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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Goods and Services: Meaning and Classification of Goods and Services

Goods and Services: Meaning and Classification of Goods and Services

Goods and Services: Meaning and Classification of Goods and Services This resource is prepared for KS3 Bussiness Studies. It explains Goods and Services: Meaning and Classification of Goods and Services Difference between Goods and Services, categorisation of goods and services. It shows the difference between tangible and non- tangible goods, Durable Goods Non- Durable Goods Tangible Good Non Tangible Goods Contains Class Activity.
BussinessLocation:Right and Wrong  Decisions in bussiness locations

BussinessLocation:Right and Wrong Decisions in bussiness locations

This resource explains different choices, decisions and factors that determines business locations.It explains various factors that that are considered in the localization of manufacturing industry. Prepared for Business Studies IGCSE. Contains case study on business location. It also looks at international factors/ reasons that are considered in overseas business location.
Economic  Growth

Economic Growth

The resource explains Economic Growth. It is a power Point resource, prepared for Economics lesson.It explains the meaning of Economic growth, the benefits and problems of Economic Growth. the resource shows government policies to promote economic growth, national income and circular flow of expenditure, in terms of output,income and expenditure.
Organizational Structure and the Role of Management

Organizational Structure and the Role of Management

This resource is a power point lesson on organizational structure and the role of management. It explains the meaning of organizational structure, the importance, the span of control and command. It explains coordination and importance of delegation. I t shows the roles of line managers and staff managers and organization chart.
IGCSE Economics : Living Standards

IGCSE Economics : Living Standards

This resource explains what constitutes Living Standards and how it is measured. The resource uses graphs and other illustrations to explain the concepts of GDP, Per Capita Income and how they are measured. It explains inflation and indicators of high and low living standards and how it can be improved. It also explains human development index and contains structured questions and answers.
Inflation and Deflation: Retai Price Index and Consumer Price Index.

Inflation and Deflation: Retai Price Index and Consumer Price Index.

This resource explains what inflation and deflation means. It describes how to measure inflation and deflation, types of inflation and how to measure. It explains how to measure RPI and CPI. It explains the causes of inflation, presents graphic illustrations and diagrams, graphs and others to make it easy to understand. Contains interactive questions and answers. Prepared for IGCSE Economics.
The Market Economic System

The Market Economic System

The resource is prepared for IGCSE Economics Define market economic system - Including the roles of the private sector (firms and consumers) and the public sector (government) in a market economy. 2.9.2 advantages and disadvantages of the market economic system - Including examples of how it works in a variety of different countries. • Answer the ‘Interactive Questions’ and do the ‘Class Activities 1’. provided at the end of the presentation.
Market Structure: Perfect Competition and Monopoly

Market Structure: Perfect Competition and Monopoly

The resource explains market structure.It shows the difference between perfect competition and monopoly. It shows the difference. It defines the structure of the market, the types of market, profit maximizing principles and features of perfect market and monoploy. It looks at imperfect market and its features.The resource is made for IGCSE Economics.
How the Market Works

How the Market Works

This resource is made for Economics IGCSE. It explains how the market works and what roles demand, effective and supply plays in the market economy. It explains the role quantity demanded and quantity supplied plays in the market. The resource explains the role of price and income play as determinants to how the market works. It also shows how market and price equilibrium,normal goods , inferior goods and complement and substitute goods affect demand and difference in quantity supplied and change in demand and uses supply and demand curves as illustrations.
Five Outstanding Global Financial Crisis

Five Outstanding Global Financial Crisis

This resource explains Global Financial crisis . It explains Five most outstanding world global financial crisis. why they happened , and their impact.It explains the following:Five of the World’s Most Devastating 1929 Financial Crises Wall Street Crash of : The Credit Crisis of 1772, The Asian Crisis of 1997, The OPEC Oil Price Shock of 1977, The Financial Crisis of 2007–08 Prepared for Economics students and teacher for IGCSE.
Fiscal Policy, Taxation,Budget and National Debt.

Fiscal Policy, Taxation,Budget and National Debt.

This resource is prepared for Economics . It is a Power Point resource on Fiscal Policy. It covers different areas such as budget, national debt, taxation, types and categories of taxation. government spending and national debt , as well as public sector finance.It contains illustrations and interactive questions and tests, for effective teaching and learning
Globalization:The origin and  impact of globalization, importance and challenges of globalization.

Globalization:The origin and impact of globalization, importance and challenges of globalization.

The resource is made for Economics and Sociology. The resource explains the concept of globalization.It explains the origin and its effect on society , economy and the positive and negative changes it brings. The resource explains the difficulty / challenges encountered in the global system and how it transforms the society.It explains how the concept affects politics and culture, and communication as the driving force of globalization and more.
Theories of Development and : Mordern and  Post Mordern Theories.

Theories of Development and : Mordern and Post Mordern Theories.

The resource explains the theories of modern and post -modern theory. The resource shows stages of development , using Rostow’s model of development. It explains the neo- modern theories and uses illustrations to show why some countries are less developed than others , and what they need to do to become developed.