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Lesley1264's Shop

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This shop provides resources for busy PSHE/Citizenship teachers who find that the subject is constantly 'on the move'. I am Head of Department in a secondary school and I am constantly changing the resources that we use as things change in the world around us. The introduction of British Values as a separate topic has been challenging but I hope that the resources on offer here will help you to facilitate these sessions. I also teach English (my specialism) so there are English resources too.




This shop provides resources for busy PSHE/Citizenship teachers who find that the subject is constantly 'on the move'. I am Head of Department in a secondary school and I am constantly changing the resources that we use as things change in the world around us. The introduction of British Values as a separate topic has been challenging but I hope that the resources on offer here will help you to facilitate these sessions. I also teach English (my specialism) so there are English resources too.
Teaching GCSE Poetry (and comparison) BUNDLE Anthology

Teaching GCSE Poetry (and comparison) BUNDLE Anthology

12 Resources
Includes: Poetic devices, comparison tasks, analysing using POETIC and Edexcel's PETER + start puzzles Poems covered: Belfast Confetti The Storm Storm on the Island Thistles Nettles Below the Green Corrie La Belle Dame Sans Merci The First Ice Storm Also uses Exposure and The Man He Killed
A Christmas Carol Teaching BUNDLE

A Christmas Carol Teaching BUNDLE

9 Resources
Resources to assess understanding of each Stave as well as starter exercises/quiz, plot sequencing task and 're-write the story' task. Also includes quotations PEA/PEE exercise
Female Genital Mutilation PUPIL WORKBOOK and TEACHER's PPT FGM

Female Genital Mutilation PUPIL WORKBOOK and TEACHER's PPT FGM

A pupil task book and a teacher's PPT to introduce FGM Includes: What FGM is Where it is prevalent (mapping task) Beliefs/customs Why it is still being carried out today Types of FGM Health Risks Associated with FGM colour coding task - leads to discussion Charities and Organisations fighting to get FGM stopped Research task Mentions a little about law in the UK and leads to discussion about a 2015 headline showing that this is happening to British girls. Includes some Youtube clips (3 mins each)
Multiculturalism & Freedom of Faith in the UK PACKAGE pupil workbook PPT and activities

Multiculturalism & Freedom of Faith in the UK PACKAGE pupil workbook PPT and activities

Pack to teach multiculturalism and freedom of faith in the UK. Workbook for pupils with 'assessing without levels'. Vocabulary/definition work assessed at beginning and end of unit so progression can be measured. Covers How Britain became multicultural Laws that ensure we are tolerant of those who are different How immigration is different today Understanding the impact of migration on our communities Looking at things from both sides How the media portrays immigration issues Examining the growth (and variety) of religion in the UK Example: Sikhism. UK exemptions in law that suggest/promote tolerance Article 9 UDHR Includes links to Youtube (DNA experiment) and I have included the text book page that we use for comprehension exercise - I take no credit for this
Relationship Progression Cards sex and relationships

Relationship Progression Cards sex and relationships

A set of cards which can be laminated and used as an activity to talk about how a 'typical' relationship may progress. Can lead to discussions about what is appropriate when it comes to a relationship becoming sexual. Also useful for showing that there are many 'stages' in progression to sexual intercourse. I use this with Year 9 Pupils can be asked to rearrange into 'an appropriate order'; 'the wrong order'; 'an alternative order'; 'an order that would create many risks' etc Matches an activity in the Sex and Relationships workbook (available in this shop)
Being British & British Values Booklet PPT Worksheets Pack

Being British & British Values Booklet PPT Worksheets Pack

A workbook, accompanying PPT, Worksheets and incorporated tasks for teaching British Values and Britishness. Opportunities to assess without levels. Vocabulary assessment. Covers The British Isles/UK/Great Britain geography Perceptions of the British British Culture and pupils own culture Britons abroad - looking at news articles Top ten Britons British Institutions The Royal Family The National Anthem Our acceptance of others - ideally leads on to the Multiculturalism workbook JUST ADDED - Britons Abroad (perceptions) Uses some Youtube clips (optional)