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Daward72's Shop

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I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience. As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!




I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience. As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!
ART  ETCH-A-SKETCH SIMULATION ---- Lunch Time/After School Club--- Special Needs

ART ETCH-A-SKETCH SIMULATION ---- Lunch Time/After School Club--- Special Needs

I have only used this in an after-school club. The students appeared to like the challenge of drawing the best picture. To use it Adobe Flash Player will need to be installed on the computer (most have it automatically installed) and may work if opened in Internet Explorer Simple to use - Arrow Keys Change colour ,speed and size of pen by clicking with mouse. HARD to get a good picture ( as I suppose an Etch-A-Sketch is). It anyone wants to save and print one they’ve done you’ll have to ‘screen-shot’ it. ( but then you couldn’t keep an Etch-A-Sketch picture) Please comment if you find a use for it
Mental Arithmetic Challenge - Starter Activity - Customisable difficulty- 100 questions with answers

Mental Arithmetic Challenge - Starter Activity - Customisable difficulty- 100 questions with answers

I usually use this resource at a starter or a settler activity with a given time limit (say 10 mins). I give advice about doing as many as possibly and in whichever order the students want. Afterward we have discussions about which they find the easiest or can do the quickest. Usually addition comes out the easiest until I suggest that if you know your tables that the multiplications are the easiest to do and probably the quickest as they don’t need working out. They get to realise that if they really know their tables that the divisions are quicker as they’re usually a single digit number to write as the answer. In my mark book I record how many get correct out of how many they do and a time if they complete them all before the given time. Most of the students really like doing this challenge. Improving their time/score is appears to motivate them. I have had quite a few students ask for sheets so they can practice at home. Use the TABS on the spreadsheet to set the difficulty by changing the MAX and MIN values for each mathematical operation, See the questions(recalculate if necessary ) and the answers for that set of questions. It may be a good idea to PRINT SCREEN a set of answers if you intend to put the answer in a PowerPoint. I usually print a few sets of answers off per table so they can mark their own. Sometimes I read them out. If you cut the answer sheet into 4 strips, these strips can be placed/matched up against each column of students answer sheet and this is really easy for them to mark. Using this technique I have marked a full class of sheets in about 5 mins or so. Another way to use this resource them would be to do them one/two columns/operations at a time and cut the time allowed.
GUNPOWDER PLOT GAME (2 player) - Stack barrels of gunpowder and investigate maths strategy.

GUNPOWDER PLOT GAME (2 player) - Stack barrels of gunpowder and investigate maths strategy.

It is an Adobe Flash file but even if you don’t have this installed it works in Internet Explorer (Right click and open with IE) It is a 2 player game that I have used as a starter (mainly around November 5th in the UK) OR EVEN BASED an ENTIRE LESSON AROUND IT I give the pupils the choice of going first or second. Either me Vs 1 pupil or me Vs the class As I know the strategy that you have to get to 3,9 or 15 first to make sure you it doesn’t matter who goes first as I usually win and it makes them more eager to have another go. It really gets the pupils fired up and after a few games someone might notice what the strategy is or rather part of it. They’ll probably notice first that you alwasy get to 15 first so get them to explain why. (it’s usually “…well if we add 1 you’ll add 5 or if we add 4 you’ll add 2…” etc Get them to think about what they have just said 1+5,2+4 …so its something to do with 6 15 is 6 less than 21 … perhaps you can use this knowledge to make sure you get to 15 first etc etc I have gone on to get them to investigate other target numbers eg 47 find the first number you need to get to 47 /6 is 7 remainder 5 so you need to go first and say 5 if the next player adds 2 you need to add 4 (2+4=6) What would happen if you could place up to 10 barrels and target number was 100?
DICE THROWING SIMULATOR - tool for  demonstrating Expected  Vs Experimental outcomes

DICE THROWING SIMULATOR - tool for demonstrating Expected Vs Experimental outcomes

In this EXCEL FILE - Simulate the throwing of 1,10,100,1000,10000 or 100000 dice at a time with the click of a button. A bar graph and pie chart are updated with each click. Hopefully a useful tool for demonstrating that experimental probabilities differ from expected probability but as you increase the frequency of the experiment that they get closer to the expected. the Excel worksheet does use MACROS to make the buttons work and you may be asked to enable them. Some versions of Excel don’t allow this so it will be a case just trying it (sorry if it doesn’t work for you)
GRAPH paper, SQUARED paper, ISOMETRIC paper and SPOTTY paper *A4* and ***A3*** (180 variations)

