Fractions, decimals and percentages task cards to be used as you wish. Covering all basic fractions, decimals and percentages. Great for revision and strengthening the link between all 3.
Equivalent fractions matching cards: 6 pages, 18 "main’ fractions each with 4 corresponding equivalent fractions, students can work in teams or alone to match the main fraction with it’s 4 equivalent fractions, great for asking students about their reasoning! Sheet set up so can also be used as an answer sheet :)
Great differentiated revision of area of a triangle, sine rule and cosine rule, featuring real life questions. 6 pages, 27 question of varying difficulty. Some exam style questions.
Great activity for teaching best value and proportion in a real life situation. Children are given a shopping list and must choose between 2 offers for each item on their shopping list. Great for teaching children the value of money as well :) 11 pages, containing 20 best value questions (40 divisions (2 for each item))
Great Non- Calculator percentage activity! Including warm up activity, main activity, extension work and answer sheets! Children must complete a shopping list for the boxing day sales :)
Square numbers, square roots, and other powers worksheets. Scaffolded and differentiated in order to be accessible to everyone. Great for building on previous skills incorporating the link between area of a square and square numbers and square roots :)
Great Non- Calculator percentage activity! Including warm up activity, main activity, extension work and answer sheets! Children act as shopkeepers completing sales tags for an opening day sale :)
Great bundle for children to practice budgeting, including gross pay, net pay, and deductions, and calculating percentages of money in real life situations :)
Great worksheet on enlarging shapes by a scale factor. Easy use for children to work on sheet. Questions get harder and include enlarging by fractional scale factors. 12 questions overall.
Pythagoras pack containing a “doodle notes” sheet, and 2 worksheets on the real life applications of finding the hypotenuse using pythagoras to find the hypotenuse and the length of a shorter side :)