the plant life cycle with an interactive notebook, KWL, reading passages, vocabulary, comprehension, real life pictures of all stages, compare and contrast, sequencing, coloring pages and more. This file was updated on September 4, 2106 to include a Level 1 and Level 2 vocabulary for differentiation across grade levels or classrooms as well as 4 new interactive notebook templates and a plant observation log. Please redownload if you own! Check preview file! Pages of download: 1- Cover 2- For the teacher 3-4- Copyright, terms of use, and about the author 5- Plant KWL 6- Level 1 Vocabulary 7- Level 2 Vocabulary 8- Directions for Interactive Notebook Foldables Directions 9-10- Plant Vocabulary Interactive Notebook Foldables Level 1 and 2 11-12- Completed Interactive Notebook Example Plant Vocabulary 13 - What are Plants? Reading Passage with turn and talk 14 - Why are Plants Important? Reading Passage with turn and talk 15 - What do plants need? Diagram 16-18 - Plant needs interactive notebook flap book directions, example, and foldables 19 - Parts of a Plant Reading Passage with turn and talk 20 - Why are Pollinators Important? Reading Passage with turn and talk 21 - How Do Plants Eat? Reading Passage with turn and talk 22 - Parts of a seed diagram 23 - Parts of a plant diagram 24 - Label the parts of a seed worksheet 25 - Label the parts of a plant worksheet 26 - Directions for plant and seed parts flap book and interactive notebook 27-28 - Completed examples 29-30 - Parts of plant and parts of a seed interactive notebook flap books 31 - Plant Life Cycle diagram 32 - Seed Reading Passage with turn and talk 33 - Sprout Reading Passage with turn and talk 34 - Seedling Reading Passage with turn and talk 35 - Plant with flowers Reading Passage with turn and talk 36 - Plant with seeds Reading Passage with turn and talk 37 - Fill in the blank Plant Life Cycle Reading Comprehension 38 - Comprehension Answer Key 39 - Interactive Notebook Foldables Directions for Plant Life Cycle 40 - Interactive Notebook Foldables for Plant Life Cycle 41-42 - Completed Life Cycle Example 43 - Fruits vs. Vegetables Reading Passage with turn and talk 44 - Venn Diagram - compare and contrast fruits and vegetables 45-47 - Venn Diagram interactive notebook foldable, directions, and example 48 - Plant life cycle timeline 49- Plant life cycle timeline answer key 50 - Sequence the plant pictures 51 - Answer key 52 - Plant coloring page 53 - Color, cut, and paste the plants into the picture 54-58 - Plant life cycle assessment 59-63 - Assessment answer key 64- Plant Observation Log 65 - Credits
Ten Frame Emojis: Counting, Addition, and Subtraction Practice

Ten Frame Emojis: Counting, Addition, and Subtraction Practice

This resource contains practice pages using the ten frame with different emojis/emoticons. Students will practice counting, addition, and subtraction in a variety of ways from 1-10 and 1-20. Answer keys are included. Color or black and white printing options are included. Your students will LOVE using these emojis for math! Some ideas to use this resource: Centers Homework Extra practice Early finishers Reinforcement
Insect Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

Insect Life Cycle Unit and Interactive Notebook

Suitable for elementary grades, this resource contains reading passages with real life pictures of all life cycle stages and opportunities to keep students engaged with a turn and talk at the end of each, KWL, an interactive notebook for vocabulary and the stages, reading comprehension, labeling parts of an insect, compare and contrast insects vs. spiders, using a timeline, sequencing, coloring page, and assessment. This resource was updated in September 2016 to include a level 1 and level 2 vocabulary for differentiation across grade levels and in the classroom. Also added was an insect sort, and three addition interactive notebook pages with directions. Redownload if you own! Check Preview File! Pages of download: 1- Cover 2- For the teacher 3-4 - Copyright and about the author 5- Insect KWL 6 - Unit Vocabulary Level 1 7 - Unit Vocabulary Level 2 8 - Interactive Notebook Unit Vocabulary Foldables instructions 9-10 - Interactive Notebook Unit vocabulary Foldables - Level 1 and 2 11-12 - Completed Vocabulary foldable example 13 - What are Insects? Reading Passage with turn and talk 14-15 - Insect Example Interactive Notebook Directions and example 16 - Insect examples INB Foldable flap book 17 - Insect Information Reading Passage with turn and talk 18 - Parts of an Insect diagram 19 - Label parts of an insect 20 - Label parts of an insect answer key 21-22 - Main parts of an insect interactive notebook flap book directions and example 23 - Main parts of an insect interactive notebook foldable flap book 24 - Ladybugs Reading Passage with turn and talk 25 - Insect Life Cycle Diagram Example: Ladybugs 26 - Eggs Reading Passage with turn and talk 27 - Larva Reading Passage with turn and talk 28 - Pupa Reading Passage with turn and talk 29 - Adult Ladybug Reading Passage with turn and talk 30 - Insect life cycle reading comprehension fill in the blank 31 - Reading Comprehension answer key 32 - Interactive Notebook Insect Life Cycle Foldables Instructions 33 - Interactive Notebook Life Cycle Foldables 34 - 35 - Completed Interactive Notebook Life Cycle Example 36 - Ladybug Life Cycle Timeline 37 - Ladybug Life Cycle Timeline Answer Key 38 - Insects vs. Spiders Reading Passage with turn and talk 39 - Venn Diagram 40-42 - Venn Diagram INB instructions, example, and foldable 43 - Ladybug Life Cycle Sequence activity 44 - Sequence activity answer key 45 - Insect coloring page 46 - Cut, color, and past the insects into the habitat 47-48 - Insect sort and answer key 49 - Insect Observation Log 50-53 - Insect Life Cycle Assessment 54-57 - Insect Life Cycle Assessment Answer Key 58 - Credits
Reading and Writing Workshop Anchor Charts - Kindergarten

