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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentation on Religious Language (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Language (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Two Problems of Religious Language, The Vienna Circle, Schlick, Evaluation of Vienna Circle, Ayer – Weak Verification, Evaluation – Weak Verification, Eschatological Argument – John Hick, Falsification Principle - Karl Popper, Antony Flew and R.M. Hare, Evaluation of Falsification, Language Games - Wittgenstein, Via Negativa - Plato, Evaluation of Via Negativa, Analogies - Aquinas, Analogy of Attribution, Analogy of Proportion, Evaluation of Analogy, Symbols – Paul Tillich, Evaluation of Symbols, Myths - Bultman and Evaluation of Myths.
Presentation on Plato & Aristotle (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Presentation on Plato & Aristotle (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Plato’s Cave, Plato’s Forms, Examples, Form of the Good, Critique of Plato’s Idea of Forms, Body / Soul Distinction, Aristotle Four Causes, Marble Statue, Aristotle on the Forms, Prime Mover, Characteristics of Prime Mover, Problems with Aristotle, The Unmoved Mover, Aristotle the Body / Soul, Similarities and Critical Thoughts.
Revision Notes on Life After Death (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on Life After Death (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Terminology, Plato Dualism, the Soul by Aristotle, Materialism and Monism, Hick’s Replica Theory - Materialistic View, Christianity and Resurrection, Heaven and Hell, Heaven, Hell, and the Problem of Evil, Predestination and Divine Election, Hinduism and Rebirth.
Revision Notes on The Birth of Jesus (A Level Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on The Birth of Jesus (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Can We Harmonise the Birth Narrative? Redaction Criticism, Find Different Narratives of the Resurrection (Bible, Film, Books), Bultmann vs N.T Wright, The Centrality of the Resurrection to Christianity, The Bible as a Source of Authority in Daily Life, Teaching on the Meaning and Purpose of Life, The Bible as a Guide to Everyday Life, Do Christians Ignore the Old Testament? and The Bible as a Source of Comfort and Encouragement.
Presentations on AQA A Level Religious Studies (Christianity)

Presentations on AQA A Level Religious Studies (Christianity)

19 Resources
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: Abortion, Aquinas Natural Law, Cosmological Argument, Deontology, Environmental Ethics, Evil and Suffering, Kantian Ethics, Religious Experience, Religious Language, Revelation and Scripture, Science & Religion, Nature of God, The Teleological Argument, Plato & Aristotle, Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics, Ethical Theories & Sexual Ethics, Euthanasia Human Nature and Virtue Ethics.
Presentation on The Three Marks of Existence - Buddhism (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Presentation on The Three Marks of Existence - Buddhism (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Buddha’s Teaching, Dukkha: The First Mark of Existence, Dukkha Dukkha, Viparinama Dukkha, Samkhara Dukkha, Patticchanna Dukkha, Apaticchanna Dukkha, Pariyana Dukkha, Nippariyaya Dukkha, Quotes for Dukka, Anicca: The Second Mark of Existence, Gross Level, Momentary Level, Causal Connections, Interpreting Experience, Positives of Anicca, Quotes for Anicca and Anatta: The Third Mark of Existence.
Revision Notes on The Nature of God (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on The Nature of God (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Simplicity, Gods Eternity, the Eternal View of God, the Everlasting God, God as Omniscience, God as Omnibenevolent, God as Omnipotence, Challenges to God’s Omnipotence, Challenges to God’s Omniscience, Process Theology, the Limits of God’s Knowledge, Do We Have a Real Choice and Real Moral Responsibility for our Actions? and the Good God and Divine Rewards and Punishments.
Revision Notes on Plato & Aristotle (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on Plato & Aristotle (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Plato, A Priori Verses a Posteriori, The Allegory of the Cave, The Metaphors, Symbols within the Allegory, Weaknesses of Plato’s Argument, Simile of the Divided Line, Plato’s Theory of Forms, Strengths and Weaknesses. Aristotle, what is Proof? The Dimensions, Difference Between Eternity and Everlasting, Difference Between Potentiality and Actuality, Aristotle and Cause, Aristotle’s Four Causes, Aristotle’s Idea of God and Weaknesses.
Presentations on OCR A Level Religious Studies (Christianity)

Presentations on OCR A Level Religious Studies (Christianity)

