Barclayfox's Shop. Ready to use KS3 & KS4 lessons.
Average Rating4.41
(based on 76 reviews)
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
No preparation required! Physics, Chemistry, Biology also Maths
Complete and ready to use high quality science lessons that automatically navigate you and your class expertly through the lesson and activities.
All answers are built in.
KS3 Energy and conservation of energy - complete lesson, ready to use, pick up and go.
This KS3 lesson teaches energy stores in the new way required for GCSE 9-1 spec - so it builds the correct foundation for KS4. This supports good student progress and avoids confusing them by teaching them the old ideas about energy at KS3 (e.g. light is an energy store, sound is energy etc) and then the new ones at GCSE (9-1 specification).
By the end of the lesson learners will
(ALL) Understand what energy is.
(ALL) Know the unit of energy.
(ALL) Be able to name the 8 energy stores (as per new 9-1 GCSE requirements)
(MOST) Understand what each store is and identify them in the world around them.
(MOST) Explain that energy transfers from one store to another
(SOME) Demonstrate an understanding of the law of conservation of energy.
What do you get?
Complete and ready to use lesson that includes:
Energy cross word worksheet - with ANSWERS.
Energy circus activity sheet - with ANSWERS.
Two carefully chosen videos
Powerpoint that navigates you and the learners throughout and includes questions, answers, peer marking, self marking, video links, plenary quiz with answers etc.
Equipment list for the circus practical (simply give it to your technicians)
Why buy this?
Very high quality (over 15 hours to create).
Optimised - low teacher effort for great student results.
Tried and tested (taught to my classes in 2017 and again in 2018).
Complete and ready to deliver.
Easy to use
Simple and clear.
Engaging and varied.
Correct to the new 9-1 GCSE spec. Beware! Most KS3 lessons on tes are not correct, they are contradicting the new 9-1 GCSE spec.
Get a free lesson!
Purchase this resource, leave a fair review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value as this one) for free! Instruction about how to claim are included as part of the download.
Happy teaching!
There are lots more great time saving lessons in my tes shop:
barclayfox shop
Search words:
KS3 energy, energy stores, new specification, new spec., new science spec, new science specification, new physics spec, 9-1, 9 – 1, GCSE, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, IOP, energy, energy stores, energy types, not energy resources, joules, Joules, conservation of energy.
Hints and tips on how to fall asleep and get good quality sleep. This is not a lesson as such. However students who are short of sleep find it very very difficult to learn, so hopefully this will help them.
I wrote this as one of my colleagues (yes he is a teacher!) is having a problem sleeping, and several of my students complain about not being able to sleep / lack of sleep. So I hope this will help them. It’s aimed as my adult colleague but these word docs can be very easily modified and given to students…
Best wishes
Energy stores and pathways (new GCSE 9-1). High quality, differentiated and complete lesson.
Outcomes as below.
Complete and ready to deliver.
Easy to use
Optimised - low teacher effort for great student results.
Simple and clear.
Engaging and varied.
Correct to the new 9-1 GCSE spec (Beware! Many lessons on tes are not correct as they are the old specification and this includes some that claim to be 9-1).
I can:
ALL: Understand and recall the 8 energy stores and 4 pathways.
ALL: Understand that energy is not created or destroyed, only transferred.
MOST: During a practical apply stores and pathways to describe energy transfers.
SOME: Create energy transfer diagrams.
Please do NOT buy this if you bought my other complete lesson on energy stores and transfers.
Your feedback would be appreciated :)
Happy teaching!
There are lots more great time saving lessons in my tes shop:
Barclayfox’s shop
Search words:
New specification, new spec., new science spec, new science specification, new physics spec, 9-1, 9 – 1, GCSE, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, IOP, energy, energy stores, energy types, energy transfers, energy pathways, energy carriers, not energy resources, joules, Joules, conservation of energy.
Energy stores and transfers activity (new GCSE 9-1). Get a FREE resource! Details below. This is a high quality, differentiated, easy to use and ready to use practical activity.
Tes is littered with energy resources teaching to the old spec. it would be wrong to use these to teach with today (some even say they are new spec. 9-1 – but they not). Please don’t risk teaching your classes incorrectly ! This resource is an engaging energy circus practical experiment for students. It allows students to learn the subject properly and clearly with differentiated and unique activity sheets you cannot get anywhere else.
