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KS1 Reading Skills - Guided reading bookmarks
Bookmarks created for each guided reading group so that children understand whether they are decoding new words, learning new vocabulary, finding words in the context of the book, understanding the context of the book, thinking about ideas that have been created from reading the book.
Year 1 Bundle Adding one digit to two digit numbers
Bundle of worksheets to teach the progression of addition in Year 1.
Resource bundle for Phase 5 ay sound
Included in this bundle are flashcards for ai/ay sorting, an ay bingo game, two phoneme frame activities based on ay and some ay pictures
Resource Bundle Phase 5 sound - ea
Included in this bundle are flashcards for ee/ea sounds, ea pictures and two phoneme frame activities based on ea sound.
Questions to Support Children in Play
I have created questions to support children in every area of the basic provision from role play to water play, outdoors to the reading corner. These are based on Blooms Questions so support children with higher order thinking.
Effective Transition in EYFS and beyond
This bundle includes a presentation on effective transition which can be shared with staff or parents. As part of our transition programme we question the children on their interests and concerns about moving settings. I have included this in the bundle. There is also a whole setting transition planner to remind all parties about their role in supporting children in their transitions.
Phase 3 Pseudo Word Cards
I created these to support children with the tricky sounds with pseudo words. Children take these pseudo word cards home to practise and I have also created matching games with these cards. Please reuse this template to change the sounds/words too!!
Mulitplication in 10s ( arrays)
Presentation and activity to support a lesson on multiplication in tens.
KS1 Animals Science Planning and Activities
Planning for a terms work on Animals in Science including linked activities.
Singapore Maths 1 less than (14 resources)
Using part part whole to teach 1 less than - 3 presentations and 11 differentiated activities
Bundle of activities for Multiplication of 2 and 5 ( 9 activities)
Bundle of activities
Akeyo's Gift - A KS1 African Tale
Based on the story of Handa’s Surprise- another tale based on the other main character based on the book - great to model sequencing and writing own African Tales.
Multi sensory card EYFS Phase 3 ai sound
Activity card with ideas linked to the ai sound- what can you see, do ,hear, smell etc linked to the ai sound? Ideas also for stories and songs related to the sound too. Check out my other Phase 3 multisensory cards too!
KS1 Houses Long Ago 1900 House PP
Powerpoint of images and questions about items found around an 1900 house and also 1900 rooms in a house to compare to homes in the present
Phase 5 ie activities
5 activities to support the teaching of ie sound and its ie alternative
Phase 5 ir oe ou oy phoneme frames
4 activities to support the teaching of the 4 sounds ir oe ou oy
Phase 5 ey and ee family activities
6 activities to support teaching of the ey sound and other sounds in the ee family
First Aid Posters for Classroom
These posters are ideal to go with first aid boxes in classes
Silly Putty Science Investigation KS1 (Materials)
This was a great morning investigating Silly Putty and its properties and then coming up with some ideas about what to call this material and how to sell it to the rest of the school! Enjoy!
Skills Tree Blank KS1 and 2
Planning tree where the roots are used to put the learning objectives for the unit and branches are the activities. A lovely way to plan and share your medium term plans with the children.