The Royal Family Marriage of William and Kate. Also includes elements of the royal family tree for lower KS2. Please comment or rate if you rind this useful.
I always give children this questionnaire to the children before doing their reports, is invaluable for personal comments having the sheet next to me whilst writing.
A collection of unique resources about bonfire night.
Uniquely designed 'Gunpowder Plot Story.'
Uniquely designed article about how last year letters were discovered worth 60,000
A Powerpoint including fire safety points and fire safety advert. Also with a brief History of Bonfire night, all designed in the same sheet as the worksheets.
A Guy Fawkes poem
A task to alphabetically order key words
A collection of Anne Frank Resources including a Powerpoint I made about some of her more poignant quotes.
I have also have included a video narrated by Jeremy Irons which is incredibly powerful. If used in the correct way.
A teachers guide is also included. Suitable for higher KS2 and KS3.
A set of resources for children to decide whether they are for or against school uniform, I have included both viewpoints in separate documents and a document that discusses both sides of the argument as well as a few more resources to help. Hope this helps!
An extensive set of resources used highly successfully for an observation lesson on whether a polygon is ‘regular’ or ‘Irregular’.
Used in a Year 5 class and includes plan, differentiated resources and presentation that are easily adaptable.
(Please note I have also included this presentation in MAC Keynote format as well as Powerpoint format for apple users. )
LOTS of resources for writing match reports themed on quite a few of the Euro '16 football championship games. Easily adapted for other tournaments / matches.
Resources for writing a match report on the game on Thursday 16th June between Wales and England, and (unfortunately) the game on Monday 28th June against Iceland. I have also included a comprehension for this and some other activities.
Example of match reports for both of these games,
All the goals and highlights video from BOTH games (lots of the language here is easy to pick out eg. ‘golden chance.’)
Report Template
Tips for higher ability children on writing match reports
I have also included some self-made resources for studying Iceland as a country.
Originally written for year 4 but easily used for older children.
Explanation text resource using the 1999 Animated Tarzan Film as a stimulus.
I have included the explanation as a video file.
Children watch how the animation process 'Deep Canvas' works and then describe it themselves.
Also included a display I produced from this lesson, within a rainforest topic and using the lesson cross-curricularly, the writing children produce is often outstanding when given the prompts as they get so engrossed in it.
I have now included an extra 'how to draw Tarzan step-by step' as an excellent art activity and a planning sheet and extensive word bank where children can describe Tarzan.
I have included a lesson plan / smartboard notebook document and visualiser recording that I made to illustrate the stages of making portraits. Please note the actual video / visualiser recording I made was when we were looking at Nelson Mandela (but the principles are the same.)
A basic Apple Keynote giving tips on how to edit stories.
This will also work on iPad. This was originally made for a year 3/4 class but can easily be adapted for different age groups.
Check it makes sense
Check the spelling
Check the punctuation
Minimise repeated words
Improve words where you can (have you used all senses?)