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Fillable Homework Form - Online Shopping
Fillable pdf homework forms - great for digital uploads
Edexcel GCSE ICT Knowledge Checkup and Specification Check
Supplied with permission from Joe Santarcangelo - adapted from his PLC document.
Circuit Training Station Guides and Recording Spreadsheet
Circuit Training Station Guides and Recording Spreadsheet
Home Entertainment Literacy Crossword GCSE ICT
Home Entertainment Literacy Crossword GCSE ICT
Year 7 Scheme of Work/Scheme of Learning - Football
Year 7 Scheme of Work/Scheme of Learning - Football
Edexcel CAB prompts - Investigation section
Edexcel CAB prompts - Investigation section
Terminology Booklet
Terminology Booklet - including all of the terminology posters from my collection.
Random Name Generator
This is a great spreadsheet that allows me to randomly select a name from my register to answer a question. I use this as a differentiation tool with great effect.
Pupil Speak Levels - Dance and Gymnastics
Pupil Speak Levels - Dance and Gymnastics
GCSE ICT Online Shopping Literacy Wordsearch
GCSE ICT Online Shopping Literacy Wordsearch
Game Play Literacy Wordsearch GCSE ICT
Game Play Literacy Wordsearch GCSE ICT
Mopping Up GCSE ICT Literacy Wordsearch
Mopping Up GCSE ICT Literacy Wordsearch
Intermediate Short Tennis Scheme of Work
Intermediate Short Tennis Scheme of Work
ICT Word Searches and Crosswords Part 2
ICT Word Searches and Crosswords Part 2
GCSE Revision for Leisure and Recreation
GCSE Revision for Leisure and Recreation
These notes are to be used in conjunction with the official revision guide. I get my students to put a line through the sections/sentences that they are most confident with so that they can use them as flash cards.
Think-Ink-Pair-Share Activity
Think-Ink-Pair-Share Activity
Tennis Lessons - Progressive (any KS)
Tennis Lessons - Progressive (any KS)
Pupil Speak Levels - Athletics
Pupil Speak Levels - Athletics
Cricket Task Cards
Cricket Task Cards
GCSE Practical Spreadsheet
GCSE Practical Spreadsheet for determining students top sport/marks/roles.