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Please leave feedback if you have purchased the resource. Let me know if you are happy with it or if you need any further guidance or support. Thank you 😊
teaching resources for phonics/dyslexia lessons

teaching resources for phonics/dyslexia lessons

Powerpoints and worksheets that I have been using for online learning. I have been using them for 30 minutes sessions with a student with dyselxia. includes lessons for the following spellings. ar aw oa ir long o (oa ow oe) revsion lesson on long o sound
KS3 PSHE assessment-dangers of social media

KS3 PSHE assessment-dangers of social media

Resource to teach about the dangers of social media and assess. Includes lesson and resources assessment lesson with multiple choice and wagoll marking criteria DIRT lesson Knowledge organiser
OFSTED potential/interview Q & A for subject leaders

OFSTED potential/interview Q & A for subject leaders

10 general questions and answer for subject leaders. Provide specific examples and evidence to support your answers, and demonstrate your enthusiasm, professionalism, and leadership skills. Good luck! Also includes 5 subject specific questions for: 5 x English 5 x Maths 5 x Science Then a few select questions that may be asked in the following subjects: Computing PE Art and DT History Geography
PSHE skills progression for PSHE/British values/SRE stat yr1-6

PSHE skills progression for PSHE/British values/SRE stat yr1-6

Skills progression sheets for years 1-6 ks2 skills cover all PSHE/new stat curriculum health and relationships and British Values This document can be used to develop short term planning from. The plans also include overview for planning for themed weeks that cover all citizenship objectives.
KS3 PSHE assessment-Energy drinks

KS3 PSHE assessment-Energy drinks

Package includes. Suitable for KS3 PSHE (I used in year 7) Energy drinks lesson Assessment lesson-energy drinks (multiple choice and written outcome) includes WAGOLL DIRT feedback lesson All resources provided including assessment marking criteria.
PSHE subject leader resources with links to mental health, British Values, health and relationships

PSHE subject leader resources with links to mental health, British Values, health and relationships

Example documents to support your role as PSHE subject leader with a primary school. (Some resources may be useful for secondary too) includes: British values policy Relationships and health policy (SRE) Sex education PSHE policy Example governors reports Example long term planning for PSHE with links to British values and other subjects. ( Years 1-6) Includes new health and relationships education Appropriate vocabulary for SRE (on one of the planning grids). SRE template letter to parents PSHE lead actions plans (All input are examples) Mental health lead action plans (All input are examples) PSHE subject leader OFSTED preperation for interview
year 3/4 The Firework Maker's Daughter literacy planning-fantasy

year 3/4 The Firework Maker's Daughter literacy planning-fantasy

Full unit of work for fantasy year 3/4 for The Firework Maker’s daughter planned using the talk for writing format. The outcome is for pupil’s to write their own version e.g. The dragon trainer’s son. This has been a very successful unit that the child in my class have thoroughly enjoyed. I would group the LA and let them generate a character and setting as a group for their outcome but for the HA and able middles I would challenge them to create their own character apply their skills but in a different context to stretch and challenge. They will need to think of an appropriate enemy to face as well but I only asked my HA to choose their own, I modeled for the rest of the class. We then created book covers as an art project using collage to design their characters outfits in keeping with the Asian theme. includes; planning with grammar focus for starter. Activites have differentation for different abilities. some resources reading activities modelled examples some powerpoints boxed up planning red writes (teacher led writing of story) green write with outcome (assessment/end of unit write)
Complete Sikhism unit-Year 7

Complete Sikhism unit-Year 7

Unite of work suitable for year 7 Sikhism. Powerpoints and resources included. lesson 1-Guru Nanak-life and teachings Lesson 2-Sewa-selfless service to others Lesson 3- Khalsa & 5Ks Lesson 4- Assessment