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Bioscience Rocks

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Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.




Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.
Counting bacterial colonies on an agar plate

Counting bacterial colonies on an agar plate

This worksheet is aimed at either GCSE or A-Level students studying microbiology. The worksheet is an ideal lesson starter to use following preparation and incubation of agar plates that have been inoculated with bacteria (from unpasteurised milk in this example, but easily adaptable for any other source of bacteria). The worksheet introduces the idea of binary fission and the concept of a visible colony being made of many thousands of individual bacterial cells. The worksheet also includes an activity on counting bacterial colonies and estimating numbers based on dilutions that would set students up well for a subsequent lesson where they did this activity using their own agar plates. Key words: Agar, bacteria, colony, estimate, milk, pasteurisation, binary fission
Types of radiation - active video worksheet

Types of radiation - active video worksheet

A resource aimed at either level 2 or level 3 science students, this single page worksheet provides a series of questions that students should answer as they watch a video demonstration of alpha, beta and gamma radiation. This resource is very useful for occasions where suitable practical demonstration equipment and radioactive sources are not available. The worksheet covers the nature and behaviour of alpha, beta and gamma radiation and is suitable for use as a lesson starter.
Make Your Own Microscope

Make Your Own Microscope

This is a highly engaging activity aimed at 11-16 year olds, but which could easily be adapted for younger children. The activity involves producing a simple microscope from a plastic tumbler, cling film and water. By placing water into a cling film well, students create a lens which refracts light and magnifies objects that can be viewed at the bottom of a plastic tube. Students can alter the shape of the lens and the amount of water to see the impact on magnification. The activity sheets include full instructions (with photographs) on how to set up the microscope and also a table of results for students to fill in details of specimen size, image size and calculate the magnification. For younger students , the second page of the activity sheet provides details of how to set up the microscope; students could then be taken on a nature trail or encouraged to observe small specimens around the room (sweets work well!) Key words: magnification, activity, microscope, specimen, lens, refraction
Make a Model Prokaryotic (Bacterial) Cell

Make a Model Prokaryotic (Bacterial) Cell

This resource could be used with both GCSE and A-Level biology students. The worksheets included in this resource provide a step-by-step method to construct a model prokaryotic (bacterial) cell using simple resources such as coloured wool, small coloured elastic bands ('loom' bands are ideal), plasticine, sellotape and a plastic freezer bag. The worksheets include a full list of instructional prompts to build the model, each with a key question to check understanding. The worksheets also include an extension page which deals with processes such as scale and binary fission. This is an engaging activity and a great way to turn a very theoretical subject into a practical experience for students. Key words: Prokaryotic, bacterial, binary fission, nucleoid, plasmid, cell wall, pili, flagellum, flagella, pilus, capsule
Lung disorders and disease - Fick's Law

Lung disorders and disease - Fick's Law

This resource is aimed at A-Level Biology students and lists the mechanisms behind each of four different lung diseases and disorders: asthma, tuberculosis, pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema. As well as being a useful collection of revision notes in itself, the task here is for students to explain how each of these diseases causes a reduced tolerance to exercise - this is often asked in exam questions and requires students to apply their knowledge of Fick's Law. Each disease will impact on surface area, concentration gradient and/or thickness of exchange surface thereby reducing the rate of diffusion; the challenge is for students to explain this
AQA Biology Advanced Level Year 2 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC)

AQA Biology Advanced Level Year 2 Personal Learning Checklist (PLC)

This is a personal learning checklist (PLC) tailored for the second year of the new AQA Biology Advanced Level specification. This is an excel spreadsheet with five worksheets in total, each one covering specification references: 3.5 Energy transfers 3.6 Organisms respond to change 3.7 Genetics & ecosystems 3.8 Control of gene expression 6.1-6.5 Mathematical requirements Each worksheet contains the full list of statements/learning outcomes taken directly from the specification, along with a grid for students to RAG rate their confidence as well as space to write notes and set targets. The worksheets have been formatted to allow easy printing of each worksheet. Each worksheet can be printed and collated with others to form a full checklist for the entire year. Students could also be emailed this PLC and complete using a computer - the final worksheet collates information from the self -analysis carried out on previous pages and presents an overall percentage score for the level of confidence in each topic plus an indication of whether a student is 'secure' in that topic area. This is an essential resource for anyone teaching the new biology advanced level specification. Key words: personal learning checklist (PLC), self assessment, targets, AQA, biology
DNA - 'what am I?' quiz

DNA - 'what am I?' quiz

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides 21 questions on the topic of DNA structure. This is a good resource to reinforce key vocabulary associated with this topic. Answers to all the questions are provided on the second page of the worksheet.
The Triplet Code - understanding how it works and the impact of mutation

