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BD characters card sort

BD characters card sort

A card sort activity, where pupils match the famous francophone comic strip characters to the descriptions.
Media opinions Blockbusters

Media opinions Blockbusters

Use this PowerPoint to practise giving your opinion about books, films, TV programmes, etc. Instructions are in the PowerPoint.
Frequency phrases in German

Frequency phrases in German

Pupils use the visual clues in this PowerPoint to work out the English meaning of these frequency phrases in German. To teach word order with frequency phrases, click on the following slides and the frequency phrases will move into their rightful place in the sentences.
TV programmes & films in French

TV programmes & films in French

This PowerPoint introduces the vocabulary of different types of TV programmes and films. The vocabulary is introduced, then, with the necessary vocabulary around the edge of each slide, the corresponding images appear and disappear quickly. Pupils identify them in French. Finally, focusing on detail, pupils write the vocabulary correctly.
What can you do in town?

What can you do in town?

Use this PowerPoint to introduce the different activities that you can do in town (shopping, bowling, etc), The focus really is on using phrases, rather than single words. It starts by showing the phrases with the words jumbled up, unjumbling them and showing the image. Pupils then show their understanding kinaesthetically, using a 'hands-up' activity. Finally, pupils translate the phrases from French into English.
Saying what you like to eat or drink in German

Saying what you like to eat or drink in German

Use this PowerPoint to introduce saying whether or not you like different foods and drinks in German. Instructions are in the PowerPoint, which starts by introducing the vocabulary and ends with pupils using a 'reveal' activity to identify the food/drink in German.
Quantities of food and drink in French

Quantities of food and drink in French

This PowerPoint introduces quantities of food and drink in French. It starts with an example conversation at a market and pupils have 2 minutes (timed) to find the quantities. The vocabulary is then introduced and it ends with a Os and Xs game to practise the vocabulary.
Reading skills - French mealtimes

Reading skills - French mealtimes

A complete lesson about reading skills and translation into English from French. The PowerPoint includes an 'entering the room' task, whereby pupils must think about what the lesson is about. They then find the French mealtimes in pairs from the text and then translate the text. The lesson concludes with a pairwork dice activity to go over the lesson content. The are precise instructions in the PowerPoint.
Quantities of food & drink in German

Quantities of food & drink in German

This PowerPoint introduces quantities of food and drink in German. The PowerPoint starts with an example conversation at the market, introduces the vocabulary and then finishes with Os and Xs to practise the vocabulary.
Directions in German

Directions in German

A PowerPoint to introduce directions in German. Each slide follows a moving arrow with the directions, leading to the different places on the map of 'Rotstadt'.
Directions in French

Directions in French

A PowerPoint to introduce directions in French. Each slide follows a moving arrow with the directions, leading to the different places on the map of 'Fausseville'.
Directions Os & Xs

Directions Os & Xs

This can be used with any language. Pupils play in two teams. When you click on the O or the X, the square will change to either O or X. Instructions are within the PowerPoint.
School subjects & opinions in French

School subjects & opinions in French

Use this PowerPoint to introduce both simple opinion phrases and school subjects. It starts by getting pupils to work out where the opinion phrases are and which words are school subjects, After introducing the school subjects, pupils show understanding using 'hands up' and then by playing 'Follemathiques', giving their opinions about different subjects. Instructions are given in the PowerPoint.
Daily routine in French

Daily routine in French

This PowerPoint introduces and practises daily routine phrases in French. At the end of the PowerPoint is a Blockbusters game, allowing pupils to recap on their recently acquired knowledge.
Time in French

Time in French

This PowerPoint uses both analogue and digital to introduce and practise the time in French. Assuming some weaker pupils may not be sure of telling the time, this is introduced/practised in English first, before moving on to the French. At the end, pupils shout out the time in French when it appears on the board.
What time is it in...? (with answers)

What time is it in...? (with answers)

This is a worksheet to both practise time in French and to stretch pupils' brains. Pupils are given some time zones and have to work out and write in French what the time is in the different places around the world. The answer sheet has now been added.
Ma famille - an introduction

Ma famille - an introduction

Introduce family members in French. This PowerPoint both tests pupils' logic and teaches them the vocabulary for family members in French.