Powerpoint to introduce the content, then the students complete a worksheet. Then there are two sets of exam questions for them to complete, and some little quiz cards they can use with a board game, or anything similar.
I designed a website (included) which contains lots of information. Students need to use this to complete the worksheet.
Starter activity is the same as plenary to show progress (can use plickers for this)
Nice starter activity to show the decay process working
Rotation squares activity. Students start with the question in the middle and then follow the arrows. Each question builds on the previous questions. Answer included
Lesson looking at Nuclear Fission. My lesson is based on an iPad lesson and the students having access to the files and Keynote. However, you could print out the resources and do cut and stick.
Sequencing tasks have the students order the steps for fission. 1 is easier, 3 more difficult
This lesson is designed as a flipped lesson (flipped pre read sheet is included), although there are slides in the powerpoint for you to deliver content if necessary.
Resources include:
Interactive starter activity getting the class to work as a whole group
Consolidation worksheet, with answers
Group tasks, with answers
Plenary exam question, with answers
Print the board A3. Use different coloured card for each of the question files to match the colours on the board. Or just use the questions for other revision activities
Students complete a quiz as they enter. Depending on how they do, depends on which tasks they complete in the lesson. The idea is they work on their weakest area
Complete lesson on energy and work
Starter - Students think about work done without knowing what it is
Main - Introduce work done, the formula, some worked examples, and then the students complete the worksheet (worksheet has rearranging opportunities), progress check as answers are on the slides. Then the students complete a short practical looking at how the number of elastic bands can affect the force needed to pull an object across the desk
Plenary - Practical evaluation and link to a Kahoot! quiz
Students are introduced to the different senses and what stimulus they detect. Students then plan and carry out an investigation looking at sensitivity. There is a planning sheet to help students, plus marking sheets should you wish to extend this project over a couple of lessons
Students arrive prior to the lesson have completed their pre reading
Students then complete a circus of activities.
You will need to get a copy of the Wellcome Trust Big Picture: Influenza to accompany this lesson