Many many hours of effort went in to writing these unique and accurate resources
Tried and trusted, differentiated and complete. You can rely on this activity to give an accurate and superior learning experience.
High ability activity sheet – for use during the circus practical.
Medium/lower ability activity sheet – for use during the circus practical.
Answer sheet.
Equipment list (to give to your technicians)
Teach the students about the 8 stores and the 4 transfers and then let them do the highly engaging and accurate to 9-1 spec activities as the main part of your lesson.
Then self or peer mark the sheets (answers provided).
Energy stores and transfers 9-1 spec
Activity for ages 11 to 16 where ever you live (so KS3/KS4 and USA grades 6 to 10).
There are lots more great time saving lessons in my tes shop:
Barclayfox’s shop
Or, perhaps have a glance at some of my other high quality lessons…
Specialised cells - KS3 bio
Exothermic and endothermic - KS4 Chemistry
Happy teaching!
Suitable for a wide variety of abilities and age groups (KS3 and KS4)
Unique Crossword - focuses on the 8 types of energy stores (types) 9-1 GCSE spec!
Challenge mission - focuses on a mnemonic to help students recall all 8 stores
Super challenge mission - students consider their own misconceptions about energy and what is and is not a store of energy.
ALL answers are included.
Barclayfox’s shop
Or, perhaps have a glance at some of my high quality lessons on tes…
Energy stores and transfers - complete and easy to use KS4 lesson
Filration, mixtures and compounds - complete and easy to use KS3 lesson
Happy teaching!
End of text.
Search words:
energy stores, energy types, energy, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, thermal energy, energy, energy, energy. chemical energy, elastic energy, magnetic energy, electrostatic energy, nuclear energy, thermal energy, KS4, KS3,
energy stores, energy types, energy, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, thermal energy, energy, energy, energy. chemical energy, elastic energy, magnetic energy, electrostatic energy, nuclear energy, thermal energy, KS4, KS3,
energy stores, energy types, energy, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, thermal energy, energy, energy, energy. chemical energy, elastic energy, magnetic energy, electrostatic energy, nuclear energy, thermal energy, KS4, KS3,
FREE help sheet for teachers or students on energy stores, transfers, carriers, pathways and energy diagrams. This is specifically for the new GCSE 9-1 specification (which can be confusing).
On tes there are many many energy lessons and resources teaching to the old spec. which are no longer applicable if taught today – which is a polite way of saying they are wrong. There are even some resources I’ve looked at that claim to be new spec. 9-1 – but they are wrong too, even BBC Bitesize is getting some aspects a bit confused. Please don’t risk teaching your classes incorrectly ! This resource is a FREE help sheet for science teachers which explains it all.
This help sheet is clear and simple and free !
For a high quality, ready to use and accurate science lesson on this topic please use the link below.
Energy stores and transfers
Happy teaching!
Search words:
9-1, 9 - 1, 9- 1, 9 -1, new specification, new spec, new spec., new science specification. Energy stores. Energy transfers. Energy pathways, energy carriers. Energy transfer diagrams. Energy flow diagrams by heating, electrically, by radiation, mechanically, mechanical, electrical, kinetic, magnetic, electrostatic, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, magnetic energy store, electrostatic energy store, is light energy? Is electricity energy? Is sound energy? 8 energy stores, 4 energy pathways, 4 energy transfers.
9-1, 9 - 1, 9- 1, 9 -1, new specification, new spec, new spec., new science specification. Energy stores. Energy transfers. Energy pathways, energy carriers. Energy transfer diagrams. Energy flow diagrams by heating, electrically, by radiation, mechanically, mechanical, electrical, kinetic, magnetic, electrostatic, AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, magnetic energy store, electrostatic energy store, is light energy? Is electricity energy? Is sound energy? 8 energy stores, 4 energy pathways, 4 energy transfers.
Energy stores and transfers (new GCSE 9-1). Get a FREE lesson! Details below. This is a high quality, differentiated, easy to use and ready to use lesson. The outcomes are noted below.
