Lessons covering AQA A Level Sociology Crime - topic 2 (second bullet point of specification) the social distribution of crime and deviance by ethnicity, gender and social class, including recent patterns and trends in crime
Lessons covering A Level AQA Sociology, Crime topic but first bullet point of the spec - crime, deviance, social order and social control
Lessons cover concepts of crime, deviance, social order and control
Also approaches explaining crime and deviance:
Subcultural theories
Neo Marxist
Realist (left and right)
Resources covering task 1 of new spec Health and Social Care Cambridge National RO33 Coursework: Life Events
Lessons covering PIES and general factors affecting Young Adulthood (2022 assignment) and Adolescence (2023 assignment)
Task 1 a Lessons Specific to Physical activity 2023 Live Assignment
Lessons covering task 1a content and preparing students to research the importance of physical activity as a health promotion campaign
Theory lessons covering task 1b - Factors, barriers and benefits of Health promotion campaigns
Covers the factors, barriers and benefits in general so that students can then apply them to their specific health promotion campaign.
Introduction lessons to AQA A Level Sociology, 5 lessons in total covering:
-Intro - what is Sociology?
-Sociology Key terms eg norms, values, socialisation
-Social Issues
-Sociological Theories with a booklet to go alongside
Resources for Cambridge Nationals Health and Social Care RO22 Communication LO1 (Task 1) resources cover lessons, activities and HW on:
Verbal skills
Non-verbal communication
Written Communication (HW)
Specialist communication
New redeveloped spec, lessons to cover theory and prepare students for task 2b
RO33 Life Events Cambridge National
Lessons cover the types of support and person-centred care
Resources for LO3 CTEC Unit 2 Health & Social care
Part 1:
Lessons and activities/HW covering:
Care Act
Health & Social care Act
Equality Act
Children Act
Data protection Act
Mental Capacity Act
HW exam questions
Revision lesson with many activities
Lesson covering interpreting data Body systems RO23 Health and Social Care
covers how to measure the 3 body rates and questions for a live class mind map to help them interpret some data.
Resources to cover Topic 2 of Health for AQA A Level Sociology
Lessons cover - unequal health chances by social class, gender, ethnicity and there is a homework covering region
Resources covering topic 5 (5th bullet point of spec) for Health, AQA A Level Sociology.
Full lessons for the role of the medical profession (covering Functionalist, Weberian, Marxist, Feminist, Postmodernist approaches) and globalisation of health