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Nazi Treatment of Jews during WWII (Three lessons)
These lessons are about Nazi Treatment of Jews during WWII. All of them have activities in common as I have used them for different groups and was catching up on the topic information with some of them, thus I have enclosed all three of them. In-between the three of them, they include a set of my standard activities, such as settler, starter (exam question with success criteria, model answer, explanation on how to assess the answer, peer/self assessment, SPAG control slides), information research task (see appropriate handout) and some fun activities for revision of information.
Revision on the Nazi Social policies volume 2 / Nazi Control / Persecution
These are revision materials poor to the assessment in the Nazi Social policies, Nazi Control, Persecution and Antisemitism. The vast majority of slides provide general information for the students to remember and revise certain topics that are likely to appear in exam. The lesson includes settler, starter (cross one out activity), information slides and revision activity (revision handouts attached in the end, one from BBC Bitesize website (Antisemitism), another one fro the official revision guide for the course). I also attach another file (Activity) which includes another settler and an exam question example.
Early War Years (1939-1941) in Nazi Germany
This lesson is about the life in Nazi Germany in the beginning of the WWII. It includes a settler, an example of how a student's book should look like, a starter (exam question task with a model answer, success criteria, an explanation on how to assess the peer's answer, a peer assessment slide and SPAG control slide), learning outcomes slide, an introduction slide on the WWII, information research task (based on the revision guide page included in this resource), oracy activity and a plenary asking students to explain which social group they would like to belong to in the Nazi Germany.
Opposition to the Nazi Rule: Civilians
This lesson is about opposition to the Nazi rule from civilians. The lesson includes a settler, example of how a perfect student's book should look like, a starter (students have to guess which event is represented by each picture), All Read/Write Robin task (information research based on the revision guide handout provided in this resource), ask a question slide (followed by the question starters' slide), oracy leader task and keyword revision.
Please note that the handout is taken from the WJEC GCSE History revision book.
Homework Nazi Germany: Exam questions
These are homework materials that I have prepared to assess the knowledge of my students on the topic of Nazi Germany. They are created out of past exam papers, exam-like questions out of my head / book and some internet research. They were designed to gradually train them on how to correctly answer the questions and made it simple for me to check as in some case I just had to circle the missing point!
1. Active Citizenship
This lesson was prepared for the year 11 Citizenship students (AQA full course). This lesson is on the topic of Active Citizenship. It includes settler, starter, learning objectives/keywords introduction slide, a quick 'Find Fours' activity to revise some keywords/ key groups, the slide with information on the tactics of pressure group campaigns (methods), a match-up activity to revise some keywords and exam practice materials. The latter is an example of a part B question with a model answer and success criteria, followed up by the self-assessment slide. The presentation ends with a cartoon for a plenary discussion.
Homework/ Worksheets for AQA Citizenship course
These are the homework / classwork worksheets that I have prepared for my GCSE Citizenship class. They are easy to assess / mark and are prepared on the basis of official course book and revision guide.
2. Suffragettes (AQA Cit)
This lesson was prepared for the year 11 Citizenship students (AQA full course). This lesson is on the topic of Active Citizenship as Suffragettes was one of the pressure groups (examiners quite like it as well). It includes settler, starter, learning objectives/keywords introduction slide, an example of a part B question with a model answer and success criteria, followed up by the self-assessment slide (exam question is the same as in the previous lesson on Active Citizenship), a quick activity to revise keywords (unscramble-type), a slide about the suffragettes related to the video (link included) followed by the mini-plenary in respect of the latter. The presentation ends with a cartoon for a plenary discussion which is again the same as in previous lesson.
3. Rights and Responsibilities in the workplace revision 2016
This lesson was prepared for the year 11 Citizenship students (AQA full course). This lesson is on the topic of Rights and Responsibilities in the workplace. It includes settler, starter, learning objectives/keywords introduction slide, a keywords match-up activity, a 'complete a table' activity on the topic, followed by the answers provided (and there is the possibility to introduce discussion / red pen activity!), some information on discrimination at work and the groups that are usually / might be discriminates (SMSC emphasis) and some exam practice on the questions of the Part B with success criteria, model answers and self-assessment. The presentation ends with a cartoon for a plenary discussion.
Opposition to the Nazi rule from the army
This lesson is about opposition to the Nazi rule from the army. The lesson includes a settler, example of how a perfect student's book should look like, a starter (exam question with a model answer, success criteria, an explanation of how to assess the answer of the peer, peer-assessment, SPAG stop slides), information research task with a diagram on the July Plot and Make your own Quiz Quiz trade task.
