I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Origins of Conservatism, Theological Conservatives, Paternalism, Traditional Values, All In This Together? Prag-Grenade, Conservatism/Human Nature, Enlightenment, Pessimistic Conservatism, Tory Boy, Edmund Burke - Traditionalism, Robert Peel, Tamworth Manifesto, Revolutionary Industrialism, The Split, Paternal Conservativism – One Nation, Disraeli, After Disraeli's Death, How Successful Was One Nation Conservatism? Progressive Conservatism, New Right, Neo-Conservatism, Neo Conservatism – George Bush, Neo-Economics, Cultural Ignorance, Neo Liberalism, Neo Liberalism – Margaret Thatcher, Combative Conservatism, Christian Democrats and Nationalists, Neo-Nazi Mania, Conservativism Evolution, Society Does Not Exist? Individualism, Property Ownership, No Ideology, The Empiricism Sceptics and Key Quotes.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Definitions, Key Features of Post-Modernism, Ten Points of Post-Modernism & Style, Faith Could Re-emerge as Scientific Thinking Loses Significance, Jacques Derrida, Jean Francois Lyotard, Jean Baudrillard, Key Terms, From Modernity to Post-Modernity, Postmodernism and History, Fukuyama, Postmodernism and Ideology, Postmodernism and Society, Postmodernism and Political Action and Criticisms.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: How was Development Defined? Theories of Development: Modernisation, Theories of Development: Dependency, Millennium Development Goals of the UN, Dimensions of Globalisation, Economic Globalisation, Economic Development and Globalisation, Shrinking World, Shrinking Nation State? Impact in Developing Countries, Cultural Issues and Contemporary Issues.
Comprehensive array of Presentations that includes: Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism. Postmodernism. Nations and Nationalism, The ‘State’, What is Power?, Civil Society and Democracy as well as Globalization and Development.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Civil Society in Political Theory, Towards a Definition of Civil Society, Three Circles Approach, Democracy, Defining Democracy, Forms of Democracy, Democracy and Civil Society, Social Capital as well as Civil Society and Contemporary British Politics.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: the Idea of a ‘Nation', What Form does a Nation Take? Johann Gottfried Herder, Modernisation Strategy, Self-Affirmation, Nations as Political Communities, Eric Hobsbawm, Benedict Anderson, Nationalism and Threats to the Nation-State.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Charles Husband, Bhikhu, Mo Moulton, UK Immigration Regime, Gaitskell, 1979 General Election, Hall on Identity, Charles Taylor, Brian Barry and Manuel Castells.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Marshall Plan, Middle-Income-Countries, Debate about Faith Based Organisations, Pope Paul vi, Saint John Paul ii, End of 20th Century, Millennium Declaration Goals, World Bank, James Wolfensohn, Mexico City Policy, Clare Short and Understanding Faith.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: George Holyoake, Charles Taylor, United States, United Kingdom, Constitution of Ireland, Terry Eagleton, Peter Berger, PEW Research Centre, Jose Casanova, Jürgen Habermas, Pope Benedict, XVI and Ulrich Beck.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Jewish Traditions of Social Justice, Christianity and Social Justice, Justice, Islam and the Quran, St Thomas Aquinas, Aquinas Three Forms of Justice, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius XI, Pope St John XXIII, Pope St John Paul II, Pope Francis, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacque Rousseau, John Rawls, John Rawls – The Difference Principle, Robert Nozick and the Challenge.
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: What Is Meant by Social Justice, Post Secular Peace, Secularism and Post-Secularism, Development and Aid, Peace and Memory, Economic Justice, Human Rights as well as Race and Multiculturalism.
Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Positive/Negative Peace, Huntingdon, The Bonfire of the Vanities, The Sermon on the Mount, Islam, Habermas, Bishop Daly and Bloody Sunday, Casanova, Elizabeth Hurd, Fundamentalism, George W Bush, Robert Keohane and Scott Appleby.
Short Presentation that Covers: Robert Shiller, Warren Buffett, John Rawls – The Difference Principle, John Maynard Keynes, Deng Xiaoping and Robert Nozick.