Tes is littered with energy lessons and resources teaching to the old spec. which are no longer applicable if taught today – which is a polite way of saying they are wrong. There are even some resources I’ve looked at that claim to be new spec. 9-1 – but they are wrong too, even BBC Bitesize is getting some aspects confused. Please don’t risk teaching your classes incorrectly ! This resource teaches the subject properly and clearly with differentiated and unique activity sheets you cannot get anywhere else. One is a differentiated crossword and the other a differentiated energy circus practical - 2 highly engaging activities for your young people.
A whole weekend of effort last year + a further 3 hours of enhancing this year when I taught it again. Tried and trusted, differentiated and complete. You can rely on this lesson to give an accurate and superior learning experience.
For ages 13 to 16 where ever you live (KS4/GCSE + USA grades 8 to 10).
Purchase this resource, leave a fair review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value as this one) for free! Just email your tes username and your chosen resource to It’s as simple as that !
Your young people will be able to:
ALL: Understand and recall the 8 energy stores and 4 pathways.
ALL: Understand that energy is not created or destroyed, only transferred.
MOST: Apply stores and pathways to describe energy transfers.
SOME: Create energy transfer diagrams.
Happy teaching!
Please note: when searching for resources please type barclayfox into the search box/engine and it will show you all our resources
There are lots more great time saving lessons in my shop:
barclayfox shop
Or, perhaps have a glance at some of my other high quality lessons...
The atom, discovery of the nucleus, Thompson, Rutherford, alpha scattering, Bohr - KS4 Physics
Scalars and Vectors - KS4 Physics
Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner - KS3 Biology.
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC.
A complete, and ready to deliver, KS4 lesson
For USA - this lesson is for use during 8th to 10th grade.
This is a complete and ready to use lesson from start to end. You do not need to spend a huge number of hours carefully planning it and writing DIFFERENTIATED resources, I have already spent many hours creating this great lesson. Furthermore it has been improved time and again after each use – it is a tried and tested lesson of very high quality.
* Understand how the extension of a spring changes as you change the force applied.
* Understand what is meant by elastic limit
* Explain Hooke’s law.
* Successfully calculate force, extension and the spring constant.
* Calculate spring constant for springs in series and in parallel.
* Starter - simple task where students self-assess against the objectives.
* Differentiated (and unique) Activity Sheets - with answers.
* Gap fill activity - all answers are provided.
* Questions – all answers are provided.
* Differentiated questions – all answers are provided.
* Peer marking
* Theory slides (carefully sculpted, interspaced with learning activities, not ‘death by powerpoint’).
* Play ball.
* Video clip link (carefully selected – this alone can save you 10+ minutes of searching).
* Paired work activities – all answers are provided.
* Homework
* Scientific Literacy
* Numeracy activities.
* Plenary formative/summative via worksheet.
* Student self-assessment versus objectives activity – so learners can judge for themselves how much they have learnt.
* Extension activities – just in case additional activities are required.
* Over 35 slides long.
* Includes notes to help the teacher.
Happy teaching!
Get a free resource! Purchase this resource, leave a review and choose another Barclayfox resource (to the same value) for free! Simply email your tes username and the title of your chosen resource to
This resource includes 2 worksheets plus 2 answer sheets. (1 x adaptations in animals with 1 x answer sheet, also 1 x adaptations in plants with 1 x answer sheet). Aimed at KS3 Biology (UK) / Grades 6 to 8 (USA) etc. It could also be used with low ability or SEND learners at 9 -
Complete and ready to use worksheets, excellent opportunity to move the leaning focus to your pupils and allow independent working and then self marking and/or peer marking activities.
Thank you for looking, these worksheets will save you a lot of time and effort. If you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
If you buy - don't forget to claim your FREE resource!
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Worksheet, activity sheet, answers, with answers, adaptation, animals, plants, polar bear, camel, shark, fur, blubber, teeth, claws, gills, marram grass, stomata, cuticle, transpiration.
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology Revision lesson. All resources are included in this excellent lesson, save yourself lots of lesson preparation time!
Students revise by covering the following (again):
* Recall the roles of various scientists.
* Revise what vaccines and antibiotics are and what they do.
