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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Talk about and Write about the Weather

Talk about and Write about the Weather

A resource suitable for children who benefit from symbols and visual aids including those learning English language, SEND pupils and KS1. The resource is linked to the weather / Seasons. Sheet 1 asks children to identify the colour weather symbols and complete the sentences e.g On Monday it was sunny / I wear boots when it is rainy. Sheet 2 is the same as sheet 1 in black and white. Sheet 3 has space for children to draw their own weather symbols / pictures and asks them to say / write about their favourite weather. Finally there are 6 colour and 6 black and white weather flashcards to support the learning / lesson. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
What goes together? Fill in missing words

What goes together? Fill in missing words

4 worksheets linked to speaking and listening, reading, grammar, word association and comprehension. Suitable for those learning English, SEND and KS1 pupils. Each sheet shows 6 picture symbol cards. Pupils find the correct word from 3 choices and complete the sentence. E.g. Bread and Butter/ Bucket and Spade. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Fill in the Missing Words with Symbols

Fill in the Missing Words with Symbols

4 worksheets linked to speaking and listening, reading, grammar and comprehension. Suitable for those learning English, SEND and KS1 pupils. Each sheet shows 6 picture symbol cards. Pupils find the correct word from 3 choices and complete the sentence. E.g. I am talking or I am painting. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Spot the Difference Game KS1

Spot the Difference Game KS1

A close observation, memory and speaking and listening game that gets progressively more difficult as more and more items are taken away. The game is a PPT take on the more traditional Kim’s game were items might be on a tray, covered up and one taken away. Children guess what is missing. The game is based on a teacher arriving in class and the items and decoration that is in the classroom. The first slide on each page is the same and on the second one or more items have been taken away. E.g the lunch box from under the table in slide 1 and the empty cola can in slide 2. Children could work in pairs or groups or you could play the game as a whole class. Use a timer for more fun! By the time the children get to slide 14 the classroom is almost empty and there are many items to recall or list. Use less slides depending on the age and ability of the class. Print the slides out for a table top group activity. Very useful for those learning English and links to Describing School/ the classroom.
Talk about the Jobs People Do

Talk about the Jobs People Do

A speaking and listening activity linked to topics such as the World of Work, Occupations, Jobs and the Community. A good activity for those learning English as a second language too. Page 1 shows a collection of 25 people - some of these characters have the same or similar jobs and some are jobs that are open to interpretation. Page 2 gives a list of 7 possible questions or activities to start and develop discussions for individuals or groups.
English Language Learning Verbs

English Language Learning Verbs

Activities suitable for English Language learners, SEND and KS1 pupils. Instructions and ideas included. Verbs Resources A set of 64 cards showing picture symbols of verbs, regular and some irregular. Word grids showing each verb and past tense. Activity ideas Say or write two sentence for each verb E.g. The children were having a quarrel. The children quarrelled this morning. E.g. I wash my hair each week. I washed my hair on Friday. Cut out some of the picture symbols and paste into your workbook. Write 2 sentences next to each one. E.G. Opening window picture symbol I open my window in the summer. Dad opened my window this morning. Choose 5 cards and work in pairs to make up a verbal or written story. Share with the group or class. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Health and Well Being Symbol Cards

Health and Well Being Symbol Cards

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. 4 pages of symbol cards related to health and well being. A useful visual aid. Each page has 12 colour symbols to talk about. A useful speaking and listening aid for pupils and those learning English. Enlarge and cut out the cards for pupils to discuss and/or create their own sentences. Cards include those expressing feelings, asking for help, communicating and ideas on how to keep fit and healthy.
Prepositon 48 Symbol Cards

Prepositon 48 Symbol Cards

A set of symbol cards for teaching or reinforcing knowledge about propositions. Suitable for SEND pupils, KS1 and those learning English Language. Symbols are in black and white. There are 12 cards per page. There are 3 symbols representing each preposition. Examples of prepositions include before / after, down/up, in front and behind. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Story Sequencing Strips with Symbols

Story Sequencing Strips with Symbols

4 pages of colour symbols for children to use to make story sequences. There are 3 colour pictures with writing for each story strip. These are jumbled up on the sheets. Children can find and sequence sets of 3 pictures and add these to the template frame included. There is no correct answers so children have the flexibility to choose any 3 they think will go together and in any order. Examples are: I ride in a taxi, I go to the airport, I go to the beach I go to hospital, I put on a gown, I have an operation The activity will support children with their speaking and listening and story telling / writing. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols.
Let's Talk about Phonics with Symbols

Let's Talk about Phonics with Symbols

*PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols. A phonics and spelling resource for KS1 / SEND and/or those learning English Language. There are 24 sound cards showing consonant clusters such as fl, gl and sw. There are matching picture cards such as fl is for flower, gl is for glasses and sw is for sweets. There are also matching picture cards with just the pictures and space for pupils to write the sound or a short phrase about the picture. You could also duplicate, print and cut the cards to play matching games, speaking and listening games or to add the cards to displays. Link to your phonics scheme such as Letter and Sounds or use as stand alone resources.
Let's Talk about 2D Shapes

