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The Legal Llama

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An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?




An amazing selection of resources of Law and Religious Studies. Suitable for KS3, KS4 and KS5. All our resources are created with love and care, we take pride in ensuring that they are beautiful to look at, because how are we expected to learn if things aren't pretty?
A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA)

A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA)

Topic: Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 (OLA 1957) Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: Eduqas This is a full lesson on occupier’s liability. This is part of the tort law unit of A-Level Law. This lesson is designed to be taught across several lessons and has appropriate starters and plenaries throughout. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but will suit other exam boards as well. Includes several practice questions with plans to help support. There are also homework tasks included. Lesson Activities Starters: 3 Main Activities: 4 Challenge Points: 6 Knowledge Checks: 2 Practice Essays: 1 Plenaries: 3
A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1984 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA 1984)

A-Level Law: Occupiers' Liability Act 1984 Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law (OLA 1984)

Topic: Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984 Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: Eduqas This is a full lesson on occupier’s liability. This is part of the tort law unit of A-Level Law. This lesson is designed to be taught across several lessons and has appropriate starters and plenaries throughout. This is designed for the Eduqas exam board but will suit other exam boards as well. Includes several practice questions with plans to help support. There are also homework tasks included. Lesson Activities Starters: 2 Main Activities: 7 Challenge Points: 2 Knowledge Checks: 2 Practice Essays: 2 Plenaries: 2
A-Level Law: Insanity Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan (Criminal Defences)

A-Level Law: Insanity Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan (Criminal Defences)

Essay Topic: Insanity Essay Type: Evaluation Marks: 25 This is a 25 mark evaluation style essay on criminal defences, specifically insanity. This is designed for the Eduqas syllabus, Paper 3, Perspectives on Substantive Law paper. Included is the essay question to be handed to students, a model answer that can be shown to students to support DIRT work and finally a model plan that can help you with marking or help students with planning.
A-Level Law: Rylands v Fletcher Evaluation + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: Rylands v Fletcher Evaluation + Model + Plan

Essay Topic: Rylands v Fletcher Specification: Eduqas Marks: 25 This is a 25 mark evaluation style essay on Rylands v Fletcher. This is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law specification, Perspectives on Substantive Law paper. Included is a model answer that can be handed to students as well as a model plan that is very useful for marking.
A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law

A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Lesson - Eduqas Tort Law

This is a vicarious liability lesson designed for the Eduqas A-Level specification. This lesson would also suit other exam boards such as AQA although evaluation points would need removing. Contains more recent updates from Muhammad v Morrisons and Barclay’s Bank The lesson is designed to be taught over several lessons (it should cover at least a week of content) It is designed to fit after psychiatric injury in your scheme of work, if you have taught something differently in the previous week you will need to update the first starter activity. There are two practice questions (one scenario & one evaluation) each with an essay plan on the next slide. Note: The beaver indicates cases that students must know for their exam! Starter Activities £100 Word Challenge Unscramble the words Wordsearch Plenaries Write a question for the person sitting next to you Write your introduction Main Activities Split into employer/employee jobs Mini scenarios x2 Read the extract & answer questions (statutory interpretation revision point) Advantages/Disadvantages Table Practice Essay Questions Scenario Question x1 Essay Question x1 (balance between social interest & burden on employers) Challenge Points What’s the point? Are Uber drivers employed or self-employed? Should the police be vicariously liable for the murder of Sarah Everard?
A-Level Law: Nuisance Scenario Essay + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: Nuisance Scenario Essay + Model + Plan

Essay Topic: Nuisance Specification: Eduqas Marks: 25 This is a 25 mark scenario style essay on nuisance. This is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law specification, Substantive Law in Practice paper. Included is a model answer that can be handed to students as well as a model plan that is very useful for marking. This question can easily be adapted to an AQA 30 Marker Scenario Question Updated February 2023 in light of the decision in Fearn v Tate Gallery
A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Scenario Essay + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: Vicarious Liability Scenario Essay + Model + Plan