* Describe Edward Jenner’s experiment and its results.
* Understand the advantages and disadvantages of vaccines.
* Explain what superbugs are.
* Recall what DNA is, and what it does.
* Explain evolution.
* Explain how extinctions can be prevented.
Pupils start the lessons by working together to work out which scientist made which contribution to science.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fills, unscramble, literacy activities, questions, video, discussion, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc.
Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes.
Several extension activities are provided in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort. If you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc)
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria)
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (All of the above - vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc)
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Vaccinations, vaccines, Antibiotics, DNA, Darwin, evolution, extinction, conservation, seed banks, gene banks, zoo, safari park, captive breeding etc.
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson. All resources are included in this excellent lesson, save yourself lots of lesson preparation time!
Students learn to:
* Know what extinct, stewardship, exert etc mean and create a list of extinct animals.
* Describe different way in which animals can become extinct and give examples.
* Explain various ways to prevent extinction.
Pupils start the lessons by working together to work out what today’s lesson is about. This leads the pupils to think about the Los and self-assess against their current understanding of this topic and then undertaking a scientific literacy activity.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fills, unscramble, literacy activities, questions, video, discussion, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc.
Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes.
Several extension activities are provided in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort. If you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc)
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria)
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc)
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Extinction, conservation, seed banks, gene banks, zoo, safari park, captive breeding etc etc
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson.
All resources are included in this excellent lesson, there is nothing for you to do but deliver it !
Explain what DNA is and how it was discovered.
Describe the structure of DNA.
Use a mnemonic to recall base pairs.
Describe how scientists worked together/collaborated to discover the structure of DNA.
Name the father of the theory of evolution.
Explain what evolution is.
Understand peer review and how scientists collaborate.
Apply new literacy and numeracy skills.
Covers a lot of ground quickly but carefully. Use as 1 lesson or spread it over two.
Pupils work together to figure out what today’s lesson is about. This leads the pupils to think about the Los and self-assess against their current understanding of this topic and undertake a scientific literacy activity.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fill, numeracy, literacy activities, quiz questions, video, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, long answer question, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc.
Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes.
A good variety of extension activities are provided should any class require them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort.
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
Vaccinations 1 - vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner
Vaccinations 2 - Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc. 3. Antibiotics 1 - Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic
Antibiotics 2 - Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria
This lesson
Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc
Revision lesson. Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc
Happy teaching ! Barclayfox.
Search Words:
DNA, genes, genetics, chromosomes, base pairs, TAGC, tigers, characteristics, Darwin, evolution, survival of the fittest, peer review, collaboration, Charles Darwin, evolve, etc
Complete KS3 Biology lesson
Recall what antibiotics are and what they do…
Describe some methods for preventing the spread of bacterial infection…
Explain what is meant by antibiotic resistance and superbugs…
Challenge Mission: Demonstrate (using diagrams) how superbugs proliferate.
Pupils start the lessons by working together to unscramble words that lead them to thinking about what the lesson is about. Next they think about the Los and self-assess against their current understanding of this topic and undertake a scientific literacy activity.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as: up and about, gap fill, matching, literacy activities, quick quiz, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc.
Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes.
A good variety of extension activities are provided just in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of time and effort, if you choose to buy, your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc)
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria)
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc)
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Superbugs, super bugs, resistance, resistant, antibiotics, Penicillin, Bio, Biology, Alexander Fleming, medicines, virus, bacteria, Doctor, nurse, medicine, syringe, petri dish, microscope, MRSA, science, scientific methodology, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, illness, ill, cure, pathogen, antibody.
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson from Barclayfox. All resources are included in this well differentiated excellent lesson, there is nothing for you to do but deliver it !
* Understand what antibiotics can treat and what they cannot.
* Describe the use of antibiotics and how they work.
* Explain how Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.
* Successfully complete an experiment to select an appropriate antibiotic.
Pupils start the lessons by thinking about the Los and self-assessing against their current understanding of this topic and undertaking a scientific literacy activity.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There is a very good variety of interesting student activities such as a practical experiment, gap fill, matching, literacy activity, quick quiz, recall, think/pair/share, questions with answers, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities etc etc.
Learners self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes.
