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Inference activity KS2 (HA)
An activity for make inferences about a character using an extract. This resource is suitable for KS2, or KS3 needing support with inference.

Cloze procedure activity
A cloze procedure activity where pupils have to fill in the spaces using nouns. This is a useful activity for identifying and using nouns, but also can be used as a model for story openings where characters are being introduced amidst action.

Inference activity KS2
An activity for make inferences about a character using an extract. This resource is suitable for KS2, or KS3 needing support with inference.

Charmed Life comprehension crossword
A fun activity to do after completing work on Charmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones. It allows pupils to recall events from the book in order to answer questions. It can also be used to assess knowledge of the story.

Year 4- Charles I Biography planning (1week)
Planning resource for biography writing- aimed at helping pupils develop the structure of their writing. This resource has previously been used to support year 4 pupils.

Children of the New Forest- story writing (characterisation)
Smart board to accompany planning (also available as part of a bundle) on story writing using The Children of the New Forest by Captain Marryat. This unit was part of a topic on the English Civil War.

Inference activity- character based KS2/3- Easier (1 star challenge level)
Character based inference activity aimed at KS2/3 that helps pupils develop their understanding of inference, which lots of pupils find a difficult concept. The activity starts by encouraging pupils to make observations about an image, which they then use to ‘infer’ details about the character image. Examples are given as guidance.

History skills progression yr1-6
A document outlining the progress expectations for each year group 1-6 in history. Can be matched to any sequence of learning in history and is a great tool for checking that learning has the required coverage. It can also be used as a teacher self assessment tool and planning aid.

Inference sentence activity KS2/3
An activity to help pupils further their understanding of inference through reading a series of sentences where they have to identify what is being inferred. This activity is for pupils who have some understanding of what inference is, but need additional opportunities to develop this.

Children of the New Forest Chapter One
An abridged version of Children of the New Forest (chapter one). Having looked for suitable books when teaching the English Civil War to KS2 pupils I found that there was little to choose from. Although Children of the New Forest is a fantastic story, the lengthy nature of Victorian writing meant that it was a challenge to enable the pupils to both understand the language itself, and read sufficient of the story to gain enough from the plot. Therefore, as the book is in the public domain and not subject to copyright laws, I have abridged the first chapter, with the intention of looking at the whole book. Comprehension and reading activities to accompany this book will follow.
In this chapter I have highlighted certain words that teachers may wish to use for dictionary work, or pause to discuss (a resource for this will follow).
I hope that this will prove useful to someone and would value any feedback.

Year 4 - Charles I Biography smart board sessions
This resource is to accompany a four session unit on biography writing. it includes national curriculum objectives and talking opportunities for pupils to develop their understanding of biography writing and purpose.

Year 4 Charles I Biography writing lesson planning (1week)
Four sessions are included to aid pupils in producing a biography on King Charles I (smart board and resources are available as a bundle or individually to accompany this planning).
Additional biography examples will be needed for comparison and identification of features.
This unit also refers to the book Children of the New Forest.

Children of the New Forest story writing
A unit of English writing lessons based on the book Children of the New Forest. This was written with year 4 in mind but could be adapted to suit both older or slightly younger children. It was created as part of a topic on the English Civil War, which is the period that the book is set in.
Further resources coming soon

Charles I Biography writing
Bundle includes:
-4 lesson plans
-smart board resources
-a biography writing frame for support the structure of the writing.
An information sheet on Charles I is also available.

Children of the New Forest- Story writing- Historical settings
A sequence of four lessons, using the Children of the New Forest as stimulus, looking at historical settings. This planning focuses on the part of the story where the children have lost their home, Arnwood, to a fire set by the parliamentarian soldiers. Pupils have the opportunity to think about how the different characters might have felt about the fire and demonstrate how they might continue to write as if they are the character.
This sequence has been written with year 4 in mind but would be suitable with year 3 pupils or older. A smart board to accompany the lesson is also available.

Foundation subject leadership exemplar bundle- History/Geography KS1/2
A selection of resources for someone taking on a foundation subject for the first time. This bundle includes:
-Pupil voice questions
-Subject work scrutiny exemplar
-Whole school learning overview yr1-6
Skills progression document- history (gives an idea for other subjects)

Beowulf inspired reading and writing activities
This bundle includes:
-A planning format for pupils to write their own version of a legend inspired by Beowulf
-A reading based character inference activity leading to a small written piece
-An activity to have a go at developing fronted adverbials
-A relative clause activity
-An inference activity based on an image as stimulus
This bundle would be suitable for pupils from 3/4 up.

English Civil War Assembly ks2
An assembly written to show case learning that had happened over a term on the English Civil War. It involves pupils taking on the part of key historical figures to give the audience some background in to this area of history. There are also suggested opportunities for pupils to show work. A song suggestion is available.

Reading activities- Inference, summary and asking questions about a text
Reading activities to support pupils understanding of inference, summary and asking questions about a text. The resources provided for summary, and the grid for asking questions, can be used in conjunction with a text they are reading themselves. Alternatively, an extract is provided. There is also the opportunity to use questions to generate their own extract that they could use to generate their own comprehension.

Reading- inference character activities
An activity for make inferences about a character using an extract. This resource is suitable for KS2, or KS3 needing support with inference.
This bundle includes 3 different inference character extracts for pupils to use. One is more difficult than the other two and labelled HA.