If you have any questions regarding my resources, please do not hesitate to contact me either via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/frenchresources/ or by email: contact@laprofdefrancais.com
If you have any questions regarding my resources, please do not hesitate to contact me either via my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/frenchresources/ or by email: contact@laprofdefrancais.com
In this folder, you will find a list of 22 possible conversation questions for Unit 3: Free-time activities of the French GCSE (with AQA) and their model answers.
For each question: Foundation and Higher model answers are provided.
The questions and model answers are available as a 4 pages Word document (+ pdf version) as well as a PPT presentation (with one question and its model answers per slide).
A document with questions only is available for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/unit-3-free-times-activities-conversation-questions-gcse-french-12220474 but is also included in this folder for your convenience (editable and .pdf versions)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check my Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and Freebies are posted regularly.
A game to practise translating phrases for Unit 9: My Studies
Two versions: Foundation and Higher
For each version:
-30 phrases to translate
-5 phrases to translate per aspect (level of difficulty increases: first three phrases are French to English, last two phrases are English to French).
model answers provided for each phrase to translate
(PPT of 61 slides including answer slides)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, your can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
In this folder, you will find a vocabulary list for unit 11 of the French GCSE (with AQA): Education Post 16. (Foundation and Higher Tiers).
.pdf and editable versions.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly.
A list of possible questions for Unit 11 (AQA): Education Post 16
.pdf and editable versions
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
In this resource, you will get summary sheets/ knowledge organiser (4 pages) on the topic: Free-time activities
Each page corresponds to an aspect:
TV and Cinema
Food and Eating out
The content on the left gives vocabulary and phrases
The content on the right gives the grammar points
.pdf and editable versions
This Knowledge Organiser links well with my resources for this unit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/free-time-activities-unit-3-gcse-french-12211558
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly
In this file, you will get a resource to help students of A Level and GCSE practise their French pronunciation. Although you will be able to use this resource in class, it has originally been created for independent study.
7 key aspects are covered:
the letter -c
the letter -g
the letter -l
the letter -p
the letter -q
the letter-s
the letter -t
Please note that I would advise students to complete Part 1 first. The PPT presentation is approximately 30 slides and includes descriptions for each aspect, embedded sound files for application of these aspects and practice slides. (All the sound files are also included in a separate folder).
You will also get a link to get the Google Slides version of this PPT, but will need to have a Gmail email address for this. You can then share the Google Slides with your students or post it on Google Classroom.
After downloading, save the .zip file (Pronunciation-Part2.zip) in the “my documents” area of your computer, then right-click and extract all to access all the resources
Please note: the first 7 files are a preview of what is included in the .zip folder
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @frenchresources, where updates, links and freebies are posted regularly.
In this folder, you will find a list of 22 possible conversation questions for Unit 10: Life at School/ College of the French GCSE (with AQA) and their model answers.
For each question: Foundation and Higher model answers are provided.
The questions and model answers are available as a 4 pages Word document (+ pdf version) as well as a PPT presentation (with one question and its model answers per slide).
A document with questions only is available for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/unit10-life-at-school-college-conversation-questions-gcse-french-12501044 but is also included in this folder for your convenience (editable and .pdf versions)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check my Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and Freebies are posted regularly.
In this folder, you will find a list of 22 possible conversation questions for Unit 12: Jobs, career choices and ambitions of the French GCSE (with AQA) and their model answers.
For each question: Foundation and Higher model answers are provided.
The questions and model answers are available as a 4 pages Word document (+ pdf version) as well as a PPT presentation (with one question and its model answers per slide).
A document with questions only is available for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/unit12-jobs-career-choices-and-ambitions-conversation-questions-gcse-french-12619249 but is also included in this folder for your convenience (editable and .pdf versions)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check my Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and Freebies are posted regularly.
In this folder, you will find a list of 22 possible conversation questions for Unit 11: Education Post 16 of the French GCSE (with AQA) and their model answers.
For each question: Foundation and Higher model answers are provided.
The questions and model answers are available as a 4 pages Word document (+ pdf version) as well as a PPT presentation (with one question and its model answers per slide).
A document with questions only is available for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/unit11-education-post-16-conversation-questions-gcse-french-12619247 but is also included in this folder for your convenience (editable and .pdf versions)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check my Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and Freebies are posted regularly.
In this resource file, you will find:
-A vocabulary list on Valentine’s Day
-A worksheet: 3 versions corresponding to 3 levels of difficulty
-Answers (on the second page of the worksheet)
10 keywords covered in version 1
14 in version 2
18 in version 3
Please note that the worksheet are not editable (.pdf format)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check my Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, new resources and freebies are posted regularly.
In this folder, you will find a list of 22 possible conversation questions for Unit 8: Travel and Tourism of the French GCSE (with AQA) and their model answers.
For each question: Foundation and Higher model answers are provided.
The questions and model answers are available as a 4 pages Word document (+ pdf version) as well as a PPT presentation (with one question and its model answers per slide).
A document with questions only is available for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/unit-8-travel-and-tourism-conversation-questions-gcse-french-12367098 but is also included in this folder for your convenience (editable and .pdf versions)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check my Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and Freebies are posted regularly.