A good variety of extension activities are provided just in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a lot of time and effort, if you choose to buy your positive feedback on tes would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2. (Advantages & disadvantages of vaccinations, how pathogens spread etc)
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1. (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin and selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2. (Antibiotic resistance, super bugs, MRSA, resistant bacteria)
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review. (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction. (Preventing extinction, conservation, seed banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, Evolution, extinction etc)
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
Antibiotics, Penicillin, Alexander Fleming, medicines, vaccine, vaccination, immunity, immune, virus, bacteria, Doctor, nurse, medicine, syringe, petri dish, microscope, illness, ill, cure, blood, white blood cell, fungus, germ, germs, disease, roll, MMR, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, vaccination, German measles, HPV, human papilloma virus, cancer, immune system, injection, droplet, observation, hypothesis, theory, experiment, pathogen, antibody, skin, stomach acid, primary defences, etc
A bundle of high quality, ready to deliver, AQA focused GCSE lessons by Barclayfox. Contains all 14 lessons in this series (see list below). This mega pack of excellent lessons with all their supporting resources took me over 150 hours to create! Yours with nearly 50% off for the bargain price of £29.95! Great value for 150+ hours of work.
There is nothing for you to do, these excellent lessons are ready to use !
You can use the whole series or use individual lessons as you require.
This is a MASSIVE 46% saving over buying each lesson individually, fantastic value for money !
You will be able to use these excellent lessons for year to come - again indicating they are great value for money.
SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Almost 50% off !
1. Atoms, radiation and the discovery of the atom and the nucleus, history of the atom.
2. Isotopes and Mass number and Atomic number.
3. Alpha, Beta and Gamma – ionising radiation.
4. Changes in the nucleus – decay equations / nuclear equations.
5. Activity and half life, radioactive decay.
6. Activity practicals, half life and radioactive decay.
7. Dangers and precautions.
8. Nuclear radiation in medicine (uses in medicine)
9. Nuclear fission and chain reactions (including nuclear power).
10. Generating electricity from nuclear power.
11. Nuclear Fusion and our sun and the stars.
12. Nuclear issues including nuclear waste.
13. Hypotheses, prediction, theory acceptance and peer review
14. Revision lesson.
This mega pack of excellent lessons with all their supporting resources took me over 150 hours to create! Yours with nearly 50% off for the bargain price of £29.95!
Happy teaching!
Search words:
Atomic structure, atom, nucleus, proton, neutron, electron, Rutherford, Bohr, Marsden, nuclear equations, energy levels, fission, fusion, alpha, beta, gamma. New specification, Physics, Science, Geiger, alpha particle scattering, high level nuclear waste etc etc
This entertaining quiz has 3 rounds all based on Christmas. Student lead so you can take a much needed break ! It is very very flexible and ideal for a 15 to 60 minute tutor time (has extension activities too).
The 3 great fun rounds are: 1) Christmas general knowledge 2) Christmas films 3) Christmas songs. Complete and ready to use, with Amusing Christmas cracker jokes used throughout !
It’s a great resource that teachers of any subject can use with all ages from 5 to 19 years old.
You could even use it at home with the family at Christmas by showing it on your laptop or projecting it…
You can also use it for years to come, which makes it excellent value at this price !
Lots of high quality Christmas images, jokes, video links, questions and songs. A ready to use lesson - great for teachers of all subjects!
Happy teaching !
Key words:
Christmas tutor, Christmas pastoral, family, fun, Christmas assembly, Christmas English, Christmas Geography, Christmas Geog, Christmas History, Christmas French, Christmas activities, Christmas activity, Xmas, saving Christmas, Christmas literacy, quiz, quizzes, Xmas, practical, team work, fun, entertaining, engaging, SMSC, literacy, happy kids, fun learning, catapult, elf, elves, sleigh, reindeer, Christmas maths, Christmas English, Christmas English language, Christmas English literacy, Christmas PE, Christmas PSHE, Christmas RE, Christmas French, Christmas German, MFL, Christmas Sociology, Christmas Psychology, Christmas Physics, Christmas Chemistry, Christmas Biology, Christmas Design technology, Christmas product design, Christmas engineering, drama, ICT, media, computer science, art, business.
