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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
The Euro Crisis, Global Economies, Poverty+Wealth

The Euro Crisis, Global Economies, Poverty+Wealth

The first article here is from Al Jazeera. It includes a reference to a video interview which you may use part of to shed light on this important issue. I am looking for any articles and videos which will help our students to understand what is happening and how it relates to them, to religious principles of fairness, justice, care for all, compassion and charity etc. I am looking for resources which will inform GCSE or older students and they will be useful for Citizenship and Economics subjects as much as for RE.
The danger of evangelism dressed as charity

The danger of evangelism dressed as charity

An excellent article about the so called charity 'Operation Christmas Child&' and the way it is actually a cover for the most right-wing American Evangelism. Marketed to schools all over the UK, the gifts provided by schools for needy children around the world are sent with evangelical material and these leaflets are regarded as the &';real gift' by the organisation - which celebrates those who are converted to Christianity as a result. An article warning schools about the project but also a good one to use with older classes when exploring prejudice and Fundamentalism.
This is an email conversation with my MP

This is an email conversation with my MP

I am uploading it for other RE teachers to share and perhaps discuss. The email is mostly about the importance of RE and the English Bacc but covers some other subjects too, I feel passionately concerned about the current threat to RE posed by its exclusion from the English Bacc so I am happy for others in Management and Governors etc to read this. And please never give up the fight.
What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

A sweeping reflection on life which explores and celebrates the beauty and mystery of of our planet, introducing a range of concepts from different religions and world views. In art and music it may stimulate composition. The origins are in RE where the poem emerged from my struggle to get year 10 to engage with the question of God in a serious way - it was movingly effective - but I want to include the questions of suffering and evil and still struggle with this, to keep it a poem and not a book! I hope to publish eventually but do use it as a basis for discussion or creative response.
RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

I'm sharing this to give others who want to write some ideas. I have tried to cover as much as I can here - in my original letter of 28th May - which is probably too much - but others may like to take some of the points to use in their letters. Still no answer about RE and the Bacc so I'll continue to share any correspondence resulting from this email the MPs 'campaign.' It may be of interest to post 16 / KS4 Citizenship and RE Thanks DurgaMata
It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

Songs by teacher Jill Blackadder - sheet music and CD from 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, The song I've used most in RE here is &'It&';s Christmas, get cracking' which is a great and humorous way of introducing an exploration of the tensions between our pagan &'yule&'; festival of feasting and indulgence which celebrates the return of the physical sun - lengthening days and hopes of spring to come - in mid-winter and the Christian celebration of the arrival of the Son, the spiritual sun or Light of the World.
Religious Education Conference 2012

Religious Education Conference 2012

lots of info and contact details for this conference. RE empowers our students, offering an opportunity to understanding themselves. others, society and the world we live in. RE opens minds and gets our young people thinking more deeply. It helps to create a good ethos in the school - an ethos that welcomes and celebrates diversity rather than fearing it. Good RE can also challenge the kind of attitude and behaviour which was exemplified in the riots and can lead to gangs and violence. Support RE. Take part in this conference!
durgamata blog - November 2011

durgamata blog - November 2011

This is not really part of the Meditation-Blog as that was something quite unique, to share my experiences in New York and my my daily meditation at the beautiful Meditation Garden I loved to visit every morning. But if there are any experiences here - back in England - which relate to issues which I mentioned or explored in that blog, I feel it is useful to share these as part of the 'appendix.' For now I feel inspired to continue to share my life in a small way here. The one about 13 - 15th relates to Remembrance Sunday. With love and thanks for all your encouragement. DMC
Why is it important to have good RE?

Why is it important to have good RE?

The first file here tells the story of Jim Jones and his Temple which ended up in Guyana, with over 900 people dead. The second file is an excellent article about why RE is important. Next, The Nature of Love, can be used as a GCSE/post 16 revision aid. I include it here as it relates to what I have written about engaging students in the 4th file. The fourth file is an example of the way that good RE really can make a difference. Happy Christmas everyone.
MP's list with contact details

MP's list with contact details

I aim to list of all the MP's and members of the House of Lords - with their contact details. I have just found a couple of good lists on internet so I am uploading info about these too. Contact details added for all the A - G surnames so far - more to follow I’ve uploaded a copy of my email and am adding any replies and correspondence from this as a separate resource.
The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro

