Cross-curricular topics
Queen's of England History Planning
Six week’s history planning based on a topic of Queen Elizabeth ii and Queen Victoria. Most suited to a Year 1 or 2 class.
Kenny Koala's Trip to Peru
A Powerpoint and postcard template with a story of Kenny Koala’s trip to Peru. Used as end of term unit for year 1 class to learn about South America.
Seaside planning and resources
Full planning for a half term for a geography unit on the seaside and its human and physical features. The lessons focus on Scarborough. Most suited for a year 1 or year 2 class. Features plan for six weeks as well as lesson resources and smart notebook.
Mog's Christmas Planning and Resources
1 week’s planning and resources for Mog’s Christmas by Judith Kerr. Most suited for a year 1 or 2 class. Includes; weekly plan, worksheets and powerpoint.Happy Christmas!
Writing a non-chronological report about Chocolate
A week’s planning and resources for writing a non-chronological report about chocolate. Written for a year 1 class. Includes; weekly plan, smart notebook. learning objectives, a simple text about chocolate and sentence starters.
2 Weeks Planning on the Chocolate Monster
Two weeks planning on the Chocolate Monster by Pip Jones.
Includes; two weeks planning, differentiated resources, smart notebook, powerpoint of the book and word mat. Covers grammar of using 'un' and making words plural.