Pupils will learn about the difference between a solid state drive and a magnetic hard disk drive.
The differences between the two will be shown and explained on the board, pupils will then complete a task where they will research, label and explain each part of a magnetic hard drive and its advantages and disadvantages and the final task is to investigate the solid state drive inc. advantages, disadvantages, NAND and NOR chips and EEPROM.
A complete lesson with two tasks
This lesson describes the history of the internet (ARPANET), the different between the internet and WWW. Students will practice an exam question based on the knowledge gained during the lesson.
When the first part is complete pupils will learn about the client-server model and then research the application of servers using leading questions on the board.
A lesson where pupils learn the difference between bit rate and bit streaming. Pupils will complete a task discussing in detail bit rate and bit streaming and the purpose of on demand services.
A lesson teaching pupils how to convert decimals to BCD
Pupils will recap on hex by playing flippybit (link on ppt)
Pupils will learn about BCD, terminology for single and double digits and how to break down digits in to code (animations on ppt)
Pupils will complete a table they can refer to in binary from 0 to 9
Pupils will convert digits to BCD
Convert BCD to to digits (answers provided)
Investigate which devices use BCD
For A level computers science but can be used in iGCSE and GCSE.
A detailed and in-depth (assuming no previous knowledge from students) lesson on number conversions:
denary to binary
binary to denary
denary to hexadecimal
Students will investigate hexadecimal numbers
Assuming no previous knowledge from students they learn in-depth about number as symbols representing amounts etc
Pupils will complete worksheet with opportunities for self assessment on denary and binary conversions and hexadecimal conversions.
A worksheet with two videos for help and pupils will continue to convert larger numbers.
I have made three guides for thunkable app making software that students can follow independently during your lessons. he guides show how to create the following apps:
chat app
camera recognition
adding animations
swipeable screens
The SOWs are fully editable and support the NC strands. Subjects include:
App making
Google Applied digital skills
Object oriented programming
Robot Control
Computer Hardware and Software
and more
A guide intended to support the CIE 9626 A level IT syllabus but it can be used for any exam board.
The guide includes clear instructions and examples of code for every task so the student can follow it independently for fours lessons. The guide covers the following:
Alerts and prompts
Displaying outputs using bookmarks
Creating and calling functions
Functions to show and hide messages
Prompt and alert functions
Using operators where the student will create a guessing game
Conditional statements (if, else if and switch)
After each section pupils will complete a challenge such as creating a grade calculator.
Use these guides to go from zero to hero in MIT App Inventor.
Instead of making games students can create more serious Apps that embed social media and maps.
Teachers can use to gain subject knowledge or give them to students to follow independently over 4 or 5 lessons.
Students will learn:
How to create a navigation bar with buttons
Create buttons that link to social media sites
Take an image and share it via whatsapp or facebook, twitter etc
Embed a map with a marker in their app
Guides can be bought separately or save 23% when purchasing the bundle.
Working with Google Sheets and Forms create an App that builds a Database
An extensive guide that may take up to two lessons(22 pages of screen shot steps and text).
Using App inventor and google sheets your class can build an app where they will enter their name, after school club and day of the week they attend the club.
The data from the app will append live on the google sheet in front of their eyes.
The app is fairly complex to build so I would only recommend this with more able groups.
3 Microbit lessons focusing on data handling
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Micro:bit
Clear lesson objective and a success criteria that can be displayed throughout the lesson
Introduction of the micro:bit
Task to create strings with letters numbers and symbols
Creating images on the micro:bit
A set of tasks to programme the micro:bit with the buttons
Extension task to create images on the python editor
Lesson 2: Data Manipulation
Clear lesson objective and a success criteria that can be displayed throughout the lesson
Keyword definition starter
Teacher methodology discussing sensors and how they are used
Envelope task (statements provided on slide 9)
Flow chart task
Using the micro:bit to create a sensor
Solution provided
Extension task
Lesson 2: Data Manipulation 3
Clear lesson objective and a success criteria that can be displayed throughout the lesson
Starter a discussion or investigation question
Teacher methodology on microprocessors and how they affect our lives
Pupils complete a challenge on the micro:bit and a solution is provided
Extension task available
Two lessons
Lesson 1:
This lesson discusses A class and class B addresses and breaks down exactly how the addressing works.
The pupils will complete a cryptogram starter task, for the main task they will investigate and complete a poster discussing class C addressing. The plenary is a kahoot quiz assessing their knowledge of class C addressing as well class A and B.
Lesson 2
This lesson discusses public and private address, the introduction and purpose of IPv6 addressing. For the main task pupils must investigate and discuss how a URL works and for the plenary they will discuss their learning.
A budle of user guides that support some of the practical skills for paper 4 CIE A Level IT. The user guide are as follows:
Animation - Synfig - Setting canvas size, changing timeline settings from number of frames to seconds, inserting and editing text, importing images, animating images and text, fading in and out.
Vector Graphics - Inkscape - shapes and their options, fill and stroke options and grouping options.
JavaScripting - All the skills from the beginning. Arrays and variables, alerts and prompts, display and outputs, creating and calling functions, show and hide messages, prompts, operators, conditional statements, switch statements and loops.
**Buy the Bundle and Save £11
I have created a bundle of guides to save money!
These guide are a great resource to encourage students to learn independently, gain new skills and allow their creativity to flourish in class or after school clubs.
Guide included are:
Add data from an app to google sheets
Barcode or QR code scanning
Making a navigation bar
Importing images and Camera Messaging Sharing App
Social Media Buttons
Using Maps
Making a To Do List using TinyDB