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French: Christmas Booklet (Updated)
Update to previous version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-christmas-booklet-6323510
I have updated my previous resources to make it easier to fold and to print.
Students create a little booklet on French christmas traditions. The key dates of the Christmas season are labelled and students draw and colour in their own images for each date.
The word document only works in Microsoft Word 2007 onwards, in earlier versions all formatting is lost.
If you have Word 2003 or earlier please download the .pdf version instead.
German: German Music/Bands
Powerpoint slides containing hyperlinks to videos of some German musicians on youtube.
School Trip/Prom Payment Spreadsheet
Calculates the amount of due per pupil, and shows how much needs to be paid.
One sheet per class, there is also a final sheet which updates itself from the class sheets.
It could also be used for organising the school prom.
Spanish: Football Cards
Cards for the Spanish and English world cup squads. Can be used as a card game or writing stimulus. 48 cards in total.
German: Haushaltshilfe Job Adverts
Adverts from Sueddeutsche Zeitung for Haushaltshilfestellen.
Useful as an aide to a written task where students respond to job adverts.
Detention Slips
Detention Slips
The slips are mail merged. Just enter the details into the spread sheet. Press save and open up the word document and your slips should be ready to print.
To check that all your detainees are showing on the slips, click on the 'Mailings' tab in Office 2007 onwards and then again on 'Preview Results'
German: "Erstmal ein Selfie" by SDP
Gap fill exercise for the song "Erstmal ein Selfie" from German band SDP.
The headphones one the first slide hyperlink to the song on youtube. There is a gapfill sheet with some vocab on the bottom as well as the lyrics in full.
German Clothing: What are you wearing gap-fill
A gap-fill worksheet using the images to help the students pick out the corrects words. Images are of German children's characters.
German: Wie siehst du aus? (Hair & Eye Colour)
Students draw images in the boxes provided and colour them in to match the caption underneath.
French: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - Wales)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016 featuring the France and Wales teams. These can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus. Cards feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.
The file is in pdf as the word document is too big to upload.
French: Football Cards (World Cup Squad 2014)
Cards for the French and English world cup squads. Can be used as a card game or writing stimulus. 48 cards in total.
German: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - England)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016. The cards can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus, they feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.
French: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - England)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016, can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus. Cards feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.
The file is in pdf as the word document is too big to upload.
German: Am Telefon! Arranging a Meeting
Speaking activity work sheet focussing on arranging a meeting.
German/French/Spanish: Facebook Profile Template
Facebook profile template in PowerPoint form.
Each slide has the template in a different language
Slide 1: English
Slide 2: Spanish
Slide 3: French
Slide 4: German
German: Hotel Job Adverts 2
Jobs adverts from Oberbayerisches Volksblatt
(www.ovb-online.de), specifically for hotels.
French Clothing: Children's characters gap fill
A gap fill sheet containing descriptions of characters from French books and kid's TV programmes.
Students select the words from the bottom of the sheet and put them in the correct places.
German: Radicalisation - Warum radikalisieren sich junge Menschen?
Gapfill Listening exercise from an interview with Jochen Müller (ufuq in Berlin).
Audio file can be found at: http://www.br.de/radio/bayern1/sendungen/mittags-in-muenchen/jochen-mueller-zur-radikalisierung-jugendlicher-100.html
Transcript of interview is also included.
Duration of interview: 8mins 18secs
NB: The audio file has since been removed from the BR website. I have uploaded a recording of the file. Apologies for the interference towards the end of the file.
EAL/EFL: Sport stars match up
Combines sports and descriptions of appearance, can be used as a spring board for students to go on and research English-speaking sports stars of their own.