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Cutting Skills Progression doc EYFS or SEN

Cutting Skills Progression doc EYFS or SEN

Document showing the progression of cutting skills Really useful for EYFS practitioners Can be shared with staff / displayed in creative areas / shared with parents Helps to track small steps of progress for pupils with an SEN
Supporting SEN in the classroom Staff Meeting

Supporting SEN in the classroom Staff Meeting

Exploring the EEF guidance on High quality teaching approaches for learners with SEND and applying them to daily practice. Staff Meeting / CPD / Teacher Training Includes a short video, tasks, research summary and reflections


One page crib sheet for teachers and subject leaders Shares both ambition and access: Ambition – What are we aiming for children with SENs to achieve in this subject? Access – What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SENs to achieve? These sheets were incredibly useful in our recent OFSTED inspection
Science Progression of Knowledge, Skills and Enquiry.

Science Progression of Knowledge, Skills and Enquiry.

12 pages detailing all topics: Plants Animals including humans. Living Things Evolution and Inheritance Materials Rocks and Soils Seasonal Changes Earth and Space Light and sound Forces Electricity and the Key vocabulary and Key indicators for each from EYFS to Year 6 encompassing both the EY and NC with clear indications of links between years and topics An amazing resource for a Primary Science Lead either revising their curriculum, needing a template to support with an OFSTED or other inspection or creating a curriculum from scratch
Progression in EYFS map with examples

Progression in EYFS map with examples

includes pre requisite skills and progression of learning for: drawing printing small world malleable materials role play painting and template for you to add your own areas These are an invaluable resource for EY leaders in both Nursery and Reception to ensure staff know the purpose of areas of learning and how best to support children’s development.
Music Wider Curriculum Whole School Exposure

Music Wider Curriculum Whole School Exposure

An incredible collection of slides to expose children to a wider range of musical genres without taking additional time in class timetables. These can be used in classes and assemblies to compliment your music teaching. Aims: Expose children to different styles, periods and composers Help children to formulate their own taste and opinions about music Cover full breadth of Listening side of Model Music Curriculum (a particular focus) Teach active listening (a transferable skill) Support their music lesson learning Suggested Structure Day 1: Expose children to key piece of music and/or associated pieces in the same style. Have on when children are coming in in morning, from break and lunch, during handwashing etc., end of day/tidy up time and relaxation time (if appropriate). Day 2: First responses. What do you think of the music? Do you like it? How does it make you feel/what does it make you think or remind you of? It’s important to stress that it doesn’t matter if children like or don’t like a song or a piece of music, but they should think about the reasons why they do or don’t. Day 3: Listen out for elements of music (prompts on next slides) and discuss/take responses. Day 4/5: Related music - listen to other pieces of music in a similar style or from a similar period. Take responses/compare and contrast, discuss the elements of music in each. Guidance on what to do/what to listen out for for KS1 and 2 45 slides with links for every week of the school year
Bumper Pack of Classroom Posters/display

Bumper Pack of Classroom Posters/display

huge bundle of 32 display resources for your classroom, all digitally illustrated and designed to be inclusive and diverse. A mixture of reminders, rules, responsibilities, inspiration, learning displays etc maths, English, Science, PSHE and general classroom display an amazing bundle for a new classroom
Daily Class Agenda Slides

Daily Class Agenda Slides

Daily class agenda slides includes space for a morning riddle to be answered during the register, daily good deed, daily timetable, extra curricular information
Reading Fluency Assessment

Reading Fluency Assessment

Reading fluency assessment E = errors SC = self correction Template can be used to inspire others with relevant and age appropriate texts