The Triplet Code - understanding how it works and the impact of mutation

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides a series of exercises that help students understand the nature of the genetic code and the impact of mutations. Students are required to decode a piece of DNA using the decode table provided, before then considering how a substitution, deletion or addition could change how the sequence is decoded. This is an excellent resource for driving home the point about frameshift mutations and how some mutations may be silent.
Semi-conservative replication - the process and evidence

Semi-conservative replication - the process and evidence

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, the first page of this resource provides a sequencing activity on the topic of DNA replication. The second page of the worksheet focuses on evidence for semi-conservative replication and requires students to follow the work of Meselsohn and Stahl by colouring radioactively labelled strands of DNA in successive generations.
Protein synthesis - 'what am I?' quiz

Protein synthesis - 'what am I?' quiz

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource consists of 23 questions relating to the topic of translation/protein synthesis. Each question requires a single word answer. This is a good exercise to reinforce key vocabulary. The final few questions focus on the words associated with cancer and loss of control of the cell cycle.
Transcription & Translation

Transcription & Translation

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides a series of questions and diagrams that test student's understanding of transcription and translation. A useful exercise to use as consolidation/recap following the teaching of this topic. Key words: DNA, transcription, translation
DNA - features of the code and links to genetic disease

DNA - features of the code and links to genetic disease

A comprehensive worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides an initial starter task that focuses on the nature of the genetic code. The worksheet then moves on to consider the nature of genetic disease with a particular focus on sickle cell anaemia and phenylketonuria. Key words: DNA, triplet, code, codon, mutation, sickle cell, phenylketonuria
DNA - calculating percentages of each base

DNA - calculating percentages of each base

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource requires students to use their knowledge of complementary base pairing to deduce the percentage of each base present within a piece of DNA for various organisms. Key words: DNA, structure, base, percentage, helix, semi-conservative
The discovery of DNA

The discovery of DNA

A comprehensive six page worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource tells the story of how the work of several scientists ultimately led to the discovery and understanding of DNA. The worksheet includes diagrams, images and information relating to classic experiments performed by scientists (including Friedrich Meischer, Fred Griffiths, Oswald Avery, Alfred Hershey, Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick.
Restriction mapping

Restriction mapping

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource focuses on how restriction enzymes can be used to map the position of genes within a plasmid. The worksheet consists of background information on restriction enzymes followed by a question whereby students can use logical thought to work out the position of a gene within a larger sequence of DNA. Key words: bacteria, host, gene, mapping, restriction endonucleases
Restriction enzymes - how they work and choosing the right one

Restriction enzymes - how they work and choosing the right one

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students who are studying a topic on gene technology and the role of restriction endonucleases. The worksheet consists of task where students are required to choose the most appropriate restriction enzyme to cut out a gene from a piece of DNA. Students are given four different examples of restriction enzymes, together with information about the recognition sequence for each enzyme. Using this information, students must then select the most appropriate enzyme to cut out the gene. Key words: restriction endonuclease, gene, recognition sequence
Introduction to co-ordination and homeostasis research

Introduction to co-ordination and homeostasis research

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides prompts and questions to guide student research into co-ordination and homeostasis of the human body. The worksheet consists of questions relating to the role, nature and mechanisms of hormones, local chemical mediators and the nervous system. Key words: nervous system, hormones, homeostasis, chemical mediator, receptor, signal, communication, impulse, co-ordination
DNA fingerprinting research

DNA fingerprinting research

A resource aimed at advanced level biology students, this worksheet provides a research task on the theory, mechanisms and applications of DNA fingerprinting. Several questions/prompts are provided along with weblinks to online resources for students to use during their research. Keywords: DNA, fingerprinting, restriction fragment length polymorphism, microsatellite, short tandem repeat, unique, forensic, paternity
Gas Exchange - What Am I Quiz

Gas Exchange - What Am I Quiz

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides 27 questions on the topic of gas echange across insects, amoeba, fish and mammals. Each question requires a simple one or two word answer. This is a useful exercise to use as a starter recap on the basics once these topics have been taught. Key words: gas exchange, fish, amoeba, insects, mammals
Oxyhaemoglobin curve - using graphs to calculate amount of oxygen unloaded

Oxyhaemoglobin curve - using graphs to calculate amount of oxygen unloaded

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides an exercise on calculating the amount of oxygen unloaded from oxyhaemoglobin when encountering tissues of different oxygen partial pressures. This is a fundamental skill that advanced biology students need in examinations on this topic and so this resource is a useful way to introduce analysis of these graphs. Key words: haemoglobin, oxyhaemoglobin, curve, partial pressure, oxygen, dissociation