In this BUNDLE:
La famille en voie de changement (UPDATED 29th August 2020):
-La vie de couple : nouvelles tendances
-Monoparentalité, homoparentalité, familles recomposées
-Grands-parents, parents et enfants : soucis et problèmes
La « cyber-société » (UPDATED 23rd August 2021):
-Comment la technologie facilite la vie quotidienne
-Quels dangers la cyber-société pose-t-elle ?
-Qui sont les cybernautes ?
Le rôle du bénévolat (updated 03/01/23):
-Qui sont et que font les bénévoles ?
-Quelles valeurs pour ceux qui sont aidés?
-Quelles valeurs pour ceux qui aident ?
for each sub-topic: a PPT presentation and other resources covering: reading, speaking, listening and writing skills, grammar points, video comprehensions, statistics discussions, translations French to English and English to French and markschemes, link to vocab learning course and vocab tests
This THEME BUNDLE saves 42%
click preview to see what is included in the .zip folders
PLEASE NOTE: This THEME BUNDLE has been updated. This is reflected in the price increase compared to other THEME BUNDLES, which are yet to be updated. However, if you have previously purchased this BUNDLE, you will be able to download this new version FREE of charge.
In this folder, you will find a list of 22 possible conversation questions for Unit 9: My Studies of the French GCSE (with AQA) and their model answers.
For each question: Foundation and Higher model answers are provided.
The questions and model answers are available as a 4 pages Word document (+ pdf version) as well as a PPT presentation (with one question and its model answers per slide).
A document with questions only is available for free here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/unit-9-my-studies-conversation-questions-gcse-french-12449029 but is also included in this folder for your convenience (editable and .pdf versions)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this one, you can check my Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where updates, links and Freebies are posted regularly.
In this resource file:
3 folders for 3 cards on the topic: “Le rôle du bénévolat”
In each folder:
a stimulus card on one aspect of the topic
a sheet with model answers
a folder with 3 audio files for the model answers
a short PPT presentation with 4 slides (stimulus card, asnwer 1 transcript and embedded audio, answer 2 transcript and embedded audio, answer 3 transcript and embedded audio)
If you have any questions or if you are ineterested in more resources like this one, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
In this Bundle:
6 folders for the 6 topics covered in Year 1 of the French A Level:
La famille en voie de changement
La cyber-société
Le rôle du bénévolat
Une culture fière de son héritage
La musique francophone contemporaine
Le septième art
For each topic:
3 stimulus cards
Model answers for the 3 questions on each card
Audio files for the model answers
Short PPT presentations
The 3 Cards for each topic are also available in individual resources for £2.20.
In this resource file:
3 folders for 3 cards on the topic “La cyber-société”
In each folder:
a stimulus card on one aspect of the topic
a sheet with model answers for the 3 questions
a folder with 3 audio files for the model answers
a short PPT presentation with 4 slides (stimulus card, answer 1 transcript and embedded audio, answer 2 transcript and embedded audio, answer 3 transcript and embedded audio) should you wish to project these on your board.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this, you can check this Facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
3 folders for 3 cards on the topic “La musique francophone contemporaine”
In each folder:
a stimulus card on one aspect of the topic
a sheet with model answers for the 3 questions
a folder with 3 audio files for the model answers
a short PPT presentation with 4 slides (stimulus card, answer 1 transcript and embedded audio, answer 2 transcript and embedded audio, answer 3 transcript and embedded audio) should you wish to project these on your board.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
In this bundle:
7 PPT presentations for AS/ year 1 topics (one for each topic and an additional one for a mixture)
7 PPT presentations for Year 2 topics (one for each topic and an additional one for a mixture)
ideal for end of topic recap/ practice or Speaking exam preparation
Each year are sold separately for £3. This bundle will save you 17%
Please note:
-you will need to click “enable macro” when opening the files to be able to use the random question generator function (by clicking on the arrow)
-these PPTs contain questions only
-If you are interested in getting the list of questions only, these are available for free in my shop (same questions used)
If you have any questions or if you are interested in more resources like this, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
In this bundle:
2 Translation and Revision Games:
one for AS/ year 1 and one for Year 2
These resources are sold separately for £2 each. You will save 25% with this bundle.
Please click on preview to see examples of what is included
If you have any questions or are interested in more resources like this, you can check this facebook page: @Frenchresources, where links, updates and freebies are posted regularly
In this BUNDLE: 4 model essays and model plans on the movie La Haine + writing practice activities
lot4 questions: (AQA summer 2017)
-Examinez la representation de la police dans ce film
-Examinez jusqu'a quel point les trois personnages principaux sont des personnages réalistes ou des stereotypes
Lot 5 questions:
-Examinez le personnage d'Abdel Ichaha dans le film
-Examinez les personnages principaux et comment ils attirent de la sympathie chez le spectateur
Essay writing practice:
- 6 tasks focussing on different aspects of essay writing and using 6 different essay questions
click preview to see examples of what is included in the BUNDLE
I have created a first BUNDLE with lot1, 2 and 3 which can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/la-haine-model-essays-bundle-as-and-a2-french-11517773
If you are interested in more resources of this type, you can check this facebook page: @frenchresources