I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Complete set of planning, slides and worksheets to provide 14 lessons on fractions. This has been written with Year 6 in mind but the resources are easily adaptable for other year groups.
The worksheets have written with mastery in mind and so follow the following structure:
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Worksheet Four - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (This is a spare worksheet should children finish problem solving on worksheet three)
All worksheets include answers.
Differentiation is achieved through self-assessment of own abilities to choose which worksheet they do. The worksheets will be clear in which is LA, MA and HA.
Lesson 1 and 2 - Finding fractions
Lesson 3 and 4 - Comparing fractions
Lesson 5 and 6 - Converting fractions
Lesson 7 and 8 - Adding and subtracting fractions
Lesson 9 and 10 - Multiplying fractions together
Lesson 11 and 12 - Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Lesson 13 and 14 - Dividing fractions by whole numbers
Also included are extras including worksheets for simplifying fractions and representing them, resources to help model the techniques to give children more independence and a presentation focussing on how to use the Bar method with fractions.
These have had great success in previous lessons and challenge and stretch children of all abilities.
Complete set of planning, slides and worksheets to provide 10 lessons on place value. This has been written with Year 6 in mind but the resources are easily adaptable for other year groups.
The worksheets have written with mastery in mind and so follow the following structure:
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Lessons that spread over two lessons also have Worksheet Four.
N.B - Edited to include Roman Numeral worksheet as noticed it was missing.
Worksheet Four - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (This is a spare worksheet should children finish problem solving on worksheet three)
Differentiation is achieved through self-assessment of own abilities to choose which worksheet they do. The worksheets will be clear in which is LA, MA and HA.
Lesson 1 and 2 - Understanding place value, reading numbers, comparing numbers etc.
Lesson 3 and 4 - Same as Lesson 1 and 2 but with decimal numbers
Lesson 5 and 6 - Rounding
Lesson 7 and 8 - Rounding decimal numbers
Lesson 9 - Roman Numerals
Lesson 10 - Indices (particular focus on square and cube numbers)
These have had great success in previous lessons and challenge and stretch children of all abilities.
Complete set of planning, slides and worksheets to provide 14 lessons on the four operations, working between written methods, mental methods and also working on the order of operations. This has been written with Year 6 in mind but the resources are easily adaptable for other year groups.
The worksheets have written with mastery in mind and so follow the following structure:
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Worksheet Four - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (This is a spare worksheet should children finish problem solving on worksheet three)
Differentiation is achieved through self-assessment of own abilities to choose which worksheet they do. The worksheets will be clear in which is LA, MA and HA.
Lesson 1 and 2 - Column addition and subtraction
Lesson 3 and 4 - Same as Lesson 1 and 2 but with decimal numbers
Lesson 5 and 6 - Adding and subtracting mentally
Lesson 7 and 8 - Written multiplication
Lesson 9 and 10 - Written division
Lesson 11 and 12 - Mental multiplication
Lesson 13 and 14 - Order of operations
These have had great success in previous lessons and challenge and stretch children of all abilities.
Complete set of planning, slides and worksheets for place value x2, the four operations, fractions, algebra, area, perimeter and volume and measurements that provide 69 lessons. This has been written with Year 6 in mind but the resources are easily adaptable for other year groups.
The worksheets have written with mastery in mind and so follow the following structure:
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving
Worksheet Four - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (This is a spare worksheet should children finish problem solving on worksheet three)
Differentiation is achieved through self-assessment of own abilities to choose which worksheet they do. The worksheets will be clear in which is LA, MA and HA.
N.B. This bundle will grow as I add more schemes of work but the price will now stay at £20.
A bundle full of resources including planning, slides and worksheets for English, Maths, Science and a History topic. Also included is a grammar and punctuation booklet, a KS2 Maths intervention programme and a big activity book for mastering times tables.
Attached is a look at how to improve Maths throughout a whole primary school.
Through the mastery powerpoint you will be given insight into research that looks at how schools can deliver a mastery approach for all children. This will include examples of how to use these through methods I have used myself. Attached with this are then examples of a weekly plan for Year 5 that shows how this can be used. These demonstrate how you can use a mastery approach and show differentiation.
Also included are a range of starter questions that can be mixed together/ used in isolation during starters to improve children's understanding and a powerpoint that introduces the Singapore Bar method.
This resource offers savings on previous uploads with the Singapore Bar, Maths starter and Year 5 activities costing £10 altogether. This package also offers insight into how to lead improvement within your own classroom and within school.
A range of Maths topics covered in this extensive planning bundle. Each one includes planning and worksheets to teach a unit of lessons. This so far includes 159 lessons and will have more units added.
Worksheets are differentiated three ways with a mastery aim running throughout. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets.
These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern.
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency (LA)
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning (MA)
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (HA)
Attached is a version of a potential calculation policy that people can use for ideas to help in developing their own. Each year group is broken down in to the 4 operations, identifying mental and written methods and linking to other strands in the curriculum.
Written methods are kept to a minimum to ensure children become 'experts' in that method and to ensure consistency throughout teaching.
A lesson design format that can be used to ensure children 'master' mathematical concepts.
The aim of this resource is to consider different elements of the lesson that when put together can ensure children make good progress through the lesson/ series of lessons. The publisher version can be used to type on as a lesson plan or it can be used purely to design a lesson presentation/ resources. Key questions are included to start thinking about different elements. Whilst it isn't a definitive list, it encourages staff to consider the elements that will push children on and ensure they gain procedural fluency and conceptual understanding.
Attached is a look at how to improve Maths throughout a whole primary school.
Through the mastery powerpoint you will be given insight into research that looks at how schools can deliver a mastery approach for all children. This will include examples of how to use these through methods I have used myself.
To find plans, resources and more information about the Singapore Bar you can follow this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/improving-maths-11255493
Five of the key parts of Bloom's Taxonomy. For each one there is a brief introduction of what it looks like for children, key words that can be used to check how children are performing against it and then actions and outcomes for each one.
Six sets of different resources to quickly check pupils understanding during lessons. Included are instructions about what they are/ potential ways they can be used to check understanding. Simply print, laminate and use them to get a quick visual snapshot of where your children are at.
An academic poster that explores routes of how to spend the sport premium to ensure that the impact is felt in school years after the funding has stopped. Created over three years ago, but still relevant in terms of ensuring outstanding physical education across schools and ensuring that funding is spent in a sustainable manner.
A breakdown of all the questions from the KS2 2017 Maths papers, split in to the various year group strands they have come from. Some questions overlap as they share curriculum strands from two different year groups.
Included is also a breakdown of the questions in statistical form to show what each year group contributed in terms of marks.
These are useful for sharing with staff in KS2 to show the types of questions children are expected to do for each year group as well as breaking questions down if people wish to practise easier or more challenging questions.