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A level history: key Tudor dates by topic
Key dates for the Tudors, by individual topic and subcategories. Covering all monarchs from Henry VII to Elizabeth I.

AS/A Level History: Red victory in Russian Civil War, essay plan
An AS/A Level essay plan for the reasons why the Reds won the Russian civil war in 1921.

History, Tudors: the threat of Mary, Queen of Scots to Elizabeth I, essay plan
A level essay plan evaluating the threat of Mary, Queen of Scots to Elizabeth I.

Psychology AS Level: Social Approach
Notes on the social approach of psychology including assumptions, strengths and weaknesses and debates.

Psychology AS Level: Individual Differences Approach
Notes on the individual differences approach of psychology including assumptions, strengths and weaknesses and debates.

Psychology AS Level: Behaviourism Perspective
Notes on the behaviourism perspective including assumptions, strengths and weaknesses and debates.

AS/A Level History, Russia: success of collectivisation, essay plan
An essay plan evaluating the success of Stalin's policy of collectivisation.

English A level: Feminine Gospels, Anon AOs
Suggestions for the AOs (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) for Duffy's 'Anon'.

A Level English, Modern Times: AOs for Duffy's 'White Writing'
Suggestions for AOs (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) for Duffy's 'White Writing'.

A Level English, Modern Times: AOs for Duffy's 'The Cord'
Suggestions for the AOs (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) for Duffy's 'The Cord'.

English AS/A Level: relating Iago from Othello to love
Relating Iago to love in each Act of the play.

English AS/A Level: connecting Othello to other tragedies
AO3 and AO4 for Othello, by theme, in relation to other tragedies and contextual evidence.

AS/A Level English: Othello--Iago critics
Critical views on the character of Iago from Shakespeare's 'Othello'.

Feminine Gospels poem annotations
Twenty of Carol Ann Duffy’s poems from ‘Feminine Gospels’ all anotated.

English A level: Feminine Gospels, The Diet AOs
Suggestions for the different AOs (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) for analysing Duffy's 'The Diet'.

English A level: Feminine Gospels, Sub AOs
Suggestions for the different AOs (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) for analysing Duffy's 'Sub'.