GRAPH paper, SQUARED paper, ISOMETRIC paper and SPOTTY paper *A4* and ***A3*** (180 variations)

Did you every want that odd sheet of Specialist paper for a lesson and couldn’t find any? AND did you want/need any A3 size so you didn’t have to stick A4 sheets together? IN this collection you will find Black, Green, Blue, Red and Grey versions of the follow papers A4 and A3 GRAPH PAPER 2mm (grid line every 10 - major grid line every 20) 2mm ( major grid line every 10) 1mm (grid line every 10 - major grid line every 20) 1mm ( major grid line every 10) SQUARED 1cm 5mm 2mm 1mm ISOMETRIC 5mm 1cm 2cm SPOTTY 5mm (1pt spots) 1cm Triangluar (1pt spots) 1cm Triangluar (2pt spots) 2cm Triangluar (1pt spots) 2cm Triangluar (2pt spots) 1cm Squared (1pt spots) 1cm Squared (1pt spots) All are PDF files and sometime when viewing you might need to either zoom in or out to see the detail If printing the A3 version you will need to make sure it is sent to an A3 printer otherwise it will try to tile and you’ll end up with 4 sheets instead of 1. Any of the colour versions will print grey if printed in greyscale in various shades of grey depending on the colour. I have included a grey version that should print 50% black. IF there are any other PAPERS you want adding to this collection please make a comment and i’ll endeavour to add it to the collect as soon as possible. I hope there are useful!
SHAPE and SPACE - Match an a shape to its formula - INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD resource/activity

SHAPE and SPACE - Match an a shape to its formula - INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD resource/activity

Use to improve students identification of FORMULA associated with 2d and 3d solid shapes This resource is best used on an interactive whiteboard. You will need Adobe Flash Player on your computer (most have it installed as standard) The activity is to Drag a shape into it’s appropriate position. If it is correct it snaps into place. If it’s incorrect it will return to the top. If you click the ? next to each box it gives info about that shape (click the ? again to make it close before proceeding) I have other resources similar to this for 2d and 3d (solid) shapes
IDENTIFY 3D (SOLID) Shapes - Interactive whiteboard activity

IDENTIFY 3D (SOLID) Shapes - Interactive whiteboard activity

Use to improve students identification of 3d - solid - shapes and info about them. This resource is best used on an interactive whiteboard. You will need Adobe Flash Player on your computer (most have it installed as standard) The activity is to Drag a shape into it’s appropriate position. If it is correct it snaps into place. If it’s incorrect it will return to the top. If you click the ? next to each box it gives info about that shape (click the ? again to make it close before proceeding) I have other resources similar to this for 2d shapes and matching formulas to shapes.
IDENTIFY THE 2D SHAPES - Interactive whiteboard Activity/Starter

IDENTIFY THE 2D SHAPES - Interactive whiteboard Activity/Starter

Use to improve students identification of 2d shapes and info about them. This resource is best used on an interactive whiteboard. You will need Adobe Flash Player on your computer (most have it installed as standard) The activity is to Drag a shape into it’s appropriate position. If it is correct it snaps into place. If it’s incorrect it will return to the top. If you click the ? next to each box it gives info about that shape (click the ? again to make it close before proceeding) I have other resources similar to this for 3d shapes and matching formulas to shapes.
PRIME FACTOR FINDER (1-100) - Starter / Interactive Whiteboard Activity /Lesson Resource

PRIME FACTOR FINDER (1-100) - Starter / Interactive Whiteboard Activity /Lesson Resource

I have used this with all year groups / all abilities as both a starter activity and a lesson resource when covering this topic. It can be used by student or staff on a computer by hovering/rolling/clicking a specific number They can come to the interactive whiteboard and touch one of the numbers to give them the prime factor/index notation for that number. It can be used to check sets of questions from worksheets or as part of a prime factor bingo game. It needs Adobe Flash Player installed on the computer it is being used on. ( Most computers do have this) If anyone can think of other uses please make a comment. *** Apologies to the first few people who downloaded this resource as I mistakenly uploaded the incorrect version- should be OK now) There was a problem with 34 and 78
DICE SIMULATOR - Simulate the throwing of up to 3 dice for classroom activities

DICE SIMULATOR - Simulate the throwing of up to 3 dice for classroom activities

You can simulate the throwing of up to 3 dice on a whiteboard for classroom activities. You will need Adobe Flash Player installed on you computer. (they usually do have it installed as standard) Now 2 files that basically do the same thing (the update file has an slightly different menu system) Please check out my other upload that simulates dice throwing and so you can look at expected outcomes and experimental outcomes.