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CodingOverload's One Stop STEAM Shop

I am a computer science teacher in Taipei, Taiwan. I started the programming classes at my current school, so I always need to make a lot of materials for my classes. Whenever I have time, I upload anything that has been useful in classes.




I am a computer science teacher in Taipei, Taiwan. I started the programming classes at my current school, so I always need to make a lot of materials for my classes. Whenever I have time, I upload anything that has been useful in classes.
Scratch Coding Matching Game

Scratch Coding Matching Game

A matching game I play with my younger students to help them remember where each Scratch block is. I removed the colors from the blocks, so they have to try and work together to figure out which category a block belongs under, and then (if they want), color the block the proper color. The files included are a .pdf and .docx of the game, and also a .pdf and .docx file of the answer key sheet. You need a program capable of opening either one of these file types.
Introduction to Java - Variables Homework Sheet

Introduction to Java - Variables Homework Sheet

This is a great way to have your student’s practice variables in Java. It focuses mainly on int and string data types. Though, it does encourage them to use other variable types, and there are multiple right answers. There are 6 questions which cover variables, and a little bit of how output works in Java. Note: You will need the ability to open .docx files to use this product. Included is a total of 4 pages, including the answer key.
Arduino Sensors & Accessories Worksheet

Arduino Sensors & Accessories Worksheet

This worksheet is designed for slightly beyond beginner level Arduino students. The goal of this worksheet is to help my students remember key sensors, and accessories for Arduino. It’s highly vocabulary based, and it worked very well with my ESL Arduino students as well. Included inside: Arduino Sensors & Accessories Vocabulary Worksheet II (no answer key).docx Arduino Sensors & Accessories Vocabulary Worksheet II (no answer key).pdf Arduino Sensors & Accessories Vocabulary Worksheet II (with answer key) - Copy.docx Arduino Sensors & Accessories Vocabulary Worksheet II (with answer key) - Copy.pdf image_citations.txt Technical Note: You will need to be able to read a .docx file or a .pdf file (modern web browsers can open PDF’s) to view and/or print this worksheet.
Python List Practice Problems

Python List Practice Problems

A couple of my Python students were having trouble with lists in Python, so I wrote this worksheet to have them work on in class. I think it could be a good homework sheet as well. It goes over lists, type casting, ascii, and uses the basic math operations (+,-,/,*). The zip file includes the following documents Python List Practice Problems.pdf, Python List Practice Problems.docx, and python_list_practice_problems.py. I used python 3.6.3, but any 3.X version should work (it will work with Python 2 with only minimal changes (if you buy it and want Python 2, just let me know and I can make the changes for you).
Coding and Computer Science Word Searches

Coding and Computer Science Word Searches

I created these 6 computer science and coding word searches to help my students learn programming vocabulary. I also thought it was a fun C.S. unplugged activity. Included inside are 6 word searches which are all using different vocabulary words (besides one overlap). They vary a lot in which words were chosen, I chose the words based on which come up most in my class. Inside are pdf and .docx versions of each word search. You also will need the ability to open .zip files.
C++ Coding Beginner Programming Assignment: Make a Morse Code Encoder

C++ Coding Beginner Programming Assignment: Make a Morse Code Encoder

A great programming assignment for entry level C++ students who have learned about arrays and strings. I begin by teaching a simple example of a ROT-13 cypher since a similar algorithm can be used to solve both problems. This gets students very comfortable with C++ array syntax, and parallel arrays. You can also use this to make sure students are comfortable with the different data types in C++. Product Info: You will need the ability to extract zip files to use this product, it comes with a PDF and .docx of the programming assignment, and also includes two C++ solutions. One which is the basic solution, and one which is the solution to the extra challenges. The code for the extra challenges is commented. I coded this using Visual Studio, but besides the “system(‘pause’);” code it should work on other operating systems.
Minecraft - Command Block Assignment

Minecraft - Command Block Assignment

This is designed as a take home assignment for students learning programming through Minecraft. I tried to make it in a way that it can be used for students of varying age. I used Scriptcraft with this assignment, but mostly any Minecraft server should work. Note: You must be using a custom Minecraft server of some kind to use command blocks, so I would recommend only buying this if you are.
Scratch (coding) Matching Game

Scratch (coding) Matching Game

A matching game I play with my younger students to help them remember where each Scratch block is. I removed the colors from the blocks, so they have to try and work together to figure out which category a block belongs under, and then (if they want), color the block the proper color. The files included are a .pdf and .docx of the game, and also a .pdf and .docx file of the answer key sheet. You need a program capable of opening either one of these file types.
Young Learners STEAM Coding Bundle

Young Learners STEAM Coding Bundle

9 Resources
The young learners STEAM coding bundle includes all of my young learner files. This is an over £12 value for only £6! There are offline activities as well as programming worksheets included.