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Transformations summary quiz

Transformations summary quiz

Flash card (or other) quiz as summary or check-in for 4 basic transformations. 10 Qs. Centre rotation/enlargement not covered or vector form for translation.
Simple and compound interest - scaffolded

Simple and compound interest - scaffolded

Example and 5 main questions. Straightforward amounts of money and interest rates for 2 to 4 years. All scaffolded as tables. (Need to be able to find 10%, 5% and 2% using a calculator.) 3 challenge questions where they have to draw out their own tables. Answers provided. (Question 5 and the Challenges have been rounded to pence - use your own judgement regards acceptable values!)
Increase by 20% VAT QQT cards

Increase by 20% VAT QQT cards

16 percentage increase problems based on 20% VAT. Originally designed as Quiz-quiz-trade cards. QQT - Everyone has a card. Form pairs. Person A asks Person B what the price of an item is after VAT increase. If Person B unsure, then Person A uses the coaching hints to help guide Person to the correct answer. The Person B repeats process on Person A. (The Quiz-Quiz part.) Now the pair exchange cards and go off to find new victims ;) (The Trade part). [25/1/16. Grammar corrected!]
Fractions - dividing explained

Fractions - dividing explained

Dividing fraction by whole number and vice versa; divide v=fraction by fraction. Slide towards end to discuss results so far to try to elicit "invert and multiply" rule. Two examples with diagrams for each.
Balancing equations demo

Balancing equations demo

Visual of seesaw showing how to keep simple equations balanced while solving. 2 quick examples, but it should be easy to create more by copying and amending slides.
Volume of cuboids - match cards

Volume of cuboids - match cards

6 pairs to match. 3 with full dimensions (one unit conversion needed). 3 with end area and missing length, but should be able to match by eliminating possibilities. Find missing dimension for last three (all integer values). Quick starter/plenary.
Interior and exterior angles

Interior and exterior angles

Worksheet to draw and measure interior and exterior angles for a pentagon. 2nd worksheet to divide polygons into triangles for total interior angles. (I have previously posted a worksheet to complete for int/ext angles of regular polygons) (12/7/16) Answers uploaded for 2nd sheet
Fractions - adding using diagrams

Fractions - adding using diagrams

Shade diagrams to add fractions. Fractions without common denominators. First 5 when in same times table, then 3 in different tables. These diagrams pre-drawn and not explained; plus seven questions where pupils need to draw diagrams in their own books. (Assumes the general idea is already familiar from earlier in curriculum, but you may wish to discuss common denominators and equivalent fractions before they go on to drawing their own diagrams.)
Depreciate my Ferrari!

Depreciate my Ferrari!

Percentage increase and decrease. Table for depreciating a Ferrari over 5+ years. (10/2/14) Second worksheet added with similar compound interest example.
I can statements - Y5 to Y8 maths

I can statements - Y5 to Y8 maths

A set of self-assessment statements with three 'levels' (effectively 'little idea', 'getting there' and 'pretty confident'). Based on the ISEB Common Entrance syllabus for maths but, as this is aligned to the National Curriculum, it should be broadly applicable. The order of the statements reflects my scheme of work, but of course they can be moved around. I intend to cut them up and paste as a booklet. For Y7 & Y8 there are two levels, reflecting the fact that CE 13+ has two (main) levels. These might be seen somewhat as early 'foundation' and 'higher'. There is a need to consider teacher (peer?) validation of self assessments. I will probably ask classes to complete at the end of a unit, perhaps dating their selection. I may initial in the margin if I agree they have reached a reasonable level of mastery. I may also ask for an initial tick before they start a unit.
KS3 Maths: Translations race track

KS3 Maths: Translations race track

Simple intro to translations. Describe movement of car around track using translations. Draw own track and do the same. Promethean flipcharts (old and new versions) and worksheet.