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Mes vacances - complex phrases
Match up vocabulary sheet for more complex phrases which could be used to help describe a past holiday.

Where do you normally go on holiday?
Worksheet with 3 passages about holidays in the present tense with comprehension questions in English.

les vetements wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of school clothes. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.

Les nouvelles technologies
Powerpoint to accompany on new technology. Includes a categories activity and French to English translation.

Consequences in the past tense
Sentence starters to be used in a game of consequences. Students complete the sentence, fold over the paper and then pass to the next person.

Was ist dein Lieblingsfach? Song
Gap fill activity to go with the song from 'Hallo aus Berlin' - the song can be found on you tube.

Where do you live?
Worksheet with activities on types of houses and a comprehension exercise about where someone lives which can then be used as a writing frame to write their own passage.

Home and Local Area Speaking Questions
Question sheet for home and local area topic for GCSE speaking exam.

Meine Traumstadt
Worksheet about dream towns, with reading taken from boardworks with comprehension exercise and task to write about own dream town.

Hast du ein Haustier? wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of pets. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.

Vous vous entendez bien
Worksheet with match up and q&a on personal relationships with family and friends.

les jours de la semaine wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the days of the week. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.

Comment t'appelles-tu?
Worksheet based on various self introduction Q&A. Includes a match up activity and writing activity with a writing frame for weaker students.

Que ferais-tu pour améliorer ta ville?
Worksheet with match up activity/translation activity addressing conditional sentences within town context.