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Bioscience Rocks

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Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.




Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.
The Nerve Impulse - a step by step interactive worksheet

The Nerve Impulse - a step by step interactive worksheet

A comprehensive six page worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource deals with all the major aspects of how a nerve impulse originates and is propagated along a neurone. The worksheets include diagrams that show the different open and closed positions of sodium and potassium channels with space for students to show their own positions of the relevant ions (this is with reference to an online animation - weblink included on the worksheet). The worksheet also has a labelling exercise for the classic action potential graph as well as details on saltatory conductance and factors affecting speed of impulse transmission. Key words: nerve, neurone, depolarisation, repolarisation, refractory period, action potential, resting potential, sodium, potassium, diffusion, ATP, ATPase pump
Quiz on meiosis

Quiz on meiosis

A resource aimed at advanced level biology students, this resource provides fifteen questions which require students to respond with the appropriate term relating to their understanding of meiosis. Useful as a starter or plenary exercise to consolidate understanding. Key words: meiosis, mitosis, diploid, haploid, homologous, chromosomes, cells, gametes
Ventilation - how it works

Ventilation - how it works

This resource consists of two worksheets, each of which contains a task on identifying structures associated with the lungs and thorax, followed by a table which requires students to identify the key events that occur during ventilation. Each worksheet contains slightly different terminology, making one more suitable for A-Level and one more suitable for GCSE. The worksheets can be used as a starter or plenary task to recap student's knowledge. Key words: Intercostal, lungs, pressure, Boyle's law, diaphragm, ribs, contract, relax, trachea, cartilage, alveoli, bronchus, bronchi
Osmosis - planning a practical investigation into water movement into/out of plant cells

Osmosis - planning a practical investigation into water movement into/out of plant cells

A worksheet aimed at biology students aged 14-18 years, this resource provides a series of prompts and questions to help students plan an investigation into osmosis. The practical investigation is a classic one involving potato chips and different concentrations of sucrose solution - the worksheet asks students to consider the variables involved, the range and concentrations of sucrose solution required and then asks students to produce a written plan based on these considerations.
Extraction of chlorophyll from leaves and analysis through chromatography - a practical schedule

Extraction of chlorophyll from leaves and analysis through chromatography - a practical schedule

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this worksheet provides a written schedule for the extraction of chlorophyll from leaves followed by analysis via chromatography. Rf values for various pigments are included in a reference table (including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, phaeophytin, xanthophyll and carotene); students can attach their chromatograms to the worksheet, calculate Rf values for each pigment and identify using the reference table. This is a good practical exercise to cover at the start of a topic on photosynthesis, and emphasises the fact that various pigments are responsible for harnessing light energy during the light dependent reactions. Key words: Light dependent, chlorophyll, Rf value, chromatography, chromatogram, solvent front, extraction, leaf, phaeophytin, xanthophyll, carotene, absorption spectra, action spectrum
Ho w to calculate rates of reactions from graphs

Ho w to calculate rates of reactions from graphs

Biology students often struggle to calculate rates of reaction from graphs. This worksheet provides an explanation of how to calculate rates of reaction from graphs followed by two practice examples. This is a useful worksheet to use as preparation for any practical investigation that will require this skill with data analysis.
Experimental evidence for the Calvin Cycle (cyclic photophosphorylation)

Experimental evidence for the Calvin Cycle (cyclic photophosphorylation)

A resource aimed at advanced level biology students, this worksheet leads students through an area that often causes difficulty - interpreting evidence for the Calvin Cycle. The worksheet looks at the classic experiment performed by Melvin Calvin that provided evidence for the sequence of events that occurs in cyclic photophosphorlyation or the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis. The worksheet introduces the idea of radioactive tracers and asks students to predict the effect of switching lights off or reducing carbon dioxide levels. Graphs are shown recording the levels of RuBP and GP in response to these changes. Answers to each question are provided on the second page of this worksheet Key words: Light independent reaction, cyclic photophosphorylation, ATP, RNADP, glycerate - 3- phosphate, triose phosphate, ribulose bisphosphate, ribulose phosphate, light dependent reaction, calvin cycle
Investigating the effect of lipase and bile salts on triglyceride fats

Investigating the effect of lipase and bile salts on triglyceride fats

A worksheet with method and subsequent questions (including a higher ability challenge question) on the effect of lipase and bile salts on the breakdown of fat present in milk. A good practical activity for GCSE and A-Level students alike, which demonstrates the impact of bile as an emulsifying agent. Key words: phenolpthalein, milk, ph, bile, fat, triglyceride, temperature, lipase
Cardiac Cycle - Interpreting pressure change graphs

Cardiac Cycle - Interpreting pressure change graphs

A resource aimed at Advanced Biology students, this worksheet provides a list of questions related to understanding the events of the cardiac cycle. The questions focus on the characteristic pressure change graph that shows AV valves and semi-lunar valves opening and closing as pressure of blood between artery, atria and ventricles changes. Students often struggle to articulate the difference in pressure as the cause of valves opening and closing; these questions will help to reinforce key concepts. Key words: artery, ventricle, atria, semi-lunar, atrio-ventricular, pressure
Codominance questions