Let's Talk about 2D Shapes

4 activity sheets are included here showing 2D shapes. Sheet 1 shows 12 colour picture cards to name and talk about. Duplicate, print and cut and match. Sheet 2 shows the same pictures as sheet 1 in black and white. Children can colour these in and / or cut and match to the colour pictures. Sheet 3 shows all the shapes for children to name, label and colour in. Sheet 4 has a box for each shape that children can read the names and draw in. (The boxes here are shuffled and thus in a different order than the previous ones). Useful for children learning their shapes and colours and those pupils learning English.
Let's Talk about Colours Symbol Boards

Let's Talk about Colours Symbol Boards

A black and white and colour version of this colours board is included. The boards are a useful visual aid to support children / pupils with their speaking and listening and communication as well as writing about colours. The black and white board can be used as a colouring sheet to assess understanding of colour / the language. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols
Let's Talk about the Weather Symbol Boards

Let's Talk about the Weather Symbol Boards

A black and white and colour version of this weather board is included. The boards are a useful visual aid to support children / pupils with their speaking and listening and communication as well as writing about the weather. *PCS Licenced - Boardmaker symbols
Word Fun 10 Worksheets for KS1

Word Fun 10 Worksheets for KS1

There are 10 worksheets in this resource in black and white. The idea is that children read the 5 words on each page and decide which word is the best fit for the 2 pictures shown. They can highlight or write the word they have chosen, say why and colour in the pictures. Links to speaking and listening, comprehension and guided reading. Useful for those learning the English language.
Hobby and Craft Flashcards Game KS1

Hobby and Craft Flashcards Game KS1

5 colour pages showing popular hobbies and crafts such as sewing, knitting, collage, model making and painting. Each page shows 9 picture cards with matching word cards. The matching borders of the picture and word cards help children with their reading as needed. Cards can be sorted into sets such as sewing, knitting and crafts. This resource can be cut out, laminated and used as a matching, reading game. Links to speaking and listening, reading, art and craft, Ourselves, sorting and hobbies. Useful too, for those learning English language around Leisure time.
Fun Catch Phrase Quiz Time KS2

Fun Catch Phrase Quiz Time KS2

A fun speaking and listening game, for back to school, or any time, to get children into the swing of learning and concentrating again. A bumper pack of 120 flash cards showing catch phrases or sayings. Some children will be familiar with and others they may need to research or try to work out. There are 2 colour flashcards to a page. There is an answer grid that covers all the pictures and a blank grid for children to write in. There are also a set of worksheets where the cards are split up into sets of A to J, with 12 pictures per page and space underneath for them to write the answers in. A great speaking and listening activity where children can discuss with their partners or small groups and come up with likely answers. There may be more than one answer that is appropriate. May be useful, too for those learning English.
Animal Dingbats Quiz Game KS1

Animal Dingbats Quiz Game KS1

A great little back to school quiz or anytime game encouraging team work, speaking and listening and vocabulary extension. Examples of pictures/sayings are ‘the hungry caterpillar’ and ‘the cat in the hat’. What to do Show the colour page with 28 pictures on. Children work in pairs or teams to try to work out the common sayings or idioms. Give them the grid template provided to write their answers on. Sheet 3 is the answer sheet, although children may come up with plausible alternative answers of their own. Another way of doing the quiz, is to give the children the answers, but in a mixed up form, and ask them to match them to the pictures. Children can go on to research any saying they do not know such as ‘pigs might fly’ or the’ elephant in the room’. This is a good resource too, for English language learners.
80 colour Photo Discussion Cards

80 colour Photo Discussion Cards

These colour photos are great for all children to encourage speaking and listening and stimulating ideas for writing. Students learning English will find these useful for practicing vocabulary and sentence work. The cards can be sorted into sets such as toys, materials, clothing or nature and linked to topic work. Extend by asking questions for each card such as why is Humpty upside down or how many types of vegetables can you see in this picture. There are 10 pages with 8 colour cards on each page. Print, cut and laminate individual cards or use as discussion boards for group or pairs work.
Fast or Slow? Can you tell? EYFS

Fast or Slow? Can you tell? EYFS

Early work on adjectives for young children and / or those learning English. A speaking and listening resource for young children to see if they can distinguish between the opposites: fast and slow. There are 10 posters to discuss. Print out or / and show on the white board. Links to measures in maths.
Hard or Soft? Can you Tell? EYFS

Hard or Soft? Can you Tell? EYFS

Early work on adjectives for young children and / or those learning English. A speaking and listening resource for young children to see if they can distinguish between the opposites: hard or soft. Children discuss the two pictures on each page and decide which would be the harder / softer. There are 10 posters to discuss. Print out or / and show on the white board. Encourage children to look around their classroom / environment and find things that are hard or soft.