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Iandavies554's Shop

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Hi all, I'm a Science and Chemistry specialist who has been teaching for over 20 years. I've put on free resources as well as over 50 cut-price but brill paid for resources. This is a your Science and Chemistry one stop shop! And its great!!!




Hi all, I'm a Science and Chemistry specialist who has been teaching for over 20 years. I've put on free resources as well as over 50 cut-price but brill paid for resources. This is a your Science and Chemistry one stop shop! And its great!!!
GCSE new 9-1 physics topic P8 ALL you need for this whole topic

GCSE new 9-1 physics topic P8 ALL you need for this whole topic

2 Resources
This bundle has both a topic booklet over 20 pages covering all the work in the topic from vectors and scalars, balanced and unbalanced forces, force diagrams and calculations. Their is also work on centre of mass and stability of objects- easy to adapt and link to sections and the pwpt. Their is a pwpt which covers all this work as well to link with whatever style you want to teach each section in.
New GCSE 9-1 Physics Core work on Magnetism AQA P15 -Magnetic fields, solenoids, electromagnets

New GCSE 9-1 Physics Core work on Magnetism AQA P15 -Magnetic fields, solenoids, electromagnets

This is a full booklet on the foundation level work on this topic. Covers workon magnets and magnetic fields, then induced magnetism, electric current in a wire and magnetism, solenoids and electromagnets. Their is practical work opportunities, theory and diagrams explaining all the key points. Work for the students to complete to show understanding and extend their knowledge. Enjoy
GCSE new 9-1  AQAP7 Radioactivity -Full topic coverage

GCSE new 9-1 AQAP7 Radioactivity -Full topic coverage

2 Resources
There is a full topic booklet covering all the GCSE radioactivity. Work on what radioactivity is and the types with its features. Calculations on radioactive decay with lots of opportunity to have clear notes, theory and question to test understanding. There is also a pwpt with some some very clear examples to help with radioactive decay equations. All you need to cover this full work!
GCSE- new 9-1 physics P8  Force in balance-full pwpt on core foundation work for whole topic

GCSE- new 9-1 physics P8 Force in balance-full pwpt on core foundation work for whole topic

This is a full pwpt that covers all the work on P8 Forces in balance topic. Work on Vectors and Scalars with examples and questions on this. Their is then work on Forces both balanced and unbalanced and arrow diagrams and numerical work. Work on resultant forces and the different type of force diagrams. Friction has its own little ext section. Their is then work on Centre of mass and stability including practical work on centre of mass of unsymmetrical shapes.
GCSE-new 9-1 Physics Aqa topic P8 Force, covers Vectors and Scalars-Forces-Centre of Mass

GCSE-new 9-1 Physics Aqa topic P8 Force, covers Vectors and Scalars-Forces-Centre of Mass

This is a full 21 page booklet of resources covering all the core foundation GCSE work on P8, Forces in balance. Their is work on Vectors and Scalars with many examples and theory work associated with these terms. Then work on Newtons third and First laws, linked to Force diagrams. Clear work on balanced and unbalanced forces with diagrams, student tasks, review work, opportunity for theory and explanations and questions. Work on centre of mass and symmetrical objects and unsymmetrical objects with key practical work for this. Then linking centre of mass to stability.
GCSE-practical work , skills sheets and revision work

GCSE-practical work , skills sheets and revision work

3 Resources
This bundle is a great mixture of resources to cover all of the skills work required for science GCSE. There is a full 30 page booklet taking you through the scientific method with tasks, theory, examples, questions and review work. Skill sheets help consolidate all the key language and general tasks the students need to master. The revision work is a nice series of pwpts which cover the key work in a fun and engaging way!
GCSE-FULL booklet for all Scientific method work you will ever need!(great for intorduction to GCSE)

GCSE-FULL booklet for all Scientific method work you will ever need!(great for intorduction to GCSE)

This is a 44+ page booklet with all you need to go through the scientific method and associated skills with students. It has Notes, theory, examples, questions, review tasks, graphs, tables, conclusions and everything in between! Areas where you can link with practicals and videos as well as introduce your own spin on the work. I have made this for my Yr 9 students as an introduction from KS3 into GCSE but would work equally well with Yr8 and even Yr 10 students dependent upon ability. Covers scientific method-hypothesis and prediction-variables from basic IV/DV/CV as well as discrete and continuous-method writing and evaluation-results table design and use with anomolies and averages-graphing including bar charts and line graphs-conclusions and ext work on describing graphs (DO be careful on formatting it is all set up for my ICT system but may need little tweak for different versions of word) Enjoy
New 9-1 GCSE Physics P4 Electrical Circuits full 38 page booklet going through whole topic!

New 9-1 GCSE Physics P4 Electrical Circuits full 38 page booklet going through whole topic!

This is really all you need to teach this topic Has section on Static electricity, Circuit symbols, Series and Parallel circuit design as well as voltage and current rules, Q=IT and V=IR calculations, Graphs of ohmic devices and non-ohmic devices. This is with theory, diagrams, tasks, expt options, questions and integrated review activities. Finishing off with past exam questions. Enjoy!
Revision bundle for GCSE combined science-Chemistry paper 2

Revision bundle for GCSE combined science-Chemistry paper 2

5 Resources
Here are 5 pwpts to take you through each of the 5 chemistry topics on the combined science paper 2 Exam Basic review of the facts and key points needed. C8 rates and equilibrium C9 Crude Oil C12 Analysis -Tests C13 Earths Atmosphere C14 Earths resources Enjoy
New 9-1 GCSE Chemistry AQA C13 revision pwpt

New 9-1 GCSE Chemistry AQA C13 revision pwpt

Basic pwpt that takes you through the key points on this topic Early Atmosphere and development to modern Carbon dioxide reduction-locked up Greenhouse effect Pollution problems, acid rain, global dimming, NOx issues Enjoy