Reading and Writing Workshop Anchor Charts - Kindergarten

61 Anchor Charts that complement the Reading and Writing Workshop curricular plan at the kindergarten level. These are perfect for mini-lessons and/or bulletin boards. Color and black and white printing options are available with instructions on how to TILE print these charts on a large scale. The Anchor Chart Titles are as follows: 1. Reading is an Adventure 2. How do Readers Read? 3. Parts of a Book 4. Reading Adventures 5. More Reading Adventures 6. What Do Readers Look For? 7. Reading Strategies 8. What is a Reading Buddy? 9. A Good Reading Buddy 10. Readers Reread 11. Reading Strategies 12. Careful Readers 13. Readers Retell 14. Reading Buddies Have A Plan 15. Sticky Notes 16. Readers Make Connections 17. Readers Talk 18. Talking about Reading 19. Reading with Expression 20. Why Should I Read With Expression? 21. Readers Have Superpowers 22. Superpower Strategies 23. More Superpower Strategies 24. Pattern Power 25. Using you Reading Superpowers 26. Glue Words 27. Reading with Fluency 28. Rhyming and Repeating 29. Making Predictions 30. Fiction Retelling 31. Just Right Books 32. Ways to Reread 33. The Story Test 34. Non-Fiction 35. Non-Fiction Readers 36. Getting Ready to Read Non-Fiction 37. Non-fiction Reading Strategies 38. Non-fiction Retelling 39. Book Walks 40. Characters 41. Character Thoughts 42. Talking About Characters 43. Backpack of Strategies 44. Authors 45. Storytellers 46. Telling Stories 47. Writers Tell Stories 48. How Writers Write 49. Punctuation 50. Capitals and Spaces 51. Writers Add Details 52. Writers Think of Ideas 53. Writers Plan for Writing 54. More Planning for Writing 55. Writing Strategies 56. Writers Reread their Writing 57. Editing Checklist 58. Writing Process 59. When Do I Use Capitals? 60. Writers Share Their Writing 61. How-To Writing
High Interest Guided Reading Passages - Extreme Sports

High Interest Guided Reading Passages - Extreme Sports

Vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, grammar, spelling, and sequencing activities for each passage. These HIGH INTEREST reading passages are geared toward grade level students and older students reading at a lower level. They are sure to engage students in the reading process. Perfect for small group reading and special education students. There are 10 reading passages that are 3 pages each. Each reading passage includes a vocabulary interactive notebook, vocabulary matching page, grammar, a spelling sort, timeline, and comprehension questions. Activities are aligned to Common Core standards. Answer keys are included. 155 page download. All reading passages include real pictures to further engage students. Also included is a main idea graphic organizer, KWL chart, and Venn Diagram that can be used with all of the passages. The 10 extreme sports included are: Skateboarding Mountain Biking BMX In-line skating Surfing Snowboarding Kayaking Scuba Diving Skydiving BASE Jumping
High Interest Reading Passages Guided Reading - Famous Failures Edition

High Interest Reading Passages Guided Reading - Famous Failures Edition

Vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, grammar, spelling, and sequencing activities for each passage. These HIGH INTEREST reading passages are geared toward grade level students and older students reading at a lower level. They are sure to engage students in the reading process. Perfect for small group reading and special education students. There are 10 reading passages that are 3 pages each. Each reading passage includes a vocabulary interactive notebook, vocabulary matching page, grammar, a spelling sort, timeline, and comprehension questions. Activities are aligned to Common Core standards. Answer keys are included. 190 page download. Check preview file for a SHORT SAMPLE of what comes with each reading passage. All reading passages include real pictures to further engage students. Also included is a main idea graphic organizer, KWL chart, and Venn Diagram that can be used with all of the passages. The 10 Famous Failures included are: Michael Jordan Oprah Winfrey J.K. Rowling Walt Disney Albert Einstein Dr. Seuss Babe Ruth Bill Gates Steve Jobs Lionel Messi