18 Resources
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: Abortion, Aquinas Natural Law, Cosmological Argument, Deontology, Environmental Ethics, Evil and Suffering, Kantian Ethics, Euthanasia, Religious Experience, Religious Language, Revelation and Scripture, Science & Religion, Nature of God, The Teleological Argument, Plato & Aristotle, Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics, Ethical Theories & Sexual Ethics, Human Nature and Virtue Ethics.
Presentation on Science & Religion (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Presentation on Science & Religion (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Creationists and The Bible, The Bible Says the Earth is Young, the Big Bang Theory Challenges the Literal Interpretation, Other theological Challenges by the Big Bang Theory, Young Earth/ Conservative Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, Conflict between Science and Religion, Big Bang Supports Christianity, Chance vs. Intelligent Design, Goldilocks Effect, Theistic Evolution, Evaluation of the Big Bang Theory, Non-Overlapping Magisteria, How/ Why Distinction, Before Darwin, Darwin, Process of ‘Natural Selection’, Darwinism ‘Origin of Species’, Key Events in the Darwinism v Creationism Argument, Supporters: Anthropic Principle, Aesthetic Argument, The Flying Spaghetti Monster Theory, So What is So Good About Science? Evaluation of Scientific Method and How did the Universe Come About?
Revision Notes on The Birth of Jesus (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies)

Revision Notes on The Birth of Jesus (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Can We Harmonize the Birth Narrative? Redaction Criticism, Find Different Narratives of the Resurrection (Bible, Film, Books), Bultmann vs N.T Wright, The Centrality of the Resurrection to Christianity, The Bible as a Source of Authority in Daily Life, Teaching on the Meaning and Purpose of Life, The Bible as a Guide to Everyday Life, Do Christians Ignore the Old Testament? and The Bible as a Source of Comfort and Encouragement.
Presentation on Meta Ethics (A Level Religious Studies)

Presentation on Meta Ethics (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Cognitivism, Naturalistic Fallacy, Is-ought Gap, Fact-Value Distinction, Cognitivism Developed, Moral Reasoning, Non-Cognitivist Response, Non-Cognitivism Developed, Hume’s Analogy, McDowell’s Response, Relativism and Objections.
Presentation on Religious Language (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Language (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Two Problems of Religious Language, The Vienna Circle, Schlick, Evaluation of Vienna Circle, Ayer – Weak Verification, Evaluation – Weak Verification, Eschatological Argument – John Hick, Falsification Principle - Karl Popper, Antony Flew and R.M. Hare, Evaluation of Falsification, Language Games - Wittgenstein, Via Negativa - Plato, Evaluation of Via Negativa, Analogies - Aquinas, Analogy of Attribution, Analogy of Proportion, Evaluation of Analogy, Symbols – Paul Tillich, Evaluation of Symbols, Myths - Bultman and Evaluation of Myths.
Presentation on Religious Language (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Language (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Two Problems of Religious Language, The Vienna Circle, Schlick, Evaluation of Vienna Circle, Ayer – Weak Verification, Evaluation – Weak Verification, Eschatological Argument – John Hick, Falsification Principle - Karl Popper, Antony Flew and R.M. Hare, Evaluation of Falsification, Language Games - Wittgenstein, Via Negativa - Plato, Evaluation of Via Negativa, Analogies - Aquinas, Analogy of Attribution, Analogy of Proportion, Evaluation of Analogy, Symbols – Paul Tillich, Evaluation of Symbols, Myths - Bultman and Evaluation of Myths.
Presentation on Festivals and Worship - Hinduism (A Level Religious Studies)

Presentation on Festivals and Worship - Hinduism (A Level Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Puja, Puja - Actions and Meanings, Types of Puja, Puja in Temple, Importance, Holi - Nature, Holi - Stories Surrounding this Festival, Holi Role and Importance, Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganesh Chaturthi - Celebrations, Ganesh Chaturthi - Importance and Role, Diwali, Dewali - Stories, Dewali - Celebrations, Dewali-Role and Importance, Navaratri, Dusshra and Importance of Navaratri and Dusshra.
Presentation on Cosmological Argument (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Presentation on Cosmological Argument (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Basic Argument, The God of Classical Theism, The Starting Point, Potentiality and Actuality, Aristotle and the Prime Mover, A Common Source, Aristotle, Material Cause, The Formal Cause, Efficient Cause, The Final Cause, The Prime Mover? Why Not an Efficient Cause? So Who Is the Prime Mover? So is this the God of Classical Theism? Aquinas, The Three Ways, Infinite Regress, 1st Argument: From Change (Motion), Wood and Fire, 2nd Argument: From Cause, An Uncaused Cause, 3rd Argument: from Contingency (Necessity), The Principle of Sufficient Reason, Contingent /Necessary, Copleston and Russell, Hume, Kant, Hume vs Russell vs Kant, Understandings of the Role of God, God as the Temporal First Cause, Two Types of Causes, Aquinas, God as the Sustainer of Motion, Causation and Existence, God as the Explanation of Why there is Something Rather than Nothing. Science- Anthony Kenny, Newton’s Law of Motion, The Steady-State Theory, The Big Bang Theory, The Kalam Cosmological Argument - Actual Infinite, Actual Infinite, Potential Infinite, An Argument of Two Halves, William Lane Craig, Ex Nihilo, Strengths, Value for Religious Faith, Natural Theology, Russell on Natural Theology, Fideism, Of Value and Of Limited or No Value.