Codominance questions

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource consists of eight questions that focus on both multiple alleles and codominance. The examples chosen include fur colour in cats, hair colour in cattle and the appearance of the (fictional) American Bigfoot! A good resource to use as either a starter or plenary exercise to test understanding of either codominance or multiple alleles and phenotypic ratios. Key words: genetics, phenotype, codominance, multiple alleles, monohybrid
Retina structure and application questions

Retina structure and application questions

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource consists of a labelling exercise on the structure and layout of cells in the retina. The worksheet continues with synoptic style application questions about various visual phenomena (e.g. visual acuity, night blindness, averted vision, bleaching of rods and cones). These questions are ideal for building synoptic understanding of how and why the cells of the retina are structured. Key words: Retina, Eye, rods, cones, sclera, choroid, bipolar cell, ganglion cell, sensory neurone, blind spot, fovea, visual axis, lens, suspensory ligament, ciliary muscles, pupil, iris
Kidney - a review of basic physiology and transplant/dialysis research

Kidney - a review of basic physiology and transplant/dialysis research

A resource aimed at advanced biology students that recaps the basic details of kidney function via the use of key words inserted into a passage of text. The worksheet continues on to a research activity that focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of kidney transplant and dialysis treatment. Weblinks for the research are provided. Key words: kidney, transplant, dialysis, glomerulus, filtration, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, collecting duct, aldosterone, anti diuretic hormone, osmosis, reuptake, hydrostatic pressure
Muscle contraction

Muscle contraction

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource serves as a recap of key events that occur during muscle contraction. The worksheet includes reference to the appearance of striated muscle fibres when in a state of contraction and relaxation (e.g. I bands, A-bands, H-zone) and the sequence of events that occur at the neuromuscular junction when a nerve impuse triggers muscle contraction. Key words: muscle, fibres, A-band, I-band, H-zone, contraction, relaxation, calcium, troponin, tropomyosin, myosin, actin
The second messenger model of hormones

The second messenger model of hormones

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource focuses on the mechanism of action of second messengers (using cAMP as an example), activated by an initial hormone. The worksheet contains several questions that lead students through a logical series of key points - a weblink is also included for students to research their answers further. Key words: cAMP, second messenger, adenylate cyclase, hormone, adrenaline, ATP, AMP, response, endocrine
DNA in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells

DNA in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells

A worksheet containing a simple comparison table looking at the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA followed by questions that ask students to consider why chromosomes may sometimes appear single stranded and sometimes double stranded. A useful exercise for students to become acquainted with chromosome appearance before learning about mitosis, meiosis, etc. Key words: mitosis, meiosis, chromosomes, cells, division, eukaryotic, prokaryotic, DNA
Controlling blood glucose - research task and long response question with mark scheme

Controlling blood glucose - research task and long response question with mark scheme

An activity aimed at advanced level biology students, this resource consists of two worksheets that can be used together or separately. The first worksheet begins with a research task that requires students to make their own notes on key processes involved with glucose control; weblinks and animation references are included and this could be set as a homework the week before the topic commences in class. The second worksheet has a recap of the research learning points before continuing into a long-response question carrying a maximum of ten marks. Students are required to use their initial research to answer the long question: 'Describe the factors that influence blood glucose concentration and explain how the body responds to changes in blood glucose levels' before self marking using the mark scheme provided. Key words: glucose, homeostasis, glucagon, insulin, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen, starch, blood, diabetes
Meiosis Research and Long Response Question Task

Meiosis Research and Long Response Question Task

An activity aimed at advanced level biology students, this resource consists of two worksheets that can be used together or separately. The first worksheet begins with a research task that requires students to make their own notes on key processes involved with meiosis; weblinks and animation references are included and this could be set as a homework the week before the topic commences in class. The second worksheet has a recap of the research learning points before continuing into a long-response question carrying a maximum of ten marks. Students are required to use their initial research to answer the long question: ‘Describe and explain how a diploid cell divides by meiosis to produce genetically variable gametes’ before self marking using the mark scheme provided (sixteen marking points are available). Keywords: meiosis, cell division, gametes, diploid, haploid, biology, crossing over, independent assortment, prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase, interphase
Starter: Vaccination

Starter: Vaccination

A resource aimed at GCSE biology students, this worksheet provides a brief review of basic key terms (e.g. antibody, antigen, phagocyte, lymphocyte) followed by more open ended and challenging questions that require students to fully explain the principles of active immunity in their own words. Key words: active, immunity, phagocyte, lymphocyte, vaccination, antibody, antigen
Ecology key terms summary

Ecology key terms summary

A worksheet that provides a matching exercise for key definitions related to ecology (e.g. population, community, ecosystem, niche, etc). Useful as a plenary task once this topic has been covered, which provides students with a written record of what each term means. Key words: Ecology, ecosystem, population, niche, community, competition, intraspecific, interspecific, habitat, environment
Quick test on ecological sampling

Quick test on ecological sampling

A quick test comprising four questions on mark-release-recapture, use of random sampling with quadrats and chi-squared statistical analysis. Useful at the end of a series of lessons on ecology as a quick review of key principles. The assessment includes answers to all the questions. Key words: chi-squared, mark-release-recapture, random sampling, quadrats, ecology, test, exam, answers, quiz