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Reading enjoyment INSET

Reading enjoyment INSET

Presentation for staff INSET day (CPD, Staff training - teaching staff) on promoting reading enjoyment. With examples, questions and activities.
Social Stories Bundle

Social Stories Bundle

13 social stories having a good day, using words, separation, hands and feet to myself, friends don't want to play, telling the truth, putting things in mouth, winning or loosing, lining up, listening to the teacher, good touching, appropriate touching
At home I can ... EYFS home cards

At home I can ... EYFS home cards

cards with examples of things children may be able to do at home more supportive than wow cards for parents who are EAL/struggle to contribute evidence of home links in learning journeys
Year 5 Filtering experiment plans and slides

Year 5 Filtering experiment plans and slides

use knowledge of solid, liquids and gases to decide how mixture might be separated, through filtering, evaporation and sieving know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution LO: Can I use knowledge of solid, liquids and gases to decide how mixture might be separated link back to nimblefingers story filtering experiment - explain which variables need to be controlled and why - Can make decisions about what observations to make. - Can decide how to record our observations
Earth and Space Lessons Year 5 Plans and Slides and Front Cover

Earth and Space Lessons Year 5 Plans and Slides and Front Cover

The Big Picture Objectives Engagement Stickability Describe the movement of earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. LO: I can discuss scientific ideas. Visual video opener. True or false statements to explore misconceptions. Child led plenary outlining what the chn want to learn about in the topic. Misconceptions clarified and child interested valued- highlighted to be used in future planning of the topic. Differentiated Year 5
Trust games

Trust games

Ideal for team building, beginning of term, getting to know one another or teaching about trust as a value
Respect poster

Respect poster

What does respect/look/feel/sound like? A3 poster with this question and images To stimulate discussion
India mindmap lesson

India mindmap lesson

Introductory India lesson mindmapping discussion of new topic songs and youtube videos finding out what the class already know LKS2 songs and dances