Guy Bartle is a retired teacher, who still freelances as a programmer, systems analyst, web designer, database manager and spreadsheet builder. This shop provides a wealth of resources for teaching and learning Computing from Year 7 onwards with an emphasis on Programming, GCSE and AS/A Level. There are resources for learning to program in Python for Year 7 onwards and interactive models for AS and A Level specifications: Data Structures, Data Sorts and Compilation. There are also spreadsheet in
Guy Bartle is a retired teacher, who still freelances as a programmer, systems analyst, web designer, database manager and spreadsheet builder. This shop provides a wealth of resources for teaching and learning Computing from Year 7 onwards with an emphasis on Programming, GCSE and AS/A Level. There are resources for learning to program in Python for Year 7 onwards and interactive models for AS and A Level specifications: Data Structures, Data Sorts and Compilation. There are also spreadsheet in
Python Resource Pack 6 is a set of coding challenges designed to support the teaching and learning of the Python programming language.
This pack is designed for those who have some experience of programming in Python, such as completing the exercises in Resource Packs 1 - 5. It is suitable for teaching Python in schools at GCSE, AS and A Level, for tutors and learners in adult learning classes or for the hobbyist learning at home.
As part of the higher-level learning and exam preparation for which the pack is designed, emphasis is placed on the system life cycle and program documentation by requiring:
Preparatory design before attempting to code the solution to the challenge.
Full validation to prevent the wrong type of data or incorrect values from being entered.
The use of meaningful names for variables, functions and procedures.
Fully commenting code.
Full testing (both unsuccessful and successful tests, together with any corrective actions) to be recorded as a part of the solution alongside the code.
The pack is designed to support learning that has previously taken place in the classroom, via self-directed study, or by following tutorials.
The pack contains eleven challenges, each consisting of:
A pdf file with one or more coding challenges and, in some cases, supplementary extension work.
Fully commented example solutions to the challenge or challenges and any extensions.
The following topics are introduced:
Writing recursive as opposed to iterative solutions.
The global command to create static variables.
The round command to round numbers to a given degree of accuracy.
The use of end= in print commands.
The % mathematical operator to perform modulo division.
The** .append()** command with lists.
The ** function for calculating exponents;
The math module;
The import math command.
The math.degrees() command to convert from radians to degrees.
The math.asin() command (the equivalent of sin-1)
The math.pi() command representing π.
The math.sin() command.
The math.cos() command.
The in command for checking if an item is in a list.
The pass command in error trapping.
The match… case command to make selections based on the value of a variable.
The not in command to search for strings within strings.
The use of constants and a constants file.
The challenges are designed so that self-directed research will be required to complete them; they are not a cut-and-paste tutorial.
The challenges:
Calculate factorials. Includes extension work.
Temperature scale converter.
Fibonacci Sequence. Includes extension work.
Perfect Numbers.
Problems inspired by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Platonic Solids.
Happy Numbers.
String interrogation. Includes extension work.
Counting game. Includes extension work.
Kaprekar and Harshad Numbers. Includes extension work.
Thue-Morse Sequence.
Number Base Converter.
Python Resource Pack 5 is a set of coding challenges designed to support the teaching and learning of the Python programming language.
This pack is designed for those who have some experience of programming in Python, such as completing the exercises in Resource Packs 1 - 4. It is suitable for teaching Python in schools from Year 8 onwards, tutors and learners in adult learning classes or for the hobbyist learning at home.
The pack gives learners an opportunity to investigate how to write, append and read text files using Python. It consists of eight programming challenges, each of which introduces different elements of file handling.
The pack is designed to support learning that has previously taken place in the classroom, via self-directed study, or by following tutorials.
The pack contains:
Eight pdf files each containing a file handling coding challenge.
Working solutions to each of the eight programs.
The challenges are designed so that self-directed research will be required to complete them; they are not a cut-and-paste tutorial.
Python Resource Pack 4 is a set of coding challenges designed to support the teaching and learning of the Python programming language.
This pack is designed for those who have some experience of programming in Python, such as completing the exercises in Resource Packs 1, 2 and 3. It is suitable for teaching Python in schools from Year 8 onwards, tutors and learners in adult learning classes or for the hobbyist learning at home.
The pack gives learners an opportunity to practice debugging (fixing) third party code rather than their own. It consists of six graduated programs, all with errors in them, which need to be studied and the bugs diagnosed and corrected.
The pack is designed to support learning that has previously taken place in the classroom, via self-directed study, or by following tutorials.
The pack contains:
Six programs with bugs in them.
Working solutions to each of the six programs.
A pdf file ‘Cheat Sheet’ for teachers/tutors explaining where the bugs are.**
The challenges are designed so that self-directed research will be required to complete them; they are not a cut-and-paste tutorial.
Python Resource Pack 3 is a set of coding challenges designed to support the teaching and learning of the Python programming language.
This pack is designed for those who have some experience of programming in Python, such as completing the exercises in Resource Packs 1 and 2. It is suitable for teaching Python in schools from Year 8 onwards, tutors and learners in adult learning classes or for the hobbyist learning at home.
