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This product contains 4 different letter size Welcome posters
SPANISH Classroom Decoration Star Birthday Posters and Certificates
This product contains 1 full letter size poster plus 12 individual month by month ( mes a mes) letter size posters plus 1 Feliz cumpleaños Banner plus 4 feliz cumpleaños certificates
Phonics Word Family AT Poster
This product contains Word Family At 1 color and BW legal size Poster and 1 color and BW legal size Flash cards page. for your Bulletin Board and Word Wall
Spanish Welcome Banner BIENVENIDOS Classroom Decoration Border
Spanish Welcome Banner Separated into Legal size
posters plus 4 different 6" by 6" name Tags in 4 different colors plus
Bulletin Board Borders
Lion Welcome Banner Classroom Decoration Borders
Welcome Banners Separated into legal size posters plus 4 different 6" by 6" name Tags in 4 different colors Plus Bulletin Board Borders
Tracing Diagonal Lines Workbook
Fine Motor Skills Worksheets
17 pages -Pre- Writing Activities
Tracing Lines Bundle Workbooks
Fine Motor Skills Worksheets
Pre-writing Activities
1. Tracing Vertical Lines Workbook
2. Tracing Horizontal Lines Workbook
3. Tracing Zig - Zag Lines Workbook
4. Tracing Diagonal Lines Workbook
5 Tracing Wavy Lines workbook
6. Tracing Spiral Lines Workbook
7. Tracing Curved Lines Workbook
WIPE AND WRITE CURSIVE Alphabet and Numbers Superhero Theme
This product contains The Alphabet and Numbers 0 to 20
You can Print, laminate and cut out the tracing cards
Practice correct letter formation with a dry-erase marker,
Wipe it off, and ready for the next child to use.
THINK poster
7 Fun Posters for your classroom bulletin board
Fun Poster for your classroom
SPANISH SHAPES ...Figuras geometricas
Spanish shapes
This product contains 6 letter size posters
1. círculo
2. cuadrado
3. óvalo
4. triángulo
5. rombo
6. rectángulo
This Product contains 6 Letter size posters
This product contains
1. Calendar Number cards 2.5" x 2.5"
2. Days of the Week
3. Birthday Certificate
4. Name Desk
5 October calendar letter size
6. Blank october calendar letter size
7. Today is...Yesterday was..Tomorrow will be
8. Happy Halloween letter size poster
9. Blank Halloween Theme letter size poster
This product contains 2 different Posters to encourage your kids to Read
Este producto contiene 2 posters diferentes para motivar a los niños en la lectura
This product contains 7 letter size posters
1. circle
2. square
3. oval
4. triangle
5. rhombus
6. diamond
7. rectangle
English and Spanish Color Posters
Azul - Blue
Rojo - Red
Verde - Green
Amarillo - Yellow
Anaranjado - Orange
Morado - Purple
Rosado - Pink
Marrón - Brown
Gris - Gray
Negro - Black
Blanco - White
This product contains 116 Spanish Alphabet Flash Cards
A : araña - abeja - avión - astronauta
B : ballena - banana - bola - bus
C : carro - conejo - caballo - cometa
CH : chivo - choza - chocolate - chef
D : delfín - diente - dado - dragón
E : escalera - escoba - elefante -estrella
F : flamingo - fuego - foca - frutas
G : gato - gorra - gallo - gallina
H : hilo - hongo - hormiga - helado
I : indio - iglesia - iglú - iguana
J : jamón - jugo - jabón - jirafa
K : koala - kilo - kiwi - karate
L : libro - luna - lápiz - león
LL : lluvia - llanto - llanta - llave
M : mermelada - manzana - media - mono
N : nube - naranja - nido - nariz
Ñ : ñame - ñandú - ñoquis - ñeque
O : oso - oveja - ojo - oreja
P : pulpo - pizza - pera - paraguas
Q : quince - queso - quemar - querer
R : rey - rosa - ratón - robot
S : serrucho - sol - sapo - serpiente
T : tomate - tortuga - taza - taxi
U : uvas - uniforme - uña - unicornio
V : volcán - violín - vestido - vaca
W : Winnie Pooh - Wendy - wafles -Washington
X : xilófono
Y : yegua - yogurt - yema - yo-yo
Z : zapato - zorro - zoológico - zanahoria
Fun Poster For Spanish Class
English Color Posters
This product contains English color Posters
Blue - Red - Green - Yellow
Orange - Purple - Pink - Brown
Gray - Black - White
English Alphabet Flash Cards
This product contains 136 Colorful flashcards
Letter Aa ant - axe -alligator - apron
Letter Bb bird - bat - bed - bell
Letter Cc cow - camel - cup - car
Letter Dd dolphin - doll - dice - dragon
Letter Ee egg - eagle -eel - elephant
Letter Ff fan - fork - foot - fish
Letter Gg goat - gift - gate - guitar
Letter Hh horse - hive - house - hammer
Letter Ii indian - igloo - iron - island
Letter Jj jar - juice - jam - jet
Letter Kk koala - king - kite - key
Letter Ll lion - lock - lamp - log
Letter Mm mouse - moon - mop - milk
Letter Nn nurse - net - nest - nose
Letter Oo owl - octopus - orange - onion
Letter Pp pencil - pizza - pear - pig
Letter Qq queen - quilt - quail - quarter
Letter Rr rabbit - rose - ring - robot
Letter Ss saw - sun - seal - snake
Letter Tt Turtle - tomato - top - tent
Letter Uu umbrella - uniform - umpire - unicorn
Letter Vv volcano - violin - vase - van
Letter Ww wheel - wagon - whale - worm
Letter Xx x-ray - xylophono
Letter Yy yo-yo - yogurt - yolk - yarn
Letter Zz zebra - zipper - zoo - zigzag
and more....
ch cherry - chair - cheese - church - chick - chef - chocolate - chalk
sh shark - shell - ship - sheep - shoe - shovel - shadow - shirt
th thief - thermo - thread - throne - three - thorn - thumb - thunder
wh whale - wheel - whisker - whistle - wheat- wheelchair - whisk - white