We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
We are a team of two sisters who specialise in primary education. We are determined to create resources of the highest standard that can be used without further preparation. Our lessons and assemblies have been designed to challenge children of all levels within a creative, engaging and inspiring context. Explore our shop to find lesson packs for languages, art and religious education, plans for assemblies and numerous high-quality resources to help you teach phonics, mathematics and literacy
This resource is a comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using in the summer term. There are three differentiated sets of instructions on how to grow a sunflower, with differentiated questions.
It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of 'what, ’ ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using in the summer term. There are three differentiated sets of instructions on how to prepare a picnic, with differentiated questions.
It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of 'what, ’ ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using in the summer term. There are three differentiated sets of instructions on how to go pond dipping, with differentiated questions.
It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of 'what, ’ ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This resource is an interactive lesson aimed at whole class or group phonics. It is a powerpoint presentation that allows children to revise phonemes and learn or revisit the sound ‘ue.’ It takes 15-20 minutes.
This powerpoint is split into different sections:
- Revision of phase 3 and 4 phonemes in a random order
- Introduction to ‘ue’ sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
- Spotting the odd one out (the picture without the ‘ue’ sound)
- Segmenting and blending sounds in ‘ue’ words
- Phoneme counting
- Phoneme spotting in sentences
- Writing words with ‘ue’ sound
- Writing a sentence with ‘ue’ sound
- Revision of HFW
A collection of 5 non-fiction comprehension activities for year 2. They all focus on the theme of summer and help children to practise their comprehension of instructions. Each booklet comes in 3 differentiated levels. They are all based on the reading SATs paper, containing a similar style of questions. They are also laid out in the same way as a SATs booklet to provide the children with greater experience.
The 5 topics explored in the comprehensions are:
How to build a sandcastle
Pond dipping
How to grow a sunflower
How to prepare a picnic
Making lemonade
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
This bundle contains 3 phonics booklets, perfect for children to work on independently to revise phase 5 phonemes. The booklets are each 20 pages.
The three booklet themes included in this bundle are:
This resource is a booklet that can be used by children to revisit or revise the phonics phase 5 ‘ou’ sound. There are 10 pages of activities for children to complete. It could be used as a start-of-day activity, filler, phonics lesson or homework activity.
Simply print and staple or use pages as individual worksheets.
A fun, visually appealing way to reinforce a phoneme.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using in the summer term. There are three differentiated texts about what happens in the summer, with differentiated questions.
It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of 'what, ’ ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2, perfect for using in the summer term. There are three differentiated texts about summer wildlife, with differentiated questions.
It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper.
There are a range of 'what, ’ ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
PDF file format
A bundle of four comprehensions, which together tell the whole of the Christmas story. Each comprehension booklet is aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (7-9 yrs). There are three differentiated booklets for each part of the story. The higher booklet has two pages of text for the children to read before they complete a range of questions based on a mixture of the KS1 and KS2 SATs papers.
The middle and lower ability booklets have the text split into separate pages with questions on each page.
The story is split into the following comprehensions:
The Annunciation
The birth of Jesus
The shepherds visit Jesus
The Wise Men visit Jesus
PDF file format and editable Microsoft word format included in the price.
A bundle of eight year 2 SATs style reading comprehension booklets, all with the theme of Living Things and Habitats.
A perfect way to prepare for SATs and cover the habitats part of the Science curriculum.
Each booklet contains a similar style of questions to the SATs reading paper and is laid out in a similar way. They are all differentiated three ways and contain answers.
The following themes are covered:
The Ocean
The Seashore
Rainforest Animals
Food Chains
Microhabitats (free)
Is it alive, dead or has never been alive?
PDF file format and editable Microsoft Word format included in the price.
A selection of three phonics practice papers to use with your year 1 class in preparation for the screening test.
The papers contain original content, but are all based entirely on past papers, progressing from simple cvc phase 3 words to more complex phase 5 words.
There is an accompanying PowerPoint presentation with each paper, so that you can choose to work with the whole class or individuals.
An answer sheet and tick sheet are also included.
PDF file format.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2. It is all about dinosaurs!
There are 3 differentiated levels. There are a range of ‘what,’ ‘how,’ and ‘why’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The higher and middle ability booklets each have five pages of pictures with short written extracts to read and 4 questions per page. The lower ability booklet has five pages of pictures with simpler passages and 3-4 questions per page. Answers are also included.
There is a colour and black & white booklet for each of the three levels.
PDF file format
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Year 2 Dinosaur Maths - All Topics
Year 1 Comprehensions - Dinosaurs - 3 Levels
A bundle of SPaG papers, worksheets, interactive whole class activities, group activities and more to help prepare your year 6 class for SATs.
