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Curriculum 2014 Long Term Plans
Two-year rolling programme of long term plans detailing the coverage of each subject to act as overviews for subject leaders.
Phase overviews combining all subjects availeble https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/curriculum-2014-long-term-plans-11090690
Editable Word versions available webb.gaz@gmail.com
Curriculum 2014 Long Term Plans
Two-year rolling programme of long term plans detailing the coverage of each subject; suggested topics and embedded texts. KS1, LKS2 and UKS2.
Subject-by-subect overviews also available for subject leaders https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/curriculum-2014-long-term-plans-11090701
Eidtable word versions available webb.gaz@gmail.com
Assessing Speaking and Listening
A progression guide combining the NC2014 S&L objectives and the Universally Speaking guidance; broken into phases.
Effective Transition
Transition into a new class is difficult - if children are not safe and secure they cannot learn, so invest some time building positive relationships with your new class using some of the ideas here and reap the rewards.