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Edward the Confessor (Edexcel 9-1: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England)

Edward the Confessor (Edexcel 9-1: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England)

This lesson is designed as a skills building case study to help introduce the Normans unit. Pupils will be introduced to life in Saxon England and the power of the house of Godwin. They will build towards answering a how useful question to embed paper one and paper three skills. Gives later opportunity to compare when analysing the control of William. Edward didn’t raise taxes or take land from the earls, so a good link to allow pupils to understand why Saxons were so upset and angry following 1066.
Treaty of Versailles: sources group work/how useful (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

Treaty of Versailles: sources group work/how useful (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

This follows a lesson I have posted about the Treaty of Versailles. Pupils will examine sources in small groups through use of a carousel activity where each group adds to the last groups ideas (making it harder as they progress around the room and meaning they have to pick out smaller features of sources). They will then use this skill to analyse a skill themselves, before feedback to the class (AFL slide included). Following this pupils attempt a fully differentiated how useful question with options for two different structure strips and either two sources or one. Once completed pupils peer assess their work to explain what is good about their work and how they can move forwards next time they see that question type.
REVISON 1066 with 'Question Pong' game and exam skills (Edexcel 9-1: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England)

REVISON 1066 with 'Question Pong' game and exam skills (Edexcel 9-1: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England)

WALT: Revise the events of 1066 and apply to an exam question. WILF 1: Identify events of each battle. WILF 2: Explain why William won the Battle of Hastings WILF 3: Evaluate how far you agree with a statement to come to a clear judgement. As with all of my revision lessons this lesson is accompanied by a single A3 sheet so that pupils do not require exercise books. task one: identify key events of each battle by labelling key features task two: question poing - 15 questions covering claim to the throne, Gate Fulford, Stamford Bridge and Hastings Task three: scales task planning 16 mark question task four: How far do you agree question with focus on integrated judgement (pictured)
WW1 knowledge and how useful intervention (Edexcel 9-1: WW1 medicine)

WW1 knowledge and how useful intervention (Edexcel 9-1: WW1 medicine)

WALT: Revise key aspects of WW1 and evaluate the utility of sources. Identify the chronology of WW1 battles. Describe the chain of evacuation. Explain how useful a source is. Evaluate source utility including content and provenance, use and limitations. Starter: Put battles into chronological order - AFL slide with key features of each battle Task one: Create a paper chain of the chain of evacuation, include the key features of each chain - AFL slide with answers Task two: How useful question - guided annotation of sources, exemplar answer for source A and then complete source B independently
REVISION Life in Nazi Germany/Control (Edexcel 9-1: Weimar and Nazi Germany)

REVISION Life in Nazi Germany/Control (Edexcel 9-1: Weimar and Nazi Germany)

This lesson, like all of my revision lessons, is fully resourced so that pupils can work fully on worksheets - not requiring any exercise books or lined paper. WALT: Revise how Hitler controlled Germany. Grade 3: Recall key facts for Paper Three Grade 5: Describe key features of Hitler’s Germany. Grade 7: Explain how Hitler kept control of the population of Germany after 1933. Grade 9: Evaluate the most important method Hitler used to keep control of Germany. Starter: Quiz Task one: Carrot and stick donkey - what does it mean? how does it link to paper three? Task two: overview/sorting activity - support on the slide for pupils plus using own knowledge, answer slide provided Task three: annotate interpretations together Task four: why do interpretations differ/what is the main difference (full mark wAGOLLS provided) Task five: plan for a 20 mark interpretation question - can be set as homework, challenge to write conclusion (see cover photo for task in full)
Civil Rights Movement: Education (KS3)

Civil Rights Movement: Education (KS3)

WALT: analyse and explain the importance of events for the fight for equal education. Level 3: Identify key features of a source Level 4: Describe key features in the fight for equal education. Level 5: Explain the importance of key events for the fight for equal education. Level 6: create a narrative account analysing the events that lead to equal education Starter: describing a source task one: recall Jim Crow Laws (taught in introduction to the Civil Rights Movement lesson) task two: Video about Brown V Board Task three: Video about Little Rock Nine Task four: GCSE style question Explain the importance of Brown V Board for the fight for equal education. (green pen slide included see cover photo) Task Five: Create a narrative account analysing the fight for equal education 1870 – 1972. worksheet provided to support LA students
WW1 REVISION: Gas! (EDEXCEL 9-1: Western Front MTT)

WW1 REVISION: Gas! (EDEXCEL 9-1: Western Front MTT)

WALT Analyse sources to explain how gas was used during WW1. Recall key features of the main battles of WW1. Identify key features of the first use of mustard gas. Describe the three types of gas used in WW1 in detail. Explain how they harmed a soldier. Apply: Analyse sources to evaluate their utility. The first task recaps the main features of battles in WW1. the main body of the lesson revises key knowledge of gas attacks, before focusing keenly on source skills using the IS-SAYS-KNOW structure and modelling the answer to the first source as a group.
The Weimar Constitution (Weimar and Nazi Germany (Edexcel 9-1))

The Weimar Constitution (Weimar and Nazi Germany (Edexcel 9-1))

This lesson is part of a unit of work that explores Paper Three, Weimar and Nazi Germany. Pupils will: Identify the meaning of the word constitution (using a Freya Model grid) Describe what the constitution consisted of (see capture, paired task - version of worksheet as a gap fill for lower ability students) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the constitution - includes AFL on slide Develop use of judgement: includes WABOLL, structure strip for LA and differentiated task.
Treaty of Versailles (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