Included in the bundle are:
3 original SATs SPaG papers
50 question PowerPoint covering ALL SPaG topics
A collection of 10 worksheets, 10 activities and 10 starters (in the form of a PowerPoint) covering some of the trickiest SPaG topics.
All answers are included.
This resource is a non-fiction comprehension activity for year 2 on Rosa Parks. It is based on the KS1 SATs reading paper and includes 3 differentiated levels with answers. Rosa Parks is listed as a significant individual in the Key Stage 1 History curriculum.
Please note no photos of Rosa are included, owing to copyright restrictions.
There are a range of ‘what’ and ‘when’ and ‘where’ questions, some multiple choice tick questions and some that require more detailed answers. The activity is also laid out in a similar way to the SATs booklets, with four pages of pictures and short written extracts to read and 2-3 questions per page.
This is a 5 lesson Literacy unit all about explorer Christopher Columbus. The plan is aimed at year 2 and gives details of the year 2 curriculum objectives covered. The children develop reading comprehension, writing, editing and SPaG skills during the unit.
All five lessons include a SPaG starter which is always linked to Christopher Columbus.
The main activity in lesson 1 is a non-fiction reading comprehension, which helps children to learn about Christopher. It is laid out in a SATs style format, containing similar questions to a SATs paper and is differentiated 3 ways.
The main activity in lesson 2 is a fictional diary comprehension, written from the point of view of Christopher Columbus before the crew has found the New World. Again it is in a SATs style and is again differentiated 3 ways.
Lesson 3 allows children to gather vocabulary using a drama activity and lessons 4 and 5 allow children to write and edit their own diaries as Christopher Columbus.
The following documents are included:
A detailed 12 page (pdf) document containing 5 lesson plans. Each lesson includes a SPaG starter, introduction, main activity and plenary.
A Powerpoint presentation containing the SPaG starter activities. This is non-editable. When you open the PowerPoint click the ‘read only’ button.
A set of differentiated non-fiction (pdf) comprehensions on Christopher Columbus. Each level contains 4 pages of text followed by questions.
A set of differentiated (pdf) comprehensions containing a fictional diary entry written as Christopher Columbus on his voyage. Each level contains 4 pages of text followed by questions.
(The comprehensions are also available separately from my shop.
This resource is an interactive lesson aimed at whole class or group phonics. It is a powerpoint presentation that allows children to revise previous phonemes and learn or revisit the sound ‘bl.’ It takes 15-20 minutes.
This powerpoint is split into different sections:
Revision of phase 3 and 4 phonemes in a random order
Introduction to ‘bl’ sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
Spotting the odd one out (the picture without the ‘bl’ sound)
Segmenting and blending sounds in ‘bl’ words
Phoneme counting
Phoneme spotting in sentences
Writing words with ‘bl’ sound
Writing a sentence with ‘bl’ sound
Revision of phase 4 tricky words
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This resource is a giant interactive PowerPoint with interactive lessons for ALL phase 3 phonemes- 26 sounds!
Simply click on the sound and you will be taken to the appropriate lesson. Each lesson takes 15-20 minutes and is split into the following sections:
Revision of phase 2 and 3 phonemes in a random order
Introduction to new sound and opportunity to trace the shape of the sound
Spotting the odd one out
Reading words
Phoneme counting
Phoneme spotting in sentences
Writing words with sound/filling in missing words
Writing a sentence
Revision of tricky words
This resource contains over 1300 slides! It means you can be prepared for at least 5 weeks worth of phonics lessons. Simply open the PowerPoint each day and you are ready to teach!
This resource is a comprehension booklet aimed at Lower Key Stage 2 (7-9 yrs). It is a story adapted from Shakespeare’s play of Twelfth Night. The story is a romance and covers the themes of identity, disguise and love among others. The story has been adapted so that is is suitable for ages 7-9.
There are three differentiated booklets. The higher booklet has three pages of text for the children to read before they complete a range of questions based on a mixture of the KS1 and KS2 SATs.
The middle and lower ability booklets have the text split into separate pages with questions on each page.
PDF file format.
This resource contains 4 comprehension activities all about Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday. They are suitable for using with year 1 or lower ability year 2.
They each contain a short piece of text with words that can be sounded out. There are three trickier words which have pictures to help children work out what they say.
The text is followed by 5 simple questions.
The theme in this pack is ‘Pancakes.’ There are four different pdf comprehensions:
Pancake ingredients
Pancake recipe
What is Shrove Tuesday?
How to flip a pancake
There is also a PowerPoint included in the pack containing a slide for each text so that you can go through the comprehensions before the children complete them. Each slide also contains 3 words that are trickier to sound out, with sound buttons underneath them.