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In my shop you will find fresh assemblies and Historical resources Y7-13




In my shop you will find fresh assemblies and Historical resources Y7-13
PP Assembly: Harvest: A Labour of Love

PP Assembly: Harvest: A Labour of Love

SIX LESSONS OF HARVEST This is a Power Point assembly for harvest that is suitable for Secondary School or upper Primary. It would suit all religious faiths and can easily be adapted. It includes a You Tube link to a harvest film showing that it is not an isolated activity that farmers do in September but a culmination of 12 months of planning, hard work and love. This then becomes the theme of the assembly:**** six lessons we can learn from harvest: Believe in yourself, Be patient, Respect your world, Work hard, teamwork gets results Give thanks and give back.**** (1) Music suggestions: ‘Sowing The Seeds of Love’. : Sting: Fields of Gold or to be traditional ‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter’ or even ‘Harvest Moon’ * (2) Video: You Tube: Pay It Forward Acts of Kindness included. (3) Bible reading (4) Final thought (5) Call to action* Pour yourself a large glass and chill! Feedback would be nice. Any probs drop me an email.
PP Assembly: St Valentine:priest, wedding planner and martyr

PP Assembly: St Valentine:priest, wedding planner and martyr

This is a Secondary school assembly that covers the following: **1. How do we celebrate St Valentine’s day? 2. Who Was St Valentine? 3. What is his message? ** (1) Music suggestions : Bowie or the more recent Isakov’s Valentine’s Day or endless Beetles scores about love. Could even go upmarket and impress the Classists with a Shostakovich waltz. Soundtrack from the recent film about Romeo and Juliet with the camera sweeping the Italian Renaissance villas (wrong period of Italian history but very romantic) might be just a little too indulgent. Tell me the music you used.Inspire. **(2) Video: You Tube: Top 10 romantic gestures (3) Bible reading (4) Final thought (5) Call to action ** Below is a basic outline of the Saint which you could use. The rest is done for you but can easily be slighly adapted. Enjoy and share your Valentine Day with me. He was a Roman Priest in Roman times when Claudius was emperor. He was persecuted the church at that time,He also had an edict that prohibited the marriage of young people. This was based on the hypothesis that unmarried soldiers fought better than married soldiers because married soldiers might be afraid of what might happen to them or their wives or families if they died.
PP Assembly: Materialism: Life+Money =Happiness?

PP Assembly: Materialism: Life+Money =Happiness?

Materialism still unfortunately very much an evil of our society today. Personally I think every school year should include an assembly on this topic. As of January 2018 it is the only TES assembly on Materialism! **It covers the following; ** 1. What is materialism? 2. What is the problem with materialism? 3. What is the solution to materialism? It is aimed at Secondary school children but can be adapted to Primary children or used in an RE lesson. It includes the following: Suggested songs: the Flying Lizards 1979:Money That’s What I want Others could be Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’ , Spice Girls ‘Tell You What I Want’ or Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. Video: an extract from ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ (Clean) to show the destructive powers of money on character. A Bible reading Prayer Current research stats: an extract from the ‘Guardian’ of last year-2017. This is the beginning of a realisation that: if E= money then we don’t get to M C squared =happiness. Final thought Call to action Clearly you can easily adapt this assembly to the post-Christmas period or your own requirements; e.g. stealing/lying. Tell me what you use and why you chose this topic for an assembly. Any problems or queries please email me directly. Positive feedback telling me how you used or adapted this assembly would be really nice!
PP Assembly: A Journey To Epiphany

PP Assembly: A Journey To Epiphany

This assembly would suit Secondary children. (1) Who were the wise men? (2) What gifts did they take and why? (3) How were they changed by their experiences? This includes: Music: Star of Wonder’ by Tori Amos as an MP4 file- on youtube . It begins ‘We three Kings…’ The link is included. Video- see below Bible reading Prayer Final thought Call to action Reviewed as: ‘This is the best narration of the journey of the Magi that I have ever heard! Beautifully paced, exactly right. I had seen a great narration of TS Eliot’s poem on TV some years ago done by Timothy West, and was looking for it on You Tube when I came across Tim Martin’s version which I think it is even better.Just love it.’ A nice review would be similarly most welcome.
PP Assembly: New Year: New You