The pack also encourages the learner to start to consider the whole system life cycle and program documentation by introducing the following requirements:
Preparatory design before attempting to code the solution to the challenge.
Full validation to prevent the wrong type of data or incorrect values from being entered.
Full testing (both unsuccessful and successful tests, together with any corrective actions) to be recorded as a part of the solution alongside the code.
The pack is designed to support learning that has previously taken place in the classroom, via self-directed study, or by following tutorials.
The pack contains:
A pdf file with four coding challenges.
Fully commented example solutions to each of the challenges.
The following topics are introduced:
The regular expression module.
The re.match command to determine if a string matches a format defined by a regular expression.
.isspace() to detect strings made completely of spaces.
The len command to find the length of a string.
The lstrip() and rstrip() commands to remove spaces, newline and tab characters from the start and end of a string.
Parameter passing to procedures/functions.
The random.seed command to seed the random number generator.
The random.randrange to set the range of random numbers to be generated.
The try… except ValueError command for error trapping.
The sum command to add the values in a list of numbers.
The statistics module.
The chr command to get a character from an ASCII value.
The count() command to determine how many times one string appears in another.
The challenges are designed so that self-directed research will be required to complete them; they are not a cut-and-paste tutorial.
The challenges:
Input a message from a restricted character set and display it capitalised as an on-screen banner.
Implement a version of the board game ‘Mastermind’.
User chooses how many numbers are to be input. Enter that number of non-negative integers and calculate the sum, mean, mode and median.
Enter a putative email address and tell the user if it is valid; otherwise explain all the reasons why it is invalid.
Python Resource Pack 2 is a set of coding challenges designed to support the teaching and learning of the Python programming language.
This pack is designed for those who have some experience of programming in Python, such as completing the exercises in Resource Pack 1. It is suitable for teaching Python in schools from Year 7 onwards, tutors and learners in adult learning classes or for the hobbyist learning at home.
The pack also encourages the learner to start to consider the whole system life cycle and program documentation by including a requirement for all testing (both unsuccessful and successful tests, together with any corrective actions) to be recorded as a part of the solution alongside the code. Some of the tasks also require preparatory design before attempting to code the solution to the challenge.
The pack is designed to support learning that has previously taken place in the classroom, via self-directed study, or by following tutorials.
The pack contains:
A pdf file with five coding challenges.
Fully commented example solutions to each of the challenges.
The following topics are introduced:
Combining individual instructions into more complex instructions.
The .format command as an alternative to the str command when concatenating strings with numbers.
The import command to access specialised commands in addition to the basic Python command set.
The math.fmod command to perform modulo division (finding the remainder).
The .upper() command to convert text to all capitals and its help with data entry verification.
The use of logical or.
The if… elif… else command for multiple options in a selection command.
The use of functions to segregate programs and generate and return data.
The random.randint command to generate random integers.
Using while True to create endless loops.
The .lower() command to convert text to all capitals and its help with data entry verification.
Use of the comma to concatenate and space integers and strings.
The challenges are designed so that some self-directed research will be required to complete them; they are not a cut-and-paste tutorial.
The challenges:
Input how many integers are to be added together. Input and add that many integers and display the sum with an informative message.
Input a month name and output how many days are in that month, taking leap years into consideration.
Write a dice rolling game according to the given rules.
Write a Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
Write a Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock game.
Python Resource Pack 1 is a set of coding challenges designed to support the teaching and learning of the Python programming language.
This pack is designed for anyone who has no experience of programming in Python, or no experience of programming at all. It is suitable for teaching Python in schools from Year 7 onwards, tutors and learners in adult learning classes or for the hobbyist learning at home.
The pack is designed to support learning that has previously taken place in the classroom, via self-directed study, or by following tutorials.
The pack contains:
A pdf file with eight coding challenges.
Fully commented example solutions to each of the challenges.
The following topics are introduced:
Displaying text on the screen with the print command.
The input command to accept data typed in by the program’s user.
Using variables to store data.
The int command to convert text strings to integers (whole numbers).
The for… in range command to perform commands more than once in count controlled loops.
The /n newline command.
The .title() command to capitalize the first letter in a string.
String concatenation.
String replication.
The str command to convert other data types into strings.
Basic mathematics.
The float command to convert text strings to real numbers (decimals).
The if command to perform instructions if a condition is met.
The if… else command to perform instructions if a condition is met and alternative instructions if not.
The while command to perform commands more than once in condition controlled loops.
The comparison operators.
The break command to jump out of instructions.
The challenges are designed so that a degree of self-directed research will be required to complete them; they are not a cut-and-paste tutorial.
The challenges:
A single line program which prints your name four times.
A single line program which prints a box.
Print "Hello " followed by a name with the first letter capitalised.
Input a first name and surname, capitalise them and print them three times.
Calculate an area from an input width and length then print it with an informative message.
Input a number and display a different message depending on the number entered.
Set a password and allow as many input attempts as necessary to let the user input it correctly. Includes extension work.
Set a password and allow five attempts to let the user input it correctly, displaying appropriate messages if they succeed or not.