In this exercise, you’ll be able to study the French verbs ÊTRE (to be) and AVOIR (to have).
This sheet has been made by myself, a 30-year-old French teacher for strangers and migrants near Paris. I spent most of my life in France and I’m happy to share my knowledge.
The exercise sheet goes along with an answer sheet.
It can be modifiable (DOCX) or not (PDF)
This worksheet (all in French) deals with the subject of informatics, computers and the Internet. This exercise will help you teach computer-related vocabulary. It contains words widely used by the French speakers, regarding this topic.
You will find 16 sentences, each containing an empty space. Fill in the blank space with the words from the list on the left.
The 16 words to be placed are: adresse e-mail, applications, blog, clavier, e-mails, ebooks, fibre (optique), identifier, Internet, lien (hypertexte), logiciel (ou programme), ordinateur portable, pièce jointe, supprimer, télécharger, YouTube.
What’s Included
A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + printable PDF)
An answer sheet.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
**Thank you! **
Ce document contient 1 page sur le thème de la santé, avec un court texte intitulé : Comment rester en forme ? et deux sujets d’expression écrite :
Quelles sont vos bonnes habitudes ?
Quelles sont vos mauvaises habitudes ?
Le texte contient quelques conseils pour être en bonne santé :
Manger beaucoup de fruits et légumes
Éviter le sucre blanc
Avoir des apports équilibrés
Ne pas boire d’alcool ni fumer, et éviter le stress
Sortir chaque jour
Faire de l’exercice physique
Se reposer suffisamment
On pourra lire le texte en classe, en discuter, puis demander aux apprenants de répondre aux deux questions.
Cet exercice a été élaboré à destination des niveaux A2, B1 et B2.
Vous pouvez adapter cet exercice pour les écoliers et collégiens (en modifiant le passage sur l’alcool et le tabac).
Le document est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX.
English version below
This worksheet includes a one-page A4 document on the topic of health, with a short text entitled: “How do you stay in shape?” and two written expression topics:
What are your good habits?
What are your bad habits?
The text contains some tips for good health:
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Avoid white sugar
Have a balanced diet
Don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and avoid stress
Go out every day
Exercise every day
Get enough rest
The text can be read to the class, discussed and then learners can be asked to answer the two questions.
This exercise was developed for levels A2, B1 and B2.
You can adapt this exercise for schoolchildren (by modifying the passage on alcohol and tobacco).
The document can be downloaded in PDF format as well as in DOCX format.
This easy, no-prep activity will help your students practice the masculine and feminine form in French.
The sentences in masculine form have to be transformed into the feminine.
There are 16 sentences to be transformed this way.
What’s Included
A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF
An exhaustive answer sheet
This activity (all in French) is about rest, sleep and dreams! Many new words and expressions to learn, some of them frequently used by French speakers!
The worksheet consists of 3 different exercises.
What’s Included
A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 3 exercises (including a writing exercise),
A complete answer sheet (2 pages)
In the first exercise, you will have to complete the empty spaces of the text (15 words from the list: baille, cauchemars, couche, dormir, endormi, endormir, fatigue, insomnies, lève, matinal, met au lit, oiseau de nuit, réveil, réveille, siestes)
In the second exercise, you will have to find the meaning of 8 sentences related to sleep, among three possible choices. Example: “faire la grasse matinée”, “dormir à poings fermés”, “être dans les bras de Morphée”, “c’est une histoire à dormir debout”…
Finally, in the last exercise, the learner will have to answer a question about his sleep: does he sleep a lot? On your back or on your side? Does he have a light sleep or a rather heavy sleep?
The answers are complete and include examples for written expression.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
**Thank you! **
This exercise consists of nine French sentences from everyday life, which are to be transformed into the simple past (passé composé) and the simple/near future (futur simple/futur proche)
The sentences to be transformed are: I eat a lot, I work late at night, she stays at home for a few days, I drink coffee, I pick up my daughter from school, I take French lessons, I go to bed early, I do the shopping, I watch TV. (= je mange beaucoup, je travaille jusque tard dans la nuit, elle reste à la maison quelques jours, je bois du café, je vais chercher ma fille à l’école, je prends des cours de français, je me couche tôt, je fais les courses, je regarde la télé.)