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson
There is nothing for you to do but deliver it !
* Describe how a person develops immunity.
* Explain how vaccinations work.
* Compare the advantages and disadvantages of vaccinations.
* Investigate the spread of a pathogen by doing an experiment / practical
* Analyse the meaning of the experiment.
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to name as many of the body’s defences against infection as they can.
This leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes and then students think more deeply as they self-assess against their current understanding of this topic.
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. There are various interesting student activities such as a practical experiment, gap fills, matching, play ball, literacy activity, questions with answers, recall, think/pair/share, quiz, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities, up and about game etc.
In the plenary activity pupils complete a gap fill activity to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. Next they self assess and reflect on their progress against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance the learning in today’s lesson.
A good variety of extension activities are provided just in case any group you teach requires them.
Thank you for looking, this lesson will save you a huge amount of prep. time. :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled).
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1. (Vaccinations, immunity and Edward Jenner)
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2 - this lesson.
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1.
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2.
5. DNA, Darwin, evolution and Peer review.
6. Preventing extinction.
7. Revision lesson.
For more great lessons please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
vaccine, vaccination, immunity, immune, virus, bacteria, role, Edward Jenner, medicine, antibiotics, science, scientific methodology, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, illness, ill, cure, blood, white blood cell, fungus, germ, germs, disease, roll, MMR, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, vaccination,
German measles, HPV, human papilloma virus, cancer, immune system, injection, droplet, pathogen, antibody, skin, stomach acid, primary defences, etc
Complete and ready to use high quality KS3 Biology lesson. All resources are included in this engaging and fun lesson. Students learn to:
* Understand new key words such as vaccine, smallpox, bacteria etc
* Describe the role of vaccines in fighting disease.
* Explain how vaccines work.
* Analyse the sequence describing how Edward Jenner developed the very first vaccine.
Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to work out a picture puzzle. This leads to revealing the title and lesson outcomes, and then students self assess against their current understanding of this topic (at the end of the lesson they will use this assessment to reflect on how much progress they made during the lesson).
This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and create positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused as they have fun learning. There are various interesting and fun student activities such as gap fill, matching, video, sequencing, literacy activity, questions with answers, recall, think/pair/share, quiz, self-assessment and peer assessment opportunities, up and about game etc.
In the plenary activity pupils complete a physical (up and about) quiz to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. Next they self assess their progress against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson.
These are provided just in case any group requires them.
Thank you for looking, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :)
Other Barclayfox lessons in this series:
0. Bundle – contains all lessons (if available, not all series are bundled)
1. Vaccinations – lesson 1 (Immunity & Edward Jenner & Penicillin etc).
2. Vaccinations – lesson 2 (Advantages & disadvantages, how pathogens spread etc).
3. Antibiotics - lesson 1 (Medicines, Fleming, penicillin, selecting an appropriate antibiotic)
4. Antibiotics - lesson 2 (Antibiotic resistance, superbugs, MRSA, antibiotic resistant bacteria).
5. DNA & Darwin & evolution & Peer review (Discovery of the structure of DNA, evolution etc)
6. Preventing extinction (conservation, seed banks, gene banks, captive breeding etc)
7. Revision lesson. (Vaccines, antibiotics, DNA, evolution, extinction etc).
For more great lessons please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.
Happy teaching !
Search Words:
vaccine, vaccination, Edward Jenner, immunity, immune, virus, bacteria, smallpox, cowpox, antibodies, MMR, Mumps, Measles, Rubella, vaccination, German measles, HPV, human papilloma virus.
A) Zombie activity - save Christmas from the zombie horde !!! Turn them human again! Fantastic fun your students will love this!
B) Quizzes - 300+ PowerPoint pages of fun quiz questions, 12 separate fun rounds (Maths, English, Geography, Observation, Thinking, Sport, Pop music, Video, Biology, Physics, Chemistry etc) + lots of Christmas cracker jokes too!
C) Save Christmas from Santa’s brother Safcut who intends to hijack Santa’s sleigh and steal all the children’s presents!.
All you’ll need for all your classes, age groups and subjects for this Christmas and for many years to come ! Merry Christmas!