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French Clothing: Children's characters gap fill
A gap fill sheet containing descriptions of characters from French books and kid's TV programmes.
Students select the words from the bottom of the sheet and put them in the correct places.

French: Sports and Hobbies Revision Booklet
Revision booklet for sports and hobbies with reading comprehension and writing task at the end.

German: Mailbox Ansagen - Arranging to meet up
There are 3 messages which students can listen to. It can be used as either a listening activity where students have to pick out key information or as a stimulus for students to draft their own responses to the messages, write them up, and record them as if they were calling the person back and leaving them a message. It should also familiarise students with the standard answerphone vocabulary should they make calls to German phones in the future.
Recordings made by a friend of mine who is a native speaker. Sound breaks up sometimes and is quite quiet in places so will need turning up.

German Clothing: What are you wearing gap-fill
A gap-fill worksheet using the images to help the students pick out the corrects words. Images are of German children's characters.

German hobbies: Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Each file contains a reading activity for students to complete. The texts are differentiated. The first file is the lower level text, second the mid-level and the third the higher level. On the pages after the four profiles there are a series of questions for students to complete, culminating in a writing task. The higher text also draws on prior knowledge from the self and family unit.

French: Who is it ? Match the sports star to descriptions
A worksheet using French, Swiss and Canadian sports stars where the students read the speech bubbles and use the information there in to find the correct sports person.
Sports included are: tennis, football, rugby and hockey.
The descriptions also links to the physical appearance descriptions of hair and eye colour.

German: Wer bin ich? - Match the sports stars to pictures
Students read the speech bubbles and decide which description matches which German-speaking sports star.
Includes tennis, hockey, ice hockey, football and F1 stars from Germany and Switzerland.

German: Physical Descriptions worksheet
Worksheet combining physical descriptions and clothing topics. Students colour in the images to match the descriptions at the side. This demonstrates their understanding of the descriptions.

German Easter Booklet
A little booklet with the key dates of Easter in German. Students draw their own pictures for each day.

Frohe Ostern! Easter Cards
Students colour in their own Easter cards and get to add a message inside.

French Easter Booklet
Students create a little booklet on Easter in France. The key dates of the Christmas seasons are labelled and students draw and colour in their own images for each date.
The word document only works in Microsoft Word 2007 onwards, in earlier versions all formatting is lost.
For Word 2003 or earlier please use the .pdf file.

French Christmas Booklet
This resource has been updated: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-christmas-booklet-updated-11183137
Students create a little booklet on French christmas traditions. The key dates of the Christmas seasons are labelled and students draw and colour in their own images for each date.
The word document only works in Microsoft Word 2007 onwards, in earlier versions all formatting is lost.
If you have Word 2003 or earlier please download the .pdf version instead.

German: "Weihnachten in Deutschland" Christmas Booklet
Please see updated version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-christmas-booklet-updated-11182472
Students create a little booklet on Christmas in Germany. The key dates of the Christmas seasons are labelled and students draw and colour in their own images for each date.
The word document only works in Microsoft Word 2007 onwards, in earlier versions all formatting is lost.
If you have Word 2003 or earlier please download the .pdf version instead.

Snakes and Ladders - Template 2
Multi-linugal snakes and ladders board.
Insert your own images or text to creat a speaking game.

German: Wie siehst du aus? (Hair & Eye Colour)
Students draw images in the boxes provided and colour them in to match the caption underneath.

German: Meine Familie
There are two model texts for different target levels, students use the text as a model for writing their own text about a family.
There are questions in English to prompt them as to what to include. On one of the sheets there are also some 'sentences starters', which marry up to the question prompts.

German - Brother, Sister Gap fill - Differentiated
Differentiated worksheet for family. Students fill in the gaps. One has the answers at the bottom of the page, for the other students must work out the missing word for themselves.