This exercise helps: (1) to learn simple and very useful French sentences, (2) to practice conjugation.
A detailed answer key is attached to the document.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
French version below:
Cet exercice comporte 9 phrases du quotidien, qu’il faut transformer au passé simple et au futur simple/futur proche.
Les phrases à transformer sont : je mange beaucoup, je travaille jusque tard dans la nuit, elle reste à la maison quelques jours, je bois du café, je vais chercher ma fille à l’école, je prends des cours de français, je me couche tôt, je fais les courses, je regarde la télé.
Cet exercice permet : (1) d’apprendre des phrases simples et très utiles, (2) de s’entraîner en conjugaison.
Un corrigé détaillé est joint au document.
You will find below a text to be filled in with verbs conjugated in the past tense (passé composé) or the “imperfect” (imparfait) past tense. You will have to choose the appropriate tense in each case.
This text describes the (fictitious) career path of a man who studied economics and who, after various professional experiences, finally became a teacher.
This exercise is appropriate for French levels A2-B1; choosing between passé composé and imparfait is sometimes difficult for those learning French, so the teacher should explain the uses of these two tenses. Beyond conjugation, this activity will also help your learners to enrich their vocabulary with words and expressions from everyday language.
You will find a page with the text with empty spaces, and a second page with the corrected text.
This easy, no-prep activity will help your students improve their vocabulary in French, by learning several adjectives used to describe people (commère, courageux, élancé, farceur, hyperactif, impatient, intelligent, mince, paresseux, ridé, sociable, sérieux, sportif ; cheveux bruns, frisés).
You will find 15 sentences with gaps to fill, using the words from the list on the left.
What’s Included
A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX), and its PDF equivalent.
An exhaustive answer sheet
In this French exercise, intended for beginners (CP, CE1 - level A1.1, A1), you will find simple questions to be answered, using the affirmative form and then the negative form.
You will find two pages of questions: the first page is about affirmative answers and the second about negative answers.
This activity is useful to become familiar with the writing gesture, and to easily answer common questions. It also helps to master some of the alterations that occur in the negative form (e.g., change “un” into “de”; “du” > “de”).
A complete answer key is attached to this activity. The activity can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format (editable, using the Standard Cursive font)
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
Ce document à destination des apprenants adultes en FLE comporte 8 espaces à remplir, à propos du pays d’origine de l’étudiant. Voici les informations à compléter :
Nom du pays
Nombre d’habitants
Fête nationale
Votre ville d’origine
Spécialités culinaires et traditions du pays
Avantages du pays
Inconvénients du pays
Ce travail est adapté aux niveaux A2 et +.
Cet exercice est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX (pour pouvoir le modifier à votre guise).
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
English version below
This document for adult learners of French as a foreign language has 8 spaces to be filled out about the student’s country of origin. Here is the information to be completed:
Name of the country
Number of inhabitants
National holiday
Your home town
Culinary specialties and traditions of the country
Advantages of the country
Disadvantages of the country
This exercise is suitable for levels A2 and above.
This exercise can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX formats (so you can modify it as you wish).
Here are two crossword puzzles that will be useful for those who are learning to read in French. You will find various pictures depicting 12 jobs, and two crossword puzzles. Each time you have to recognize the right word from the list (at the bottom) and place them in the right place.
These works are intended for CP / CE1 (1st & 2nd grade). They can also be used with adults (A1 level). These exercises can be downloaded in PDF format.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
This exercise (PDF + DOCX) will help your students become familiar with figures, numbers, and time writing.
In the first exercise, simply copy the words designating numbers (from 1 to 20). In the second exercise, you will have to spell out the numerical time indicated (example: 17h15 > Il est dix-sept heures quinze).
This exercise is suitable for learning to read and write, for both young and old (level A1.1).
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
This worksheet (all in French) deals with the subject of feelings. You will be able to teach new words describing feelings, such as: dégoûté, dubitatif, effrayé, enthousiaste, fâché, indifférent, jaloux, ravi, stressé, timide, touché, vexé
You will find 12 sentences, each containing an empty space. Fill in the blank space with the words from the list on top of the page.
