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OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1942 - What was the impact of the April Theses?
This lesson is the third of an enquiry into the causes of the October revolution. The lesson aims to give students a better understanding of the April Theses and why it was so important in giving the Bolsheviks a platform from which to carry out the revolution. The lesson includes extracts from the Theses to reinforce student understanding of Marxist-Leninism. Resources also enable students to develop an understanding of why it was both controversial and attractive to different social groups throughout Russia.
Lesson designed according to the exam board specification and all resources recently updated.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1942 - Why did the Bolsheviks become so popular?
This lesson is the second of an enquiry into the causes of the October revolution. The lesson allows students to establish an understanding of how the Bolsheviks went from an obscure, minority party to one with the means of toppling the Provisional Government. It covers key events such as Lenin’s return, the April Theses, the July Days and the Kornilov Coup before later lessons study these events in more depth. Lesson ends by comparing the rising popularity of the Bolsheviks with the declining popularity of the Provisional Government.
Lesson designed according to the exam board specification and all resources recently updated.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1942 - Why did the October revolution happen?
This is the final lesson of an enquiry into the causes of the October revolution. It is designed to bring all previous lessons on the causes of the revolution together to enable students to form their own interpretations on which factor was most significant. It recovers the failures of the Provisional Government, Lenin’s role, Trotsky’s role, Kerensky’s role, and why the Bolsheviks were increasingly popular. It also recovers key events such as the publishing of the April Theses, the July Days, and Kornilov Coup. It allows students to consider different viewpoints in order form their own. The lesson ends with a 20-mark essay planning activity for homework which could be written in a following lesson.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1942 - How did the Bolsheviks sieze power in October, 1917?
This lesson is the sixth of an enquiry into the causes of the October revolution. The lesson establishes a narrative understanding of the events of October/November revolution. It charts the course of events from September, 1917 to the completion of the Bolshevik takeover at the end of October. Whilst establishing a narrative understanding it also enables students to identify and understand the roles of Leon Trotsky, Alexander Kerensky and Vladimir Lenin in the course of the revolution.
Lesson designed according to the exam board specification and all resources recently updated.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1942 - What was the significance of the Kornilov affair?
This lesson is the fifth of an enquiry into the causes of the October revolution. The lesson explains in further depth who Alexander Kerensky was, the problems he faced and introduces some of the many mistakes he made. It then allows students to establish an understanding of the Kornilov Coup and its impact on the rising tide of revolution. It allows students to understand the causes and course of the coup, reasons for its failure, and most significantly the impact upon the Provisional Government and Kerensky and the Bolsheviks.
Lesson requires the textbook, ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn. Lesson designed according to the exam board specification and all resources recently updated.
OCR A-level Russia 1894-1942 - What were the problems faced by the Provisional Government?
This lesson should be used following the teaching of the causes and course of the February Revolution. It is designed to introduce students to the nature of the ‘Dual Power System’ and gives students the opportunity to identify potential weaknesses of it. It then enables students to identify the problems faced by the Provisional Government and their solutions before evaluating how successfully the Provisonal Government were in dealing with their problems.
Fully resourced lesson designed with exam board specification in mind. Used for a number of years and recently updated.
Edexcel GCSE History - Medicine Through Time and the Western Front - Exam technique.
This session covers the exam technique for each question in the Edexcel GCSE History Paper 1 - Medicine Through Time and Western Front exam paper. The session aims to ensure students have a clear approach to the tricky questions they have to answer in their exam. This can be used as a stand alone lesson or revision session. PowerPoint includes writing frames, example questions taken from past papers and example answers for each question.
Edexcel GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany - Two lessons on the impact of the Treaty of Versailles
This includes two fully resourced lessons in a single PowerPoint on the impact of the Treaty of Versailles. Designed according to the exam board specification and makes use of content in the Pearson exam board textbook. PowerPoint includes clear instructions for students and staff to follow.
The first lesson is designed to provide students with an understanding of the expectations of the Germans before the Paris Peace Conference and the resulting treaty and the impact of the treaty on German society.
The second lesson includes an opportunity for exam question practice. Students are given guidance (including a guide sheet with sentence starters) on how to complete questions 1 and 2 of the exam paper.
OCR A level History, Russia, 1894-1941 - How effective were Stolypin's reforms?
This lesson is designed according to the OCR A-level History, Russia, 1894-1941 specification. It recaps and introduces the problems faced by Stolypin, his aims, and solutions for each problem. It provides lots of opportunity for discussion of Stolypin’s work between 1906 and 1911 and his attempts to prevent further revolution. There is also significant independent work for students to get to grips with the evidence themselves. The lesson is fully resourced and has clear instructions on each slide.
The information sheet included has loads of statistical evidence - compiled using multiple textbooks - and therefore provides the necessary detail needed for students in essay writing.
All resources included recently updated.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - Was the NEP the 'great defeat' that Lenin described?
This is designed to be a second lesson on the NEP. The lesson allows students to identify successes and failures of the NEP according to a Bolshevik perspective. It works largely with statistics to indicate the economic impacts of the NEP however, the ideological anxieties surrounding the NEP are also considered. The lessons helps students to draw out that the NEP was successful in aiding recovery but following the crisis of 1927/8 was not allowing Russia to make significant progress. Lesson includes all resources and an essay plan for a 20 mark question on the NEP. Homework on the war scares of 1928 requires ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894 - 1941 - Why was the New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced in 1921?