Please note that the handout includes a print-out from the WJEC GCSE History revision book.
4. Fairness, Justice and Law
This lesson was prepared for the year 11 Citizenship students (AQA full course). This lesson is on the topic of Fairness, Justice and Law: Human rights in UK. It includes settler, starter, learning objectives/keywords introduction slide, a quick match-up activity to revise some keywords, the slide with information on the Human Rights Act 1998, some activities for discussion of the latter (I especially like the activity where they have to guess the rights!) and exam practice materials. The latter is an example of a part B question (4 c) with a model answer and success criteria, followed up by the self-assessment slide. The presentation ends with a cartoon for a plenary discussion.
5. Roles of Parliament and Government
This lesson was prepared for the year 11 Citizenship students (AQA full course). This lesson is on the topic of Roles of Parliament and Government. It includes settler, starter, learning objectives/keywords introduction slide, a keywords quiz, some key information and call for discussion on the roles of the governing system in UK (Parliament-Monarch), a short quiz to check the understanding of information presented, some information and Round Robin activity on the Government in UK, Keywords Challenge slide (to revise the keywords!), and some exam practice on the questions of the Part B (4 a and 4 b) with success criteria, model answers and self-assessment. The presentation ends with a cartoon for a plenary discussion.
KS3 - 3 lessons on Christianity + assessment
Three lessons for KS3 RE (I had used them for year ) on Christianity. We tried to do something different from what they had on Christianity a year before. Therefore, the lessons are related to the topics of prayer, nature of God and church. All of the lessons have starters, settlers, kagan-type activities and a writing exercise to practise PEE with self/peer-assessment. I have also prepared an assessment based on these lessons.
KS3 -Islam: Halal / Haram, Mosque and Qu'ran
These are three lessons on Islam that I have prepared for the KS3 RE class. They all include settlers, starters, lesson objectives, keywords, Kagan-type activities featuring SMSC. Enjoy!
Nazi Germany (WJEC History) Lessons Bundle 2
This is the second bundle of 13 lessons I have prepared for years 10 and 11 GCSE history, WJEC. They all include settlers, starters, Kagan-type activities, videos and exam practice questions (the question, success criteria, model answer and peer/self- assessment included). I have also included homework and assessment materials.
AQA GCSE Citizenship Bundle
This is a bundle of several revision lessons and Controlled Assessment materials for the AQA Citizenship GCSE Class. They all include settlers, starters, Kagan-type activities and exam practice questions (the question, success criteria, model answer and peer/self- assessment included). I have also included homework materials.
Revision activities for the Nazi Germany (Social Policies)
These are two lessons and an exam question handout that I have created to revise the social policies introduced by Hitler. The lessons orient on revising main information of this part of the topic and on practising completing exam questions (WJEC). I include the handout I have prepared for them to practice at home and to know what to pay attention to when answering each question (except for the 3 sources question).
Nazi Control: Propaganda and persuasion
These are two lessons on the other two types of control in the Nazi State: Propaganda and Persuasion. The Propaganda lesson includes a settler, a starter (modified exam question presentation technique that I started using from that lesson onwards), a model answer with success criteria, SPAG control slide, Keyword revision, All Read Round Robin slide to be completed together with the information worksheet attached, and an Oracy task based on Adolf Hitler's quote. The Persuasion lesson is rather short and includes all usual parts of the lesson (settler, starter, etc) and has a team challenge task in it. However, I did not manage to finish the Propaganda lesson initially so the end is exactly the same.
Nazi Racial Policy / Antisemitism
This lesson introduces the Nazi Racial policy and touches upon Antisemitism. It includes settler, starter, an example of how an exercise book is supposed to look like (a picture taken from the A* student's book), exam question with a model answer and success criteria, a slide showing how to justify the grade when self-assessing your answer (with a self-assessment slide), Learning outcomes, a slide introducing discussion of the racial policy in the propaganda posters (with some keywords), information research task (I enclosed the information sheet taken from the BBC Bitesize website), Oracy leader task based on the Hitler's quote and a recap activity on the asking students to put the events of the Hitler's rise to power in chronological order.
Persecution in Nazi Germany
This lesson is about Persecution in Nazi Germany. It includes a settler, an example of how students' exercise book is supposed to look like, a starter (scrabble task), learning outcomes slide, 'Make your own Quiz quiz trade' task (song above is taken from youtube and is used as a background why the students are completing the task), oral task to compare Aryan and Jewish families, Oracy leader task based on the quote by Adolf Hitler and a Think Pair Share slide in regard to the persecution of minorities.