The 12 words to be used are: dégoûté/dégoûtée - dubitatif/dubitative - effrayé/effrayée - enthousiaste - fâché/fâchée - indifférent/indifférente - jaloux/jalouse - ravi/ravie - stressé/stressée - timide - touché/touchée - vexé/vexée
You will also find 4 questions to be asked during the course.
Name the last thing that made you angry.
Are you extroverted or rather reserved?
Do you often worry? If yes, why?
Mention something that moved you or that you liked it a lot.
Thus, you will be able to further the conversation and speak directly with your students about various topics.
What’s Included
A **one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + PDF **
A detailed answer sheet
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
This worksheet presents 10 French administrative documents. The corresponding description must be found, based on the 10 possible choices (on the right).
The documents presented are:
La carte bancaire (The bank card)
La carte Navigo (The “Navigo” card, i.e. the “Île-de-France” transport card)
The passport
Les tickets T+ (bus/train tickets to travel in Paris and suburbs)
La carte Vitale (health insurance card)
La carte d’identité (The identity card)
Le livret de famille (The family booklet)
La carte de séjour (The residence permit)
La carte de visite (The business card)
Le permis de conduire (The driving license)
This exercise is a good overview of the important documents in the lives of French people and foreigners, and in particular those living in and around Paris.
What’s Included
A **one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + PDF **
A detailed answer sheet
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
This activity will allow you to question prejudices about the French: do they really eat snails and frog legs? Are they so lazy and rude?
This text, written by a Frenchman living near Paris, is accompanied by two exercises and an answer sheet.
What’s Included
A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 2 exercises (including a writing exercise).
An answer sheet.
In the first exercise, students will be asked to answer 5 questions about the text.
In the second exercise, they will have to find the definition of four words (haughty, harsh, lazy, old-fashioned), among the proposed choices.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
In this cursive writing exercise (2 pages), the names of several fruits are written. The kid has to copy the words in order to write them and learn them. The words are: figue, fraise, ananas, kiwi, citron, avocat, orange.
This activity is useful for adopting the writing gesture, and for learning how to read (several sequences of words are repeated).
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
This “missing letters” exercise involves finding the missing letters in each word. The words are almost completely written out, and the student will have to find the letter that does not appear.
This work is interesting for a playful approach to reading and writing: it is often not easy to break down words. Completing words that are almost entirely written will be a prerequisite for greater autonomy.
This exercise is both simple and effective: I have noticed that students like it because it is accessible and complete (for beginners). This is why I have created other exercises of the same type, on different themes.
The theme of the worksheet is: fruits. Here are the words to write: poire, raisin, prune, framboise, kaki, myrtille, pomme, grenade, fraise, figue, orange, banane, citron et cerise (pear, grape, plum, raspberry, persimmon, blueberry, apple, pomegranate, strawberry, fig, orange, banana, lemon and cherry).
Below each word is a line: the student/learner can copy the word just above it, in order to become familiar with the writing gesture and better memorize the word. These exercises, also known as “hole words”, are downloadable in PDF format and are adapted to the A1.1 and A1 level (equivalent to year 1 and year 2).
This easy, no-prep activity will help your students improve their vocabulary in French, by learning several adjectives used to describe the personality of a person.
You will get used to words like: honnête, altruiste, impulsif, sympa, perfectionniste, drôle, orgueilleux, patient, généreux, timide, maladroit, désagréable, optimiste, généreux, peureux, prudent, enfantin, dangereux, sensible, malhonnête…
What’s Included
A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX), and its PDF equivalent, containing:
An exercise with gaps to fill from the words of the list,
Another exercise where you have to circle the right word between two, for each of the sentences.
An exhaustive answer sheet.
This worksheet contains a crossword puzzle (mots croisés) on the topic of masculine and feminine in French (masculin et féminin). It was made by myself, a French teacher living in France.
It is a funny way to teach the feminine form of some words, which can be quite difficult in French.
What’s Included
A one-page printable and modifiable DOCX and a printable PDF
An answer sheet to help you correct this exercise.
I hope you will enjoy this worksheet :)