Essay Topic: Vicarious Liability (Negligence) Specification: Eduqas Marks: 25 This is a 25 mark scenario style essay on vicarious liability. This is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law specification, Substantive Law in Practice paper. Included is a model answer that can be handed to students as well as a model plan that is very useful for marking. This question can easily be adapted to an AQA 30 Marker Scenario Question Updated February 2023 to include decisions in Barclays, Christian Brothers and Mohamud
A-Level Law: Contract Remedies Crib Sheet - Eduqas Contract Law

A-Level Law: Contract Remedies Crib Sheet - Eduqas Contract Law

This crib sheet is designed to help support students as they study contract law remedies. It can be useful for structuring notes in class, as a revision activity or as a homework task. The sheet looks great printed in colour but also prints fine in black and white. Boxes to complete: What are the limitations on the availability of damages? Hadley v Baxendale How are damages calculated? Rules for equitable remedies
A-Level Law: Express Terms Crib Sheet - Eduqas Contract Law

A-Level Law: Express Terms Crib Sheet - Eduqas Contract Law

This crib sheet is designed to help support students as they study the express terms part of contract law. It is a great homework activity, revision task or as a way to support note making in class. It looks great printed in colour but also prints fine in black and white. It has the following boxes to complete: Incorporation of terms Parol evidence rule Puff, Representation & Term Condition, Warranty & Innominate Term
A-Level Law: Formation Case Table - Eduqas Contract Law

A-Level Law: Formation Case Table - Eduqas Contract Law

Topic: Formation Unit: Contract Law Exam Board: Eduqas Papers: Paper 2 & Paper 3 This case table is a great revision resource for A-Level law students. It contains gaps to fill in the facts and legal principle for the key cases for formation. These cases are the ‘tier 1’ cases. These are cases that will appear in every problem question answer for formation. Cases included: Balfour v Balfour (1919) Dunlop v Selfridge (1915) Hyde v Wrench (1840) How I Use This Resource I give the sheet to students and give them five minutes to complete as much as they can by themselves without notes. I then give them a further five minutes to work as a group. They can then complete the table with notes if there are still gaps. I usually have the table on the board and fill it in throughout if students as me for clarity or shout out any answers! By the end of about 15 minutes every students should have a completed sheet.
A-Level Law: Duty of Care & Standard of Care Lesson for OCR Syllabus - Paper 2 Tort Law

A-Level Law: Duty of Care & Standard of Care Lesson for OCR Syllabus - Paper 2 Tort Law

Lesson Topic: Duty of Care & Standard of Care Unit: Tort Law Exam Board: OCR Paper: Paper 2 This is a lesson on duty of care and standard of care as part of the negligence element of tort law. This lesson is designed for the OCR syllabus but could be modified to suit other exam boards. This lesson is designed to be taught over one week and split into multiple lessons. Included is both the teacher version (to be displayed) & student version (to be printed & handed to students). The student version has answers removed! The lesson covers the basics of duty of care (Robinson principle) and standard of care (including modified standard of care). It also gives an overview of the paper 2 examination and gives an opportunity for both scenario and evaluation practice. Homework activities for the week are also included Lesson Activities Starters: 3 Main Activities: 7 Challenge Questions: 7 Knowledge Checks: 3 Scenario Practice: 1 Plenaries: 4
A-Level Law: Occupier's Liability Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: Occupier's Liability Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan

Essay Topic: Occupiers Liability Specification: Eduqas Marks: 25 This is a 25 mark evaluation style essay on occupier’s liability. This is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law specification, Perspectives on Substantive Law paper. Included is a model answer that can be handed to students as well as a model plan that is very useful for marking.
A-Level Law: CPS Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan

A-Level Law: CPS Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan

Essay Topic: Crown Prosecution Service Marks: 25 Module: Criminal Law This is an evaluation style essay on the Crown Prosecution Service. This is designed for the Eduqas A-Level Law, Paper 3 Perspectives on the Substantive Law exam. Included is the essay question, a model plan and a model answer. The models are great to help with marking but can also be used to help support students. This essay could easily be modified as a 15 marker for the English Legal Systems paper
A-Level Law: OCR Criminal Appeals Essay - 8 Mark English Legal Systems

