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We understand the importance of education. We offer tailored private tuition designed to maximise success at GCSE, A Level and beyond. Our tutors are experienced professionals, teachers and top-tier graduates with extensive knowledge in their subjects.
On Tes we offer high quality board-specific resources. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our stock.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point - Scientific Processes.
Variables: manipulation and control of variables, including independent, dependent, extraneous, confounding; operationalisation of variables.
Control: random allocation and counterbalancing, randomisation and standardisation.
Complete set of Chapter 7 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point - Scientific Processes.
Demand characteristics and investigator effects.
Ethics, including the role of the British Psychological Society’s code of ethics; ethical issues in the design and conduct of psychological studies; dealing with ethical issues in research.
Complete set of Chapter 7 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point - Data handling and analysis.
Calculation of percentages; positive, negative and zero correlations.
Distributions: normal and skewed distributions; characteristics of normal and skewed distributions.
Presentation and display of quantitative data: graphs, tables, scattergrams, bar charts, histograms.
Complete set of Chapter 7 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point - Scientific Processes.
Features of science: objectivity and the empirical method; replicability and falsifiability; theory construction and hypothesis testing; paradigms and paradigm shifts.
Reliability across all methods of investigation. Ways of assessing reliability: test-retest and inter-observer; improving reliability.
Types of validity across all methods of investigation: face validity, concurrent validity, ecological validity and temporal validity. Assessment of validity. Improving validity.
Reporting psychological investigations. Sections of a scientific report: abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and referencing.
The role of peer review in the scientific process.
Complete set of Chapter 7 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.2.2 - Biopsychology.
Biological rhythms: circadian, infradian and ultradian and the difference between these rhythms.
The effect of endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers on the sleep/wake cycle.
Complete set of Chapter 6 Lectures are available.
Complete set of concise, modern presentations for AQA A Level Psychology (7181 and 7182) Chapter 7 - Research Methods. Contains colour coded specification points. Nine presentations included:
33 - Research Methods
34 - Scientific Processes
35 - Designing Experiments
36 - Variables and Controls
37 - Ethics in Psychology
38 - Creating and Publishing Research
39 - Data Handling
40 - Presenting Data
41 - Inferential Statistics
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point - Data handling and analysis.
Quantitative and qualitative data; the distinction between qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques.
Primary and secondary data, including meta-analysis.
Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency – mean, median, mode; calculation of mean, median and mode; measures of dispersion; range and standard deviation; calculation of range.
Complete set of Chapter 7 Lectures are available.
Complete set of concise, modern presentations for AQA A Level Psychology (7181 and 7182) Chapter 8 - Issues and Debates. Contains colour coded specification points. Six presentations included:
42 - Bias
43 - Free Will and Determinism
44 - Holism and Reductionism
45 - The Nature-Nurture Debate
46 - Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches
47 - Socially Sensitive Research
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.1 - Issues and debates in psychology.
Gender and culture in psychology – universality and bias.
Gender bias including androcentrism and alpha and beta bias.
Cultural bias, including ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
Complete set of Chapter 8 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.1 - Issues and debates in psychology.
The nature-nurture debate: the relative importance of heredity and environment in determining behaviour; the interactionist approach.
Complete set of Chapter 8 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.1 - Issues and debates in psychology.
Free will and determinism: hard determinism and soft determinism; biological, environmental and psychic determinism.
The scientific emphasis on causal explanations.
Complete set of Chapter 8 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.1 - Issues and debates in psychology.
Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation.
Complete set of Chapter 8 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.2 - Relationships.
The evolutionary explanations for partner preferences, including the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour.
Complete set of Chapter 9 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.2 - Relationships.
Parasocial relationships: levels of parasocial relationships, the absorption addiction model and the attachment theory explanation.
Complete set of Chapter 9 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.3 - Gender.
Cognitive explanations of gender development, Kohlberg’s theory, gender identity, gender stability and gender constancy; gender schema theory.
Complete set of Chapter 10 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.3 - Gender.
Psychodynamic explanation of gender development, Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Oedipus complex; Electra complex; identification and internalisation.
Complete set of Chapter 10 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.2 - Relationships.
Theories of romantic relationships: social exchange theory, equity theory and Rusbult’s investment model of commitment, satisfaction, comparison with alternatives and investment.
Duck’s phase model of relationship breakdown: intra-psychic, dyadic, social and grave dressing phases.
Complete set of Chapter 9 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.2 - Relationships.
Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships: self-disclosure; physical attractiveness, including the matching hypothesis; filter theory, including social demography, similarity in attitudes and complementarity.
Complete set of Chapter 9 Lectures are available.
Powerpoint lecture covering the following in a modern, concise format:
Specification Point 4.3.3 - Gender.
The role of chromosomes and hormones in sex and gender.
Atypical sex chromosome patterns: Klinefelter’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome.
Complete set of Chapter 10 Lectures are available.