Tens And Ones Singapore Maths Activities for Teens, up to 30, up to 60 and up to 100.
Differentiated pictorial worksheets to aide children with understanding tens and ones and understanding the values of different amounts.
Differentiated Money Activities Year 1
Differentiated value of coins activity.
Year 1 Autumn Subtraction Resources
Great introductory activities to the language of subtraction with Year 1 - less, least, fewer etc
Year 1 Multiplication Activities ( 4 activities and 2 Lesson Starters)
Great resources to help teach arrays in 2s and 5s using real life contexts.
Year 1 Place Value Worksheet Bundle
A collection of place value worksheets used within an Autumn Term Unit.
Year 1 Part Part Whole Worksheets for bonds 8,9,10 and 20
I created these worksheets for a unit on number bonds and introducing some of the Singapore Maths concepts. These worksheets can be adapted to any number bond.
Recognising Tens Numbers - Place Value Powerpoint Year 1
This is a Powerpoint to help teach arrays of tens and recognising values. Great introductory powerpoint to this topic.