PP Assembly: New Year: New You

I searched the TES site today and found no assembly for the New Year so here goes! It is aimed at Secondary school children but could easily be adapted! WHAT ARE OUR GOALS? WILL WE ACHIEVE THEM? WILL WE BE A BETTER PERSON IN 2018/9 IF WE ACHIEVE THEM? It includes: Music: You could use ABBA- Happy New Year but that would depend on whether you’ve already see Mamma Mia 20 times! Video: The mini bios are on You Tube. The specific links are included incl Bill Gates bio. Bible reading Prayer- by Billy Graham Final thought Call to action Research for talk- below and current research on people’s top goals today -on slides **For the Intro here is some background on where the name of the month January comes from: **In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus (/ˈdʒeɪnəs/; Latin: Ianus, pronounced [ˈjaː.nus]) is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, doorways, passages, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past. It is conventionally thought that the month of January is named for Janus (Ianuarius),[ but according to ancient Roman farmers’ almanacs Juno was the tutelary deity of the month Janus presided over the beginning and ending of conflict, and hence war and peace. The doors of his temple were open in time of war, and closed to mark the peace. As a god of transitions, he had functions pertaining to birth and to journeys and exchange, and in his association with Portunus, a similar harbor and gateway god, he was concerned with travelling, trading and shipping ** ** Any way whatever you do, I hope 2018/9 is a good year for you! Any problems please email me. Some nice feedback if time permits!
Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany

8 Resources
*Model answer- Hitler's Rise To Power * PP: Opposition to the Nazis *Weimar Rap *GCSE Germany Revision test *PP: Intro to Hitler and Stalin *Intro to the Totalitarian State *The Creation and Destruction of the Hitler myth *Why was the Stressemann era a golden age?
Teaching History Starter Pack

Teaching History Starter Pack

14 Resources
*Teacher Introduction to new History students *Display ideas and materials *PP Assembly New School Year *Quiz *Peer Assessment sheets *Project planning and review sheets *Guide to writing an historical essay *Literary Mat- Intro to History * PP for Y8 on The Crusades
Victorian England/ Industrial Revolution

Victorian England/ Industrial Revolution

5 Resources
Suit KS3 PPs and worksheets; including Ripper resources, slums and lesson plan and PP: Did the Ind Rev benefit Britain? Link made with recent Olympic opening ceremony Engaging and fresh!
The Cold War

The Cold War

11 Resources
*Points Test /revision quiz *Mock Review *Revision of International Relations 1919-39 *Origins of Cold War *Cuban Missile Crisis *Vietnam
Stalin's Russia- A Level

Stalin's Russia- A Level

9 Resources
*Stalin's agricultural policies *Totalitarian state? *Intro to Hitler and Stalin *Cultural policies *Bio *Role of ideology *Rise to Power *Why Stalin not Trotsky?
World War One

World War One

7 Resources
*PP: Why is WW1 important? *Propaganda in WW1 *PP: The Shot That started the war *Challenge cards on Trench warfare *WW1 Assessment: Letter From the trenches *PP: Why did the lights go out across Europe?-Cross-curricular ex
High School Assemblies Essential Pack

High School Assemblies Essential Pack

6 Resources
These assemblies have all been well researched, well planned and attractively presented. The product of hours of work. *Prayer *Materialism *Rich or Poor/ Oscars God In Our World/ Power *Honesty *Six Summer Blessings/ End of Year *New Academic Year
Propaganda In World War One

Propaganda In World War One

Info sheet for GCSE Britain in World War One Now lay the table and get the wine out! Please leave me a review or feedback telling me how you used this resource and why
PP: What Is Historical Significance?

PP: What Is Historical Significance?

MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK PRICING 20p transaction fee Tax 60% Royalty to me- about £1 You get 2/3 hours work + for just over £1! WHAT IS YOUR BANG? Suit Y7 or Y8 Includes PP, Pupil task sheets (differentiated) self review criteria and suggested relevant film clips [](http://audiopi.co.uk/The Cold War) WHAT IS MY BANG? £1 (!!!) and a rocket review from you. Thank You in anticipation.
PP: Introduction to History

PP: Introduction to History

MORE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK PRICING 20p transaction fee Tax 60% Royalty to me- about £1 You get 2/3 hours work + for just over £1! YOUR BANG Suit mixed ability Y7 Includes self assessment and suggested film clips MY BANG £1 (!!!) and a Rocket Review from you I hope. Thank you in anticipation. [](http://audiopi.co.uk/The Cold War)