Differentiated and fun lessons are my style. If you want different levels of challenge for your students and to make maths more enjoyable, you have come to the right place.
Differentiated and fun lessons are my style. If you want different levels of challenge for your students and to make maths more enjoyable, you have come to the right place.
Differentiated lesson looking at the basics of indices (green, simplify powers, orange with brackets, red numbers in front of the x) and then there are also GCSE questions for students to complete. The GCSE questions can be printed as a booklet or questions and then give the answers. At the end of the lesson there is a 'singing plenary' which is high school musical. Students are to use mini whiteboards to answer which they think is correct. If they get it right, a song will play.
Differentiated lesson on solving equations. There are three levels of challenge to this lesson; green is two set equations, orange is letters on both sides and red is with brackets. The lesson goes through this with the students and there are activities to be completed on their mini whiteboards and then there is a differentiated worksheet for students to complete. This can be self assessed or peer assessed as answers are provided. There is also a 'singing plenary' for students to reflect on their learning. This is to be done on mini whiteboards and then students write their answer and if they are correct, part of glee will play.
Differentiated lesson on different percentage problems. The lesson starts on finding simple percentages and the move onto finding increase percentages of amounts and then compound interest. There are GCSE questions for the students to complete as well as green questions.
Differentiated lesson looking at the basics of simplifying algebra. There is a powerpoint to go through with the students and then a differentiated match up activity. This works really well if the easy questions are printed on green, the middle on orange, the hardest on red and blue for the answers. The students then can match up the answers knowing whether they are correct or not. There is also a singing plenary. The students use their mini whiteboards to answer the question and then if they are correct, part of family guy will play.
Differentiated lesson looking at the basics of solving. The lesson starts with one step equations building up to two step equations and then solving with brackets. There is a differentiated worksheet that is coloured into green, orange and red on the three levels of challenge. Then there is a 'singing plenary' that students complete on their mini whiteboards to say which answer they think. If they get it correct that oart of glee will play for them.
Differentiated lesson looking at solving equations building up to GCSE worded questions. There is a lesson that goes through how to solve equations and then a GCSE booklet for students to complete. There is also a worksheet for students if they are struggling which has solving two step, letters on both sides and brackets. To finish with, there is a signing plenary which students complete on their mini whiteboards. If they answer with the correct answer, part of grease will play for them.
Differentiated by 3 levels of challenge. Great starter activities for students to complete. There are things from adding number to surface area of shapes to solving equations.
This differentiated lesson looks at 4 operations of fractions. There is a powerpoint and GCSE questions with answers for students to complete. The questions are differentiated with students being able to start where they want to.
Differentiated worksheet on parallel lines looking at Z, F, opposite and a mixture of angles with a plenary activity of family guys. Hint sheet also provided for students who are struggling.
This resource is aimed at lower ability students or students seeing expanding double brackets for the first time. There are essential and excel stickers that can be made to give to the students. The main activity is a match up activity that works really well if printed on different coloured card (essential-green, excel-orange, challenge- red and the answers in blue). Students can then match up the answers and the observer or the teacher can easily see who is on which level. The blue answers have a one mark answer (not simplified) and a two mark answer (simplified) to again differentiate between the students. The answers are also attached. The plenary is a singing plenary (frozen), the students use their mini whiteboards to give answers, if the answers are correct, then part of frozen will play to them.
This resource is made for students doing the new GCSE foundation spec. There are three levels of challenge with each level of challenge having a worded question to complete also. The answers are provided too. A really good revision tool to help students practice different skills and learn where each section will be around in their exams.