In process - ch 4 half - A royal family, divided by greed and jealousy, faces a battle which symbolises the eternal battle between good and evil. Arjuna asks his charioteer Sri Krishna, to drive his chariot between the two armies. In both armies he sees friends and relatives. He is grief-stricken at the immanent destruction and refuses to fight. Sri Krishna says he must fight. Arjuna begs Krishna to teach him, and Krishna does. This conversation is recorded as 'The Song Celestial' - the Bhagavad Gita - and encompasses the essence of Hindu teaching.
An outline of Hinduism

An outline of Hinduism

This simple overview of Hinduism can be used to revise or consolidate a unit of KS3 work or to refresh and introduce a unit for further study in KS4. Including both a Word Search and Cross-Word Puzzle to reinforce Key Words, this resource will link with further ones which explore each area in more detail. Currently Under Construction.....
Human Rights, Women's Rights The UN, Pakistan

Human Rights, Women's Rights The UN, Pakistan

Ra'ana Mahmood is a Pakistani Doctor who started a non-govermnental organisation called the Geriatric Care Foundation. She is in New York for a Human Rights Conference, presenting a paper about the situation in Pakistan, regarding Women's Rights and the position of Elderly people in Pakistan. Ra&'ana is a good friend of mine and emailed me last night to ask if I would check through her report and correct her mistakes in English. Her report is quite moving AND a rich resource for both RE and Citizenship. Ra&';ana says I may share it here. Please give feedback / rating if you use this.
The Geography Weather Song

The Geography Weather Song

A resource prepared for year 7 Geography, learning about climate and weather - this song or rap is designed to introduce or revise the topic using musical intelligence. See if you can improve on it. Give me a pm if you would liike to turn it into a youtube video. Enjoy and learn, learn and enjoy!
Global Warming, UN Climate Conference

Global Warming, UN Climate Conference

This resource is to gather together articles and video links which relate to Global Warming and the UN Climate Conference. It relates to issues we explore in RE with GCSE and older students, stewardship etc. But it is also an important subject in Geography, Science, Citizenship, Politics and Economics etc. Do let me know if you have good resources which I can add here - and give reviews.
Pagan and Neo-Pagan perspectives - Imbolg, Tiw

Pagan and Neo-Pagan perspectives - Imbolg, Tiw

Imbolg is the first of many subjects I hope to explore under this heading. If there are others which you would like me to include, do send a PM. Imbolg is the festival which marks the beginning of spring, when the goddess Bride and her groom (the terms Bride and Groom originate here) get together and the year unfolds in all its glory. There are ceremonies to turn away winter and welcome spring - clear out the old and welcome the new ... It is celebrated around the 2nd February - which happens to be today, Happy Imbolg!
Life After Death NDE's and  reincarnation

Life After Death NDE's and reincarnation

Life After Death is a fascinating aspect of the curriculum, I have selected some interesting and informative articles about reincarnation and Near Death Experiences, looking for the most serious scientific explorations of these important subjects. 'Proof&' includes - writing match from one life to the next, people born blind who see the room when having out of body NDE&';s and people who are completely brain dead - no activity in the brain at all - when experiencing NDE's
Conversation between theist and atheist teachers

Conversation between theist and atheist teachers

This is copied from a thread on my messages. Tonight I answered the atheists statement in some detail and it occurred to me that this conversation would be useful when exploring the God question in school. I would love some feedback, especially questions that your own pupils may ask - so I could make my response more comprehensive and useful. the one I have just put up - (in progress) is probably the last in this series as I am now working with the atheist teacher to turn it into a book which will, hopefully, do justice to both our different viewpoints.
Some of my experiences as a Christian and beyond

Some of my experiences as a Christian and beyond

Hi guys, I sometimes go on a forum which is about spiritual experiences. This morning I read a message posted by a Christian who had been directed to their (contemporary) spiritual teacher by Jesus, in a moving way. I was inspired to share some experiences of my own which relate to Christianity. I couldn’t have shared this story with my classes, but please feel free to use it. I guess in relation to Religious Experience, pluralist and exclusivist views - and an example of why generalising removes you from reality. (Jackie – who meditates - and my ‘Old Lady’ are both Christians.)
Blog for October 2012

Blog for October 2012

in haste - the prev site is full so starting another. Sorry not a regular blog at the moment, Life is a bit hectic. Bella-the kitten who just caught a mouse at Mums is sitting on my knee purring like a steam engine, very proud of herself. Love and Peace DurgaMata