Treaty of Versailles (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

Students will: Identify the terms of the treaty of versaille watching a video and completing a worksheet Describe whether the terms were fair - guided think pair share activity Explain how to answer question 3d through use of examiners mark schemes criticise a model answer to demonstrate what their own work should include attempt a PEEL paragraph of their own using an interpretation.
Individuals significance/judgement and analysis (Medicine Through Time: Edexcel 9-1)

Individuals significance/judgement and analysis (Medicine Through Time: Edexcel 9-1)

WALT: Revise the value of contributions made to medicine by individuals. WILF 1: Identify individuals that contributed to medicine WILF 2: Describe what each person did WILF 3 : Explain how important each discovery/development was to the history of medicine. WILF 4: Evaluate who made the biggest contribution to medicine and compare their contribution to another individual Starter: pupils name as many individuals as they can and what they did Support: code breaker with five individuals encoded Task one: pupils name the individuals in the yellow box and two features of their work - i give students a different coloured post it note to add any others they think deserve to be in the top five and why as an extension. (as an extra task they can order them from ost to least important, then in chronological order) task two: students create the histograms shown in the cover image - aim is to allow them to analyse individuals without too much writing task three how far do you agree question
Civil Rights Movement: Moderate V Militant Action

Civil Rights Movement: Moderate V Militant Action

WALT: compare the uses of moderate and militant action. Level 3: Define key words. Level 4: Describe the work of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Level 5: Explain whether militancy or moderacy was most effective in the Civil Rights Movement. Level 6: compare the most effective method to the least effective method of protest. Starter: key word match up task one complete worksheet whilst watching MLK video task two complete worksheet whilst watching Malcolm X video task three: read and annotate the newspaper article using a visualiser Task four: In your opinion, was being militant or being moderate a more effective method of protest? Why? see differentiation for task four on cover sheet
REVISION STARTER ACTIVITIES: Entire unit quizzes, Anglo-Saxon and Norman England (Edexcel 9-1)

REVISION STARTER ACTIVITIES: Entire unit quizzes, Anglo-Saxon and Norman England (Edexcel 9-1)

These quizzes have been designed as 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 tasks to drop into other lessons. The idea is to use them as a way to interleave prior knowledge into current topics and ensure that knowledge is returned to frequently to develop knowledge retention. The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 structure gives students instant formative assessment in which they can then choose a topic to ‘pledge’ to revise that week as part of their homework. Every quiz has a green pen slide with answers to go through with students to support the teacher. Students find these tasks very fun and engaging and can see where their strengths and weaknesses across a topic lie. I have designed the task to revise important concepts briefly at least once by the time they have completed all of the starter activities. The activities could also be used as a building block to help students identify what they will be doing for the rest of the lesson (to be used closer to exams when completing revision tasks).
Renaissance Factors Revision (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

Renaissance Factors Revision (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

WALT explain why there was progress in medicine 1500-1700. Recall individuals who contributed to medicine during the Renaissance period. Describe features of Renaissance medicine. Explain why there was progress in the understanding of the human body 1500-1700. Apply: Analyse factors that contributed to medical progress 1500-1700. Students start by recapping contributions of key individuals in the period before attempting a four mark question based on those individuals. Knowledge is layered through use of two videos before students unpick how factors caused progress, particularly in reference to anatomy, during the period 1500-1700.
SKILLS BUILDER! Explain the importance (Edexcel 9-1: The American West)

SKILLS BUILDER! Explain the importance (Edexcel 9-1: The American West)

WALT: explore the key skills needed to reach full marks on an ‘importance of’ question. Recall prior knowledge from the Norman unit. Describe the assessment objectives and mark scheme. Analyse and criticise an example answer. Apply my understanding to an exam question to demonstrate my knowledge. This lesson has been created to build students confidence with using and applying assessment objectives to their learning - i have found that through using skills builders students grow in confidence and full marks seems more attainable. Students annotate the mark scheme and an example answer before applying their knowledge to a new question and marking their peers work to demonstrate further undertstanding. The starter activity recalls prior knowledge of the Normans topic, however the task from slide 11 could easily be moved to the starter if you do not teach this topic/ have not taught it prior to this lesson.
Later Public Health 1854-1900 (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

Later Public Health 1854-1900 (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

WALT: Evaluate the progress made to Public Health 1850-1900 Recall features of the Public Health Act of 1875. Describe developments in Public Health before 1854. Explain how and why the approach towards Public Health changed after 1850. Apply: Explain why there was progress in Public Health 1850-1900 (12 marks). Students recall (starter and wilf 1) knowledge on early public health and the Public Health Act (taught previously) before building on this with knowledge about the Great Stink and three key acts that can be used as evidence the government abandoned their Laissez-Faire ideology. This leads to a tiered apply task in which students can connect their knowledge coherently in response to a 12 mark question.
Government action through time REVISION (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

Government action through time REVISION (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

WALT Evaluate changes in government action and attitude. Summarise government attitudes in each period using a phrase. Identify actions taken by the government during each plague. Explain how government actions differed. Apply: Analyse the importance of government action and apply knowledge to a past paper exam Q. Students revise core knowledge - focusing firstly on the two plague case studies in reference to a past paper exam, before moving through to compare GOVT actions 1700-1900 and 1900-present and applying their understanding to an exam question. Each task is fully reviewed with green pen improvement slides provided.