A-Level Law: OCR Criminal Appeals Essay - 8 Mark English Legal Systems

Topic: Criminal Appeals Paper: Paper 1 Marks: 8 Marks Exam Board: OCR This is a practice exam question based on the 8 mark style knowledge questions from Paper 1. This is designed for the OCR exam board. Included is a model answer and a model plan that can be used to help with marking/DIRT work. The essay is designed to be given to students a week in advance to then sit in class. I give students 10 minutes to complete this answer (15 can be used if it is their first essay but in the real exam they should spend no more than 12 minutes on an 8 mark answer).
A-Level Law: ECHR Main Provisions Lesson - Eduqas Human Rights

A-Level Law: ECHR Main Provisions Lesson - Eduqas Human Rights

Exam Board: Eduqas Topic: ECHR Main Provisions Papers: Paper 2 & Paper 3 Unit: Unit 4: Human Rights This lesson goes through the main provisions in the ECHR that students will need to know for A-Level law. It is designed for the Eduqas specification but could be easily adapted to other specifications. It is designed to be taught over one week and can easily be split into 3/4 lessons to suit. The lesson covers Art 5, 6, 8, 10 & 11. There are activities throughout as well as evaluation and scenario practice. The lesson includes: Homework activities for the week Starter activities x6 Main Activities x6 Knowledge Checks x4 Plenaries x6 Challenge/Evaluation Tasks x7 Exam Question Practice x1
A-Level Law: Magistrates Evaluation + Model + Plan (Eduqas 15 Marker)

A-Level Law: Magistrates Evaluation + Model + Plan (Eduqas 15 Marker)

Essay Topic: Magistrates Unit: English Legal Systems Paper: Paper 1 Marks: 15 Exam Board: Eduqas This is a 15 mark evaluation style essay question on Magistrates. It follows a typical Eduqas style question for Paper 1: English Legal Systems. Included is a model essay plan which you can use to help you with marking and also help students with their own planning. There is also a model answer included which can support with DIRT work. There are lots of statistics in the model answers for this question and you may want to update these as time goes on
A-Level Law: Theft Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan - Eduqas 25 Marker

A-Level Law: Theft Evaluation Essay + Model + Plan - Eduqas 25 Marker

Essay Topic: Theft Essay Style: Evaluation Exam Board: Eduqas Marks: 25 This is a 25 marker on the topic of theft. This is designed for the Eduqas Paper 3 Perspectives on Substantive Law, Criminal Law unit. Included along with the essay question is also a model plan and a model answer. These can be used to help support your own marking and also to help support students who are struggling with planning the question or to do DIRT work.
A-Level Law: Discharge Scenario + Plan + Model Answer (Eduqas Contract Law)

A-Level Law: Discharge Scenario + Plan + Model Answer (Eduqas Contract Law)

Essay Topic: Discharge Unit: Contract Law Marks: 25 Exam Board: Eduqas This is a discharge scenario style question designed for A-Level Law students. It is designed for the Eduqas exam board but can easily be modified to suit an AQA 30 marker or similar. The discharge scenario focuses on a variety of elements of discharge including frustration. Included is a model plan and a model answer that are designed to help support your marking and also help support students in their DIRT. I recommend giving students 40 minutes in class to answer this question.
A-Level Law: Res Ipsa Loquitur Scenario Question + Model + Plan (Negligence)

A-Level Law: Res Ipsa Loquitur Scenario Question + Model + Plan (Negligence)

Exam Board: Eduqas Marks: 25 Marks Topic: Res Ipsa Loquitur Unit: Tort Law This is an Eduqas style 25 mark scenario question on negligence with a focus on res ipsa loquitur. This is good practice for the tort law unit. As well as dealing with various instances of res ipsa there is also a causation issue that will help to distinguish the higher grade students. Although this is designed to be an Eduqas 25 marker it could easily be adapted to other exam boards. Included is a model plan and a model answer. These are great to help support you with marking and to also support students with DIRT.