Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 1.3, The Cold War Intensifies of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991
Covers conventional weapons, the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs, ICBMs, nuclear weapons as a threat or a deterrent, the Korean War, President Eisenhower, the death of Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev.
The eye is President Eisenhower and the hammer is Khrushchev. The rest are mostly visual prompts.
Knowledge Organiser to complement Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991 with a focus on the Berlin Blockade
Includes a timeline, the Allied Control Commission, Bizonia and Trizonia, the Deutschmark and Stalin’s reaction, the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia, Operation Vittles and the lifting of the blockade.
Framework template to scaffold exam technique for the depth paper of AQA’s source question for their A Level.
Boxes for evalution of the source content, context, tone, and provenance with thermometers to represent the level of value for the given criteria.
Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 3.3, The Collapse of Soviet Control in Eastern Europe, 1985-1991 of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991
Includes profile on Mikhail Gorbachev, the KGB, Problems in the Soviet Union, Gorbachev’s ‘New Thinking’, The summits of 1985-1990, George Bush, INF and START treaties, the collapse of the Eastern block, the disbanding of the Warsaw Pact, the fall of the Berlin Wall and Gorbachev’s resignation
The theatre masks represent Reagan, the cup represents Gorbachev, and the bush represents…Bush, the rest of the icons are illustrative
Knowledge organiser to complement unit 2.1 of Edexcel’s Medicine Through Time, c1250-present GCSE course - Ideas about the causes of disease and illness
Covers what ideas stayed from the medieval period, alchemy, ‘animalcules’, changing views on the use of urine and the Four Humours, a scientific approach to diagnosis, Thomas Sydenham, the role of technology (printing press and microscopes), and the work of the Royal Society + summary box for what was understood by the end of the period.
Advise to print A4 for revision/A3 for detailed notes
Word Gap to complement the Opposition from the Youth for topic 4.2 of the Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939 (Nazi policies towards the young).
Covers Edelweiss Pirates and Swing Youth with assessment of extent of their opposition.
Advise to print 2 sheets per page
KO to complement Edexcel’s GCSE course, the Reigns of Richard and John which covers English Society in Medieval England, including medieval villages, labour service, knight service, the role of towns and guilds, the feudal and church hierarchies, the role of the Catholic church in England, the status of Jews, and sources of income for the king (profits of justice, wardship fines, forest fines, tithes and tallages, scutage and the country farm . Recommend A4 print for revision and A3 for detailed notes.
Word Gap to complement the Nazi removal of the opposition aspect of The Creation of a Dictatorship, topic 3.1 of the Edexcel Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939.
Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 2.1, Berlin 1958-63: Increased Tensions and the Impact of the Berlin Wall
Covers key chronology and events of the Berlin Ultimatum. Focus on life in East and West Berlin, the Refugee Crisis, Khrushchev’s reaction, the Berlin Ultimation, the international reaction and the Geneva, Camp David, Paris and Vienna summits.
The Hammer is Khrushchev, the Eye is Eisenhower. The rest are mostly visual prompts.
advise to print A4
Word Gap on the Tehran Conference
Designed to complement unit 1.1 of Edexcel’s the Cold War GCSE course, Early Tension’s between East and West
Knowledge Organiser also available:
Word gap on the Cuban Missile Crisis to complement unit 2.2, The Cuban Missile Crisis, of Exdexcel’s Superpower relations and the Cold War GCSE unit
Advise to print 2 pages per sheet
Knowledge organiser on the build up and Bay of Pigs incident also available:
Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 1.3, The Hungarian Uprising, The Cold War Intensifies of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991
3 copies per page
Students rank nine causes of the Hungarian uprising into a diamond shape according to each factor’s significance.
Knowledge Organiser also available for the Hungarian Uprising
Knowledge organiser to complement unit 4 of Edexcel’s Medicine Through Time, c1250-present GCSE course - Ideas about the cause of disease and illness
Covers lifestyle and health as causes of disease, continuation from Enlightenment ideas, hereditary disease, early work on genetics, Rosalind Franklin, Crick and Watson, the Human Genome Project, impact on diagnosing and treating diseases, factors helping the development of genetics, and technologies for diagnosing disease.
Advise to print A4 for revision/A3 for detailed notes
Knowledge organiser to complement Topic 20: Stalin and International Relations of the AQA Depth Study Option 2N - Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia 1917-53.
Advise to print A3
Includes timeline, Rapallo Treaty, Treaty of Berlin, Soviet entry into the League of Nations, Maksim Litvinov.
Knowledge organiser to complement Topic 21: The Great Patriotic War of the AQA Depth Study Option 2N - Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia 1917-53.
Includes economic preparations, military reformations and international espionage, a focus on Richard Sorge, the original and revised plans for Operation Barbarossa, Stalin’s mistakes (His failure to act quickly, his reliance on inferior officers as a result of the purge of the Red Army, and his initally poor battle calls), and what saved Stalin (Russia’s geography, population, harsh winters, Stalin’s ability to learn from his mistakes, his spy network and the focus of the Japanese on the Pacific theatre)
Knowledge Organiser to complement the English Crusaders for topic 2.1 of the Edexcel The Reigns of Richard and John, 1189-1216: The Nature of Crusading
Knowledge Organiser to complement unit 3.2, Flashpoints in superpower relations, 1979-84 of Edexcel’s GCSE course, Superpowers and the Cold War 1941-1991
Covers the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the 1980/1984 Olympic boycotts, the introduction of Ronald Reagan, his Strategic Defense Initiative and the ‘Second Cold War’
The U-turn arrow represents President Jimmy Carter, the theatre masks represent Ronald Reagan, the rest are illustrative
This is designed to complement unit 2.3 The Aftermath of the Crusade, of Edexcel’s GCSE course: The Reigns of King Richard I and King John, 1189-1216
Covers why Richard wanted to leave the Holy Land quickly, problems getting home, his capture, profile of HRE Henry VI, the ransom, the burden of the ransom on England, how the ransom was raised, Eleanor of Aquitaine’s involvement, Prince John’s rebellion, Philip’s disruption in Normandy and Richard’s return to England.
Advise to print A3 for detailed notes and A4 for revision