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Lesley1264's Shop

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This shop provides resources for busy PSHE/Citizenship teachers who find that the subject is constantly 'on the move'. I am Head of Department in a secondary school and I am constantly changing the resources that we use as things change in the world around us. The introduction of British Values as a separate topic has been challenging but I hope that the resources on offer here will help you to facilitate these sessions. I also teach English (my specialism) so there are English resources too.




This shop provides resources for busy PSHE/Citizenship teachers who find that the subject is constantly 'on the move'. I am Head of Department in a secondary school and I am constantly changing the resources that we use as things change in the world around us. The introduction of British Values as a separate topic has been challenging but I hope that the resources on offer here will help you to facilitate these sessions. I also teach English (my specialism) so there are English resources too.
Being British: Culture and Identity   Citizenship British Values WORKBOOK

Being British: Culture and Identity Citizenship British Values WORKBOOK

A 15 page workbook (includes a homework task and a research task) Uses 'Assessing without Levels' strategy (definitions at beginning and again at the end to measure progress) Gives an opportunity to examine/discuss: The British Isles The Concept of Britishness British Culture Perception of Britons around the World Famous Britons British Institutions Royal Family (tree) (Pics on additional sheet) National Anthem How other cultures influence us
Work Related and Personal Finance Workbook KS4

Work Related and Personal Finance Workbook KS4

A workbook for pupils to complete with opportunities for peer and self assessment. Cover financial vocabulary and also: • How to understand a basic pay slip • Understand the terms Income Tax, Pension, National Insurance • How to choose the correct bank account for your needs • The difference between credit and debit cards • The term ‘Interest’ • How to draw up a simple financial budget • The dangers associated with debt • The ways people borrow money • Pay-day Loans Accompanying teachers PPT which works perfectly with tasks in the booklet and includes youtube video clip links is available under the same title (add 'PPT' to the end)


A complete Health and Safety short course for pupils about to leave education and enter the workplace. It covers many aspects of Health and Safety to give a broad overview of what employers may expect young people to be aware of. Accompanying PPT and additional worksheets included. Final ‘assessment’ also included. We normally award an internal certificate to those pupils who complete all activities. Covers: Workplace hazards and types of hazard, fire safety & evacuation plans, safety signs, workplace stress, first aid, personal protective clothing and equipment etc
Being a Critical Consumer Activity Book and PPT

Being a Critical Consumer Activity Book and PPT

A 10 page activity book designed to get students thinking about the reasons for purchasing goods/services, the way shops persuade us to buy and what influences our spending. Lots of additional puzzles/tasks Accompanying PPT presentation Fully editable to suit the needs of your group.
KS4 Citizenship Programme WORKBOOK    Campaigning, pressure groups, trade unions, media influen

KS4 Citizenship Programme WORKBOOK Campaigning, pressure groups, trade unions, media influen

Modules in the programme cover: 1 Being an Active Citizen Campaigning for change, pressure groups, trade unions, media influence 2 Politics (UK) Democracy and dictatorship, Parliament and Government, tax, devolution, electoral systems (General Elections) Voting 3 Multiculturalism (UK) Identity & diversity, immigration, asylum, ‘Britishness’, opportunities and barriers, shaping communities, the impact of migration 4 Britain and the EU What is the EU? Member countries, history of the EU, advantages and disadvantages of EU membership Opportunities for peer and self assessment as well as teacher-assessed tasks. All four units constitute and 'internal' Citizenship Certificate or Award to be designed by individual schools BUY ALL FOUR MODULES (BOOKLETS) PLUS PPTS/ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR £6 (see shop)
Valentine Carol Ann Duffy RELATIONSHIPS PPT and Pupil Tasks

Valentine Carol Ann Duffy RELATIONSHIPS PPT and Pupil Tasks

A powerpoint presentation to teach Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy. Each slide enables pupils to choose annotations and place them correctly on their own sheet. Task also include a poetic devices activity and an end essay looking at positive and negative aspects of love as portrayed in the poem with success criteria. Also attached, a copy of the poem for students to annotate.
Self Esteem and Personal Identity Workbook and PPT

Self Esteem and Personal Identity Workbook and PPT

A set of resources which will allow pupils to identify their own strengths and qualities whilst identifying them in others. Ideal for transition to secondary school where they are meeting and working with new people. Activity book plus accompanying PPT.
KS4 Citizenship Programme MODULE 3 of 4 Workbook 'Britishness', diversity, immigration, migration

KS4 Citizenship Programme MODULE 3 of 4 Workbook 'Britishness', diversity, immigration, migration

Workbook for pupils to complete as part of citizenship programme. This is MODULE 3: Human Rights and Multiculturalism Other modules include: 1 Being an Active Citizen Campaigning for change, pressure groups, trade unions, media influence 2 Politics (UK) Democracy and dictatorship, Parliament and Government, tax, devolution, electoral systems (General Elections) Voting 3 Human Rights & Multiculturalism (UK) Identity & diversity, immigration, asylum, ‘Britishness’, opportunities and barriers, shaping communities, the impact of migration 4 Britain and the EU What is the EU? Member countries, history of the EU, advantages and disadvantages of EU membership BUY ALL FOUR WORKBOOKS FOR THE CITIZENSHIP COURSE PLUS PPT AND ADDTIONAL RESOURCES FOR £6 (see shop)
KS4 Citizenship Programme Module 2 of 4 Workbook Parliament, Government, tax, devolution, elections

KS4 Citizenship Programme Module 2 of 4 Workbook Parliament, Government, tax, devolution, elections

Opportunities for peer and self assessment as well as teacher-assessed speaking and listening task (Party Political Broadcast) Approx. 20 pages of activities. (There is a PPT to go with this booklet (available under same title - add 'PPT' to the end) PPT also includes links to youtube clips which enhance the learning of the topics in this unit Four modules make up the Citizenship unit. Modules cover: 1 Being an Active Citizen Campaigning for change, pressure groups, trade unions, media influence 2 Politics (UK) Democracy and dictatorship, Parliament and Government, tax, devolution, electoral systems (General Elections) Voting 3 Multiculturalism (UK) Identity & diversity, immigration, asylum, ‘Britishness’, opportunities and barriers, shaping communities, the impact of migration 4 Britain and the EU What is the EU? Member countries, history of the EU, advantages and disadvantages of EU membership THIS IS THE PARLIAMENT AND GOVERNMENT BOOKLET - One page discusses Local elections (Wards) This will need to be amended with your own local government area. All other pages refer to General Elections and are correct following the last General Election (2015) (Parties and Leaders) BUY ALL FOUR WORKBOOKS FOR CITIZENSHIP PLUS PPTS AND EXTRA RESOURCES FOR £6 (see shop)


A 16 page workbook covering aspects of UK Law and Human Rights Topics include: UDHR Articles of the UDHR Human Rights Abuses around the World Human Rights Abuses in the UK Campaign groups Criminal and Civil Law Types of Punishment Assessment without levels exercises (assessing knowledge before and after module) Helpful PPT presentations
Democracy in the UK WORKBOOK Politics Voting Parliament Government

Democracy in the UK WORKBOOK Politics Voting Parliament Government

17 page workbook to facilitate the teaching of Democracy in the UK Includes: Dictatorship v. Democracy Democratic Process Voting Political Parties Parliament and Government How the Government raises money Local Government (you will need to change this page to show your own area) General Election Manifestos Referendum Devolution Subject Vocabulary tested at beginning and end. Final group task - forming a political party and running a campaign - culminates in mock election Accompanying PPT available (Democracy in the UK WORKBOOK PPT)
Multiculturalism & Freedom of Faith in the UK PACKAGE pupil workbook PPT and activities

Multiculturalism & Freedom of Faith in the UK PACKAGE pupil workbook PPT and activities

Pack to teach multiculturalism and freedom of faith in the UK. Workbook for pupils with 'assessing without levels'. Vocabulary/definition work assessed at beginning and end of unit so progression can be measured. Covers How Britain became multicultural Laws that ensure we are tolerant of those who are different How immigration is different today Understanding the impact of migration on our communities Looking at things from both sides How the media portrays immigration issues Examining the growth (and variety) of religion in the UK Example: Sikhism. UK exemptions in law that suggest/promote tolerance Article 9 UDHR Includes links to Youtube (DNA experiment) and I have included the text book page that we use for comprehension exercise - I take no credit for this
Contraception PPT

Contraception PPT

PPT designed to be used with the Year 9 Sex and Relationships Booklet. Covers main types of contraception and discusses advantages and disadvantages of different contraceptive methods.