This lesson begins at the end of the Russian Civil war and establishes a Bolshevik Russia faced with multiple domestic threats. It allows students to establish an understanding of the economic and social problems in the countryside and in the cities, as well as the opposition which the Bolsheviks faced. It therefore shows how Lenin was forced to make a “retreat” from his communist economic policies in order to allow recovery and thus prevent opposition. Included in the lesson are key events such as the Kronstadt Mutiny and the “Ban on Factions” at the 10th Party Congress but also a clear defining of what the NEP actually meant for the Russian economy.
Lesson used for multiple years and recently updated.
Remembrance Assembly 2024
This is an assembly to be delivered in an 11-18 comprehensive secondary school to all year groups. It explains the origins of Remembrance day whilst focusing on acts of individual heroism in the carnage of the First World War.
It also brings remembrance up to date, marking the 25th anniversary of British participation in the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo and explains the work of the RBL today.
Included are notes at the bottom of slides to provide further information I would include and instruction on what I would say to transition from slide to slide.
KS3 Industrial Revolution Bundle - Did the Industrial Revolution improve the lives of people in Britain?
This short scheme of work aims to develop an understanding of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the lives of people in Britain, It includes a variety of activities which enable students to determine that the experiences of the Industrial Revolution very much depended upon where an individual placed in the rigid Victorian class structure.
Variety of activities in each lesson including source work. Designed according to requirements of the National Curriculum for KS3.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - Was the NEP the 'great defeat which Lenin described?
This bundle of two lessons allows students to evaluate the NEP as an economic policy. The first lesson introduces the problems faced by the Bolsheviks at the end of the Civil War, such as the famine of 1920 and the Kronstadt Mutiny, and therefore goes through why the NEP was needed for the survival of the Bolsheviks.
The second lesson allows students to identify successes and failures of the NEP according to a Bolshevik perspective. It works largely with statistics to indicate the economic impacts of the NEP however, the ideological anxieties surrounding the NEP are also considered. The lessons helps students to draw out that the NEP was successful in aiding recovery but following the crisis of 1927/8 was not allowing Russia to make significant progress.
All fully resourced and recently updated. Does have one homework which required ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1941 - Why did the Tsar survive 1905?
This is a set of two lessons on the reasons for the failure of the 1905 revolution and why the Tsar was able to survive. The first lesson is designed to establish an understanding of the factors and narrative whilst the second lesson allows students to evaluate the factors and form opinions.
The lessons include multiple activities including examples of completed work to model expected outcomes, essay planning activities, and recall activities. It covers factors such as the October Manifesto, the end of the Russo-Japanese war, use of force/terror, and the Fundamental laws.
Women's suffrage in Britain bundle - Why did women get the vote in 1918?
This bundle is a five lesson scheme of work on the women’s suffrage movement in Britain. All five lessons aim to enable students to answer the advertised ‘Big Question’. The lessons begin in Victorian England to enable students to develop an understanding of the reasons women in England would want voting rights; they continue by looking at the actions of the suffragists and suffragettes; and go through to the women’s role in WW1.
This is an ideal unit to include after a study of the First World War. This scheme is tried and tested and recently updated. All lessons were designed with the requirements of the National Curriculum in mind.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1941 - Why did Stalin win the Power Struggle?
This bundle of lessons aims to allow students to come to conclusions which answer the advertised question. Lessons cover the final years of Lenin’s life and his relationship with Stalin; the politburo upon Lenin’s death and the divisions within it; the events of the struggle and how Stalin was able to defeat opponents such as Trotsky et al; and finally includes a card sorting lesson whereby students can come to their own conclusions as to which factors were the more significant in helping Stalin.
Two lessons require ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn
OCR A-Level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War?
This bundle of lessons aims to allow students to evaluate the various factors which contributed to Red victory and determine which factor was the most significant. The bundle of lessons covers, Leon Trotsky’s leadership, White weaknesses and divisions, propaganda, Geographical factors, War Communism and the Red Terror.
Some lessons require the following textbooks:
‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn.
‘Russia, 1855-1991. From Tsars to Commissars’ by Peter Oxley.
All lessons used by my department and recently redesigned.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - Why was revolution in February 1917 followed by another in October?
This bundle aims to enable students to develop an understanding of the factors which led to the October Revolution and develop their own interpretations to allow them to answer exam questions on this topic. It include lessons on the failures of the Provisional Government and Petrograd Soviet in the ‘Dual Power System’; the rising popularity of the Bolshevik; the importance of the April Theses; the significance of the July Days; the significance of the Kornilov Coup; and the events of the revolution itself.
This is key content in the exam board specification and has been planned according to its requirements. All lessons recently updated and used by my department.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - How effectively did Lenin deal with the problems he faced between 1917 and 1924?
This large bundle of lessons aims to take students from the October Revolution to the introduction of the New Economic Policy. It coveres a range of key topics and events including:
How lenin secured the Bolshevik grip on power immediately after the revolution.
The closure of the Constituent Assembly.
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
The Russian Civil War
The Red Terror and the assassination of the Romanov family.
War Communism and famine.
The Kronstadt Mutiny
The introduction of the NEP and its impact.
The bundle ends with a lesson designed to asses Lenin’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader.
All lessons designed with exam questions in mind and includes practice answers for students to complete, alongside essay planning activities.
A couple of activities require the following textbooks:
‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn.
‘Russia, 1855-1991. From Tsars to Commissars’ by Peter Oxley.