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GCSE French and German resources, including plenty of good old worksheets. SEND resources suitable for young children with autism.




GCSE French and German resources, including plenty of good old worksheets. SEND resources suitable for young children with autism.
German present tense verbs worksheet

German present tense verbs worksheet

A worksheet with 20 German sentences, each showing only the infinitive of the verb needed. Common regular and irregular verbs are included (wohnen, spielen, gehen, haben, sein). Pupils write the correct spelling of the verbs to match the person/subject shown, and can also translate the sentences into English. A good homework idea, as Google Translate won't help that easily! This is meant for beginners, as each verb is used several times to aid reinforcement. Document has two copies, to fit on one page of A4. Answers provided on second page.
German anagrams of shop vocab and fruit and veg vocab

German anagrams of shop vocab and fruit and veg vocab

Two separate documents, each with a set of German vocab in anagrams (16 fruit and veg; 12 shops). Answers provided on the second page of each document. Use as a starter or quick revision activity. Add challenge by asking pupils to translate into English, create sentences containing the vocab, add opinions or use different tenses.
German wordsearch with food and drink vocab

German wordsearch with food and drink vocab

This wordsearch has a set of food and drink vocab written in English; pupils find the German translations hidden in the wordsearch grid. There are 25 words to search for. This is an Excel spreadsheet, set up so you can print two copies per A4 sheet. Answers are provided on sheet 2.
German vocab revision puzzle

German vocab revision puzzle

A puzzle which lists vocab in English, grouped by how many letters the German word has. There are no clues on the grid, so pupils use logic to work out where the answers must go (e.g. there is only one word with 13 letters). Vocab consists of basic words encountered in first year of learning German.
German clothes vocab matching cards

German clothes vocab matching cards

A set of 18 clothes in German with pictures to match. You could display on your screen with one column covered for pupils to translate, or provide as a set of cards for pupils to match words to pictures. Make an extension task by asking for complete sentences, e.g. when you wear this or what colour/style you prefer.
French GCSE translation and role play practice worksheet

French GCSE translation and role play practice worksheet

A long list (41!) of short sentences in English for pupils to translate into French. Equally you could switch the instructions and ask pupils to translate the other way. Sentences are mostly transactional speech, the kinds of phrases needed in a role play. Answers are provided but jumbled up - this could also be used as a reading matching task, or as speaking/listening pairwork.
Task card for visual support to complete a task

Task card for visual support to complete a task

This straightforward task card helps a pupil to understand when a task is complete. Write their name and what the task is on the sheet, then tick a box when each part is completed. This sheet shows 10 boxes to tick, but just cut off the second row if you want 5, or adapt it yourself for any other number. I have used this with tasks such as "Count out the right number of tokens" - I say "three", pupil counts out 3 tokens, then I tick the first box, and so on. Useful with children with autism, who sometimes struggle to understand when a task is complete. Suitable for laminating and use a whiteboard pen.
Simple matching sheets with 2D shapes and pictures of marbles

Simple matching sheets with 2D shapes and pictures of marbles

A cutting and sticking activity for pupils to practice matching pairs of 2D shapes or different sized sets of marbles. Each sheet has a set of six pictures to cut out, then pupils stick these pictures next to each corresponding picture above. You can easily adapt these sheets to make them harder by making the pictures more similar. Alternatively make them easier by removing one row or column of pictures. Simple uncluttered design makes these suitable for children with autism.
Simple counting task using spots on ladybirds

Simple counting task using spots on ladybirds

An activity for pupils to practise counting items to two and three, easily adapted for other numbers if you choose. Pupils put the correct number of spots on the ladybird pictures: they can either stick stickers, draw spots, use stampers, or whatever you choose. The sheet has six pictures for the number 2 and a further six for the number 3. It could be laminated and used with a whiteboard pen over and over. Simple uncluttered design makes this suitable for children with autism.
set of simple number lines tasks

set of simple number lines tasks

A set of tasks suitable for pupils beginning to understand how a number line works. One task shows a 0-20 number line and has space to write a number sentence below (addition, but can be adapted for subtraction). This task is worth laminating and then can be used over and over with a whiteboard pen. The other two tasks require pupils to cut out boxes containing shapes, then stick them to the correct place on the number line (0-10). The easier version has arrows to help; the harder version has just a choice of empty boxes. These two sheets have two different questions on each sheet.
Simple matching task: ruler lengths

Simple matching task: ruler lengths

A sheet showing six different length rulers. Print it twice, cut out the ruler pictures from one sheet and ask pupils to lay each picture on the corresponding ruler on the complete sheet. For extra durability, laminate the sheet and the pictures and use Velcro to hold them in place. Clear and uncluttered presentation, suitable for children with autism.
Follow the patterns of simple 2D geometric shapes

Follow the patterns of simple 2D geometric shapes

A worksheet with five different sets of patterns for pupils to continue, using simple 2D geometric shapes. Simple uncluttered presentation, suitable for children with autism. Sheets can be cut into five strips and presented separately.
clothes pegs number task card

clothes pegs number task card

A set of cards for pupils to practise counting up to six. Each card has a printed number and corresponding amount of pictures of clothes pegs. Pupils attach the clothes pegs to the card, one to each picture. Clear and simple graphics, suitable for children with autism.
simple reading sheets to match colours and shapes words

simple reading sheets to match colours and shapes words

A differentiated set of tasks where pupils read the instructions and choose the correct colour to colour in each shape. Each sheet allows you to choose whether to show the actual colours as well as their words, or just the instructions with no colour-coding to help. Very simply-presented sheets with no distracting details - suitable for autistic pupils.
easy vehicles tasks for SEND pupils

easy vehicles tasks for SEND pupils

A powerpoint which introduces a set of commonly-seen vehicles; it is animated so pupils have time to read the vehicle's name before its picture is shown (on your click). Three worksheets with a word tracing task, a picture matching task and an odd-one-out task. Resources are simply presented with no distracting details - suitable for autistic pupils.
easy Christmas word reading tasks for SEND pupils

easy Christmas word reading tasks for SEND pupils

Three tasks which are simply presented with no distracting details - suitable for autistic pupils. Task 1: pupils read the instructions and choose the correct colour to use, to colour in each picture. Task 2: pupils draw a line to match the different pictures of the same items. Task 3: pupils cut out the pictures and stick them below their names.
easy animal names tasks suitable for SEND pupils

easy animal names tasks suitable for SEND pupils

A powerpoint and two worksheets for pupils to practise naming six familiar animals. Simple format is free from distracting details - suitable for autistic children. The powerpoint is animated so each picture shows first; you click to reveal the word below the picture, which gives pupils time to name the animal. One worksheet has the animals' names beneath their pictures in dotted writing, for pupils to trace over. The other worksheet is for pupils to match the names in cursive and non-cursive writing. Laminate the first page, cut out and laminate a set of words from the second page (duplicates provided in case you want more than one set). Add Velcro so that pupils can attach the words to the correct places.
French text about ideal school uniform

French text about ideal school uniform

A detailed text in French about a student's ideal school uniform. Information is given about current uniform in the present tense, then ideal uniform is described in the future conditional. Could be used as a translation text (may need cutting into shorter chunks), good revision material, or a lesson starter with comprehension questions made up by the pupils.
French conversation questions about school

French conversation questions about school

A list of 9 questions about school, all present tense except one future conditional. Can be used as pair work for listening/speaking, is suitable for exam preparation or revision, could also work as a lesson starter (one pupil gives a statement, another says which question it answered, for example). Four sets of questions fit on one side of A4.
French reading & writing worksheet about daily routine

French reading & writing worksheet about daily routine

This worksheet has three tasks. There is a text about one person's routine on a school day, all in the present tense. First pupils have to answer comprehension questions in English about the text. Then they must find the French vocab in the text which corresponds to a list of vocab in English. Finally they are asked to produce their own paragraph about their own daily routine, using vocab they have seen on the previous tasks. Could be extended into a speaking and listening activity, with pupils reading their text to a partner, who has to note the main points, for example.