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The RS and P4C Specialist

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I am curreny teaching across the Key Stages as the Head of Religious Studies in a comprehensive secondary school. Previously I have led a RS department in an inner-city school and also taught Humanities including experience of teaching Geography at KS3, as well as History at KS3 and KS4 and Sociology at KS5. I'm a Religious Studies and Philosophy specialist, having studied Philosophy at university and taught RS at KS3, KS4 and KS5.




I am curreny teaching across the Key Stages as the Head of Religious Studies in a comprehensive secondary school. Previously I have led a RS department in an inner-city school and also taught Humanities including experience of teaching Geography at KS3, as well as History at KS3 and KS4 and Sociology at KS5. I'm a Religious Studies and Philosophy specialist, having studied Philosophy at university and taught RS at KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Dukkha and the causes of suffering in Buddhism

Dukkha and the causes of suffering in Buddhism

NEW 2018 AQA Religious Studies Specification ‘A’ lesson on ‘Buddhist Beliefs and Teachings’ following the 1-9 grading criteria. The lesson includes differentiated tasks for every activity, designed to stretch and challenge all students. As a hook, students are asked to respond to the question whether life itself causes suffering, before investigating the main causes of suffering identified by the Buddha. Students then engage with the notions of change and attachment as causes of suffering before analysing sacred writing as evidence for Buddhist beliefs. Students then apply their knowledge to a GCSE exam type question, scaffolded with sentence starters and a student friendly mark scheme that can be used for self-or peer-assessment. As a plenary, students complete a WHY-Tree, where they start with a single question and keep answering it and then asking 'why' to elaborate as far as they can ( students should aim to include 4-5 'whys').
Non-religious belief in life after death

Non-religious belief in life after death

NEW GCSE Edexcel RS specification covering Matters of Life and Death. A lesson based on an investigation of near-death experiences, paranormal activity and reincarnation as non-religious beliefs in life after death. The main focus of the lesson is through visual learning with three video clips to guide students through each factor behind life after death. A creative main task gives students the opportunity to write a fictional first person account using one of the factors. If watching all video clips in full this lesson will take two sessions to complete.
The Baptism of Jesus and belonging

The Baptism of Jesus and belonging

NEW 2016 KS3 Religious Studies curriculum lesson on the topic of 'Belonging' using the 1-9 grading criteria. There is specific focus on the Baptism of Jesus. Students are introduced to the topic of baptism and belonging to the Christian faith through a YouTube video. The next task allows students to be creative by asking them to convert information about the Christian understanding of the nature and history of baptism into pictures. This always goes down really well with visual learners and those of lower ability. It can also really challenge those of higher ability to explore the concept of symbolism. Students then use Luke Chapter 3 as a source of wisdom and authority to explain the story of Jesus' Baptism by John. Finally, students consider the importance of baptism for Christians today by using the quote from Matthew 28:19 as a source of wisdom and authority, All tasks are differentiated and suitable for all abilities.
The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory

GCSE lesson on scientific views on the origins of the world, focusing on the Big Bang including an activity sheet with evidence for the Big Bang. Follows the 'NEW' Edexcel specification for the 2017/8 GCSE in Religious Studies.
Jesus' Miracles

Jesus' Miracles

A lesson suitable for KS3 about Jesus' miracles. Students explore the meaning of what a miracle is and miracles of nature versus miracles of healing are introduced. Students take on the role of police detectives who have to 'solve' the mystery of two miracles and decide if it is a genuine miracle or can in fact be explained by science. A great lesson to get students engaged and can be taught with students working individually or in pairs.
Eduqas Religious Studies A2 Christianity Topic 1D

Eduqas Religious Studies A2 Christianity Topic 1D

A set of individual lessons or thorough revision resources (using PPT) following the 2016 Eduqas Religious Studies A-level course focusing on Christianity Topic 1D. This resource requires the use of the WJEC/EDUQAS RS FOR YR 2/A2 CHRISTIANITY textbook (ISBN: 978-1-911208-36-5). Each slide represents 60 minutes worth of work, which can be done as a class or independently. The rationale is to encourage students to be as independent as possible when working through the information. Each slide includes a list of relevant key words (without definitions), a brief overview of core content, as well as a series of tasks, which can range from reading, to quote analysis, probing questions and graphic organisers. Each slide also features a ‘take it further’ task which allows students to explore the topic further. Wherever reference is made to resources other than the course textbook, these will be included as separate files. Topic 1D includes; The biblical canon, Diverse views about the authority of the Bible, John Calvin’s accommodation theory.
2016 KS3 Religious Studies Assessment Criteria

2016 KS3 Religious Studies Assessment Criteria

A KS3 Religious Studies assessment criteria table based on the NEW 2016 locally agreed SACRE syllabus using the NEW 1-9 GCSE grading system. Based on BOTH AT1 and AT2 and including 5 key assessment descriptors.
Christian Teaching on Family Planning

Christian Teaching on Family Planning

NEW Edexcel GCSE RS specification lesson on Christian Teaching on Family Planning including sources of wisdom and authority from the Catholic Church and the Bible. Using the NEW 1-9 level descriptors for GCSE.
Euthanasia and the law

Euthanasia and the law

A GCSE or A-level lesson comparing the UK law on euthanasia with the legal view in Switzerland and the Netherlands (where euthanasia is currently legal under certain conditions) as well as reference to the United Nations Human Rights and how they can be interpreted as part of the euthanasia debate. This lesson has been planned as group work with subsequent presentations to the class, but can equally be delivered as paired work and also works for independent work. Students normally respond very well to the variety of legal perspectives on euthanasia and I have typically found the topic of what would be the 'perfect' legal response to euthanasia an interesting option for further class debate.
Did God make the world

Did God make the world

A Philosophy for Children lesson suitable for KS3, exploring the concept of philosophy and facilitating independent thinking about the origins of the universe. Key words: God, Looking for God, who is God, did God make the world, philosophy, what is philosophy, the universe, who created the universe, the nature of God, KS3, RE, beliefs and values,
What is a belief?

What is a belief?

A KS3 Religious Studies lesson, using an enquiry based approach to learning and based on Christianity as a way to explore belief in God. Following the 2018 Berkshire SACRE agreed syllabus with a focus on exploring the principles of ‘believing, belonging and behaving’ in a religious context and secular context. This is lesson 1 of the topic ‘What do I believe’ and asks students to differentiate between fact, opinion and belief and apply this to a discussion about theism, atheism and agnosticism. The key question for the lesson is; ‘Is it reasonable to believe in God in the 21st Century?’.
Where does evil come from

Where does evil come from

A Philosophy for Children lesson focusing on the nature of evil and suffering, including the concept of both moral and natural evil and evaluating the Christian concept of God as omni-benevolent.
Does God answer prayers

Does God answer prayers

A Philosophy for Children lesson focused on moral evil and the role and responsibility of humans as the primary cause of suffering. Explore the reason why people pray to God and how God should respond to prayers relating to evil and suffering.
The Teachings of Jesus

The Teachings of Jesus

GCSE lesson on the teachings of Jesus, including focus on the 'Sermon on the Mount' and the importance of Jesus' sacrifice. Follows the 'NEW' Edexcel GCSE specification.
Christianity and Islam Quotes Revision

Christianity and Islam Quotes Revision

A revision task for GCSE Religious Studies to help students memorise quotes from religious wisdom and authority. Students can identify suitable quotes and link them to specific topics/sub-topics. This is ideal for students to practise the overlapping nature of quotes and their divergent interpretations by a variety of religious groups within Christianity and Islam. Students also get the opportunity to practice exam questions by creating their own exam questions. Suitable for ANY exam board.
Attitudes to divorce in the UK

Attitudes to divorce in the UK

GCSE lesson on the attitude to divorce in the UK, including the legality of divorce as well as viewpoints from Protestant and Catholic Christians. Should be used with the worksheet and information PPT. Follows the 'NEW' Edexcel GCSE specification.
Formulaic and Extempore prayers in Christianity

Formulaic and Extempore prayers in Christianity

GCSE lesson on the use of different types of prayer in Christianity, with specific focus on the difference between extempore and formulaic prayer. Incorporating the 'Lord's prayer' and a creative activity where students can create their own extempore prayer.
Islamic attitudes to divorce

Islamic attitudes to divorce

Information sheet on Islamic views of divorce which can be used by students to describe, explain, compare, analyse or evaluate Muslim beliefs on family life. Suitable for GCSE courses